關于興趣愛好常用口語句子 來自英語口語8000句 00:00 02:25
◎你有什么愛好?What are your hobbies?
I play golf. (我的愛好是打高爾夫球。)
◎你有點什么愛好嗎?Do you have any hobbies?
◎業(yè)余時間你都干什么?What do you do when you have free time?
Nothing much. (不干什么。)
◎我喜歡看電影。I like to watch movies.
= I enjoy watching movies.
◎你喜歡看什么樣的電影?What kind of movies do you like?
Any kind. (什么都愛看。)
◎你的鋼琴彈得真好。You're a good pianist.
= You play the piano well.
◎你喜歡哪種運動?What kind of sports do you like?
◎你滑了多長時間雪了?How long have you been skiing?
◎我只是喜歡看。I just like to watch.
Do you play baseball? (你打棒球嗎?)
= No, I just like to watch. (不,我只是喜歡看。)
= I only watch.
◎我是棒球迷。I'm a baseball fan.
= I'm a fan of baseball.
◎我喜歡打高爾夫球。I like to play golf.
◎你練習過健美操嗎?Have you ever done aerobics?
No way. (怎么可能!)
= Have you done aerobics before?
◎你對什么感興趣?What are your interests?
*interest “愛好”、“關心的事”。
I'm interested in art. (我對美術感興趣。)
= What are your interested in?
= What kind of things are you interested in?
= What do you like?
◎我從沒做過。I've never done that.
= I've never done that before.
= That was the first time for me. (我可是頭一次。)
◎你去國外旅行過嗎?Have you ever traveled abroad?
Yes, twice. (是的,去過兩次。)
= Have you been overseas? (你去國外旅行過嗎?)
◎你去哪兒了?Where have you been?
◎我去美國和德國了。I've been to the U.S. and Germany.
◎下次你想去哪兒?Where do you want to go next?
No place particular. (沒有什么特別的地方。)