Architects: WOW Architects
Location: Singapore
Architect In Charge: James Tan
Design Team: Fernando Velho, Prabhu Sugumar, Christopher Lee Liang Neng, Yvonne Yung
Year: 2012
Photographs: Aaron Pocock, C3M Studio
WOW Architects | Warner Wong Design was selected over four shortlisted firms in acompetition to design and build the first-ever Pavilion for Singapore’s Archifest 2012. The“Wonder|Wall” is a zero waste pavilion that reuses materials in a new way to extraordinaryfunctions and delight thus engaging and inspiring the hearts and minds of all to Rethink Singapore”.
Specificity Of The Site
The design of the pavilion was a response to the duality of the site. On the one hand, FortCanning, once know as the “Forbidden Hill” still retains its quiet, reposeful and almost mythicalcharacter. Directly opposite is Clarke Quay, vibrant and bustling with people and activities. Inbewteenis the Foothills that once was a hive for social activities with the public swimming pooland the National Theatre.The proposed pavilion seeks to embody the duality between the two realms, with itspermeable skin. The undulating web inspires curiosity and amazement as well. At certainangles, the membrane looks almost solid like a wall, and when one moves along Wonder|Wall,a “moire” effect is created due to the double cladding around the structure. When viewed onthe perpendicular, the membrane seems totally transparent and merges with the surroundingbuildings and landscape.
Zero Waste, Buildability and After Life
The zero waste and buildability strategy was developed around two highly rapid deployableand re-useable systems. The first is the main structure, composed of box-truss systemsdeveloped for the Formula One Night race and the National Day Parade. The second is apolymer mesh developed for slope control that has unique attributes that enhance theusability and interaction of the space, the membrane and its landscape system can be reutilizedaround Fort Canning for slope and erosion control. Our zero waste strategy consideredtime, materials, cost and the afterlife of the elements.
The box-truss system, including the rooftakes a maximum of approximately 7 days to delpoy. The membrane takes a maximum ofapproximately 3 days to install. Overall time frame to complete Wonder|Wall erection wouldbe 10-15 days.The cellular membrane once taken down can be re-used for the following:- Fort Canning Hill’s other areas that require slope protection and stabilization.- Donate to a nearby country whose village / farmland has been affected by soil erosion fromslopes.- The steel box-truss once taken down will be re-used in other commercial events along withthe future National Day parades.
Architecture as Program – Engaging the Public
Normally used as a subterranean soil control technology, the membrane is given a new use asa vertical surface onto which to project, insert, interact and engage with the public. Seminarson Pop Up Farming, and Zero Waste Strategies can be conducted using the Versiwebmembrane as a display surface. The cellular nature of the mesh system also forms “pockets” ofintimate space or crenellations in which seeds of thought are propagated and nurtured.