// AudioSink: abstraction layer for audio output
class AudioSink : public RefBase
typedef void (*AudioCallback)(AudioSink *audioSink, void *buffer, size_t size, void *cookie);
virtual ~AudioSink() {} //析構函數一般為虛函數
virtual bool ready() const = 0; // audio output is open and ready
virtual bool realtime() const = 0; // audio output is real-time output
virtual ssize_t bufferSize() const = 0;
virtual ssize_t frameCount() const = 0;
virtual ssize_t channelCount() const = 0;
virtual ssize_t frameSize() const = 0;
virtual uint32_t latency() const = 0;
virtual float msecsPerFrame() const = 0;
// If no callback is specified, use the "write" API below to submit
// audio data. Otherwise return a full buffer of audio data on each
// callback. 播放音樂的兩種方式,一個是write輸出
virtual status_t open(uint32_t sampleRate, int channelCount,int format=AudioSystem::PCM_16_BIT,int bufferCount=DEFAULT_AUDIOSINK_BUFFERCOUNT,AudioCallback cb = NULL,void *cookie = NULL) = 0;
virtual void start() = 0;
virtual ssize_t write(const void* buffer, size_t size) = 0;
virtual void stop() = 0;
virtual void flush() = 0;
virtual void pause() = 0;
virtual void close() = 0;};
MediaPlayerBase() : mCookie(0), mNotify(0) {}
virtual ~MediaPlayerBase() {}
virtual status_t initCheck() = 0; //初始化檢查
virtual bool hardwareOutput() = 0; //是否直接音頻硬件輸出 或者使用audioFlinger
virtual status_t setDataSource(const char *url) = 0; //通過字符串設置播放源
virtual status_t setDataSource(int fd, int64_t offset, int64_t length) = 0;//通過文件句柄和偏移量來設置
virtual status_t setVideoSurface(const sp& surface) = 0;//設置我們視頻輸出的surfacevirtual status_t prepare() = 0;
virtual status_t prepareAsync() = 0; //異步準備,這個準備是可以直接返回,準備好了通過消息機制回調上層,這個接口是為了兼容那些網絡媒體文件,準備時間比較長
virtual status_t start() = 0; //開始播放
virtual status_t stop() = 0;//停止播放
virtual status_t pause() = 0;//暫停
virtual bool isPlaying() = 0; //是否在播放
virtual status_t seekTo(int msec) = 0;//跳轉
virtual status_t getCurrentPosition(int *msec) = 0;//獲得當期位置
virtual status_t getDuration(int *msec) = 0;//獲得總長度
virtual status_t reset() = 0;//重置
virtual status_t setLooping(int loop) = 0; //設置循環(huán)
virtual player_type playerType() = 0; //播放類型 應該是2.1新加函數
virtual void setNotifyCallback(void* cookie, notify_callback_f notifyFunc) {mCookie = cookie; mNotify = notifyFunc; }//回調函數
// Invoke a generic method on the player by using opaque parcels
// for the request and reply. 通過不透明的包裹調用播放器的通用方法//
// @param request Parcel that is positioned at the start of the
// data sent by the java layer.
// @param[out] reply Parcel to hold the reply data. Cannot be null.
// @return OK if the call was successful.
virtual status_t invoke(const Parcel& request, Parcel *reply) = 0;
// The Client in the MetadataPlayerService calls this method on
// the native player to retrieve all or a subset of metadata.//
// @param ids SortedList of metadata ID to be fetch. If empty, all
// the known metadata should be returned.
// @param[inout] records Parcel where the player appends its metadata.
// @return OK if the call was successful.
virtual status_t getMetadata(constmedia::Metadata::Filter& ids, Parcel *records) { returnINVALID_OPERATION; };
virtual voidsendEvent(int msg, int ext1=0, int ext2=0) { if (mNotify)mNotify(mCookie, msg, ext1, ext2); }
void* mCookie; notify_callback_fmNotify; }
首先簡單的說明幾個概念,opencore下面會有很多的編解碼方式,文件的播放流程類似于DShow的流水線,讀取 解碼顯示等幾個不同的模塊,每一個模塊都稱為node,播放之前,有一個文件類型識別的子模塊,識別之后才能搭建整個流水線。
class PVPlayer : public MediaPlayerInterface
virtual ~PVPlayer();
virtual status_t initCheck();
virtual status_t setDataSource(const char *url);
virtual status_tsetDataSource(int fd, int64_t offset, int64_t length);
virtual status_tsetVideoSurface(const sp& surface);
virtual status_t prepare();
virtual status_t prepareAsync();
virtual status_t start();
virtualstatus_t stop();
virtual status_t pause();
virtual bool isPlaying();
virtual status_t seekTo(int msec);
virtual status_tgetCurrentPosition(int *msec);
virtual status_t getDuration(int *msec);
virtual status_t reset();
virtual status_t setLooping(int loop);
virtual player_type playerType() { return PV_PLAYER; }
virtual status_tinvoke(const Parcel& request, Parcel *reply);
virtual status_tgetMetadata( const SortedVector& ids, Parcel *records); // makeavailable to PlayerDriver
void sendEvent(int msg, int ext1=0, intext2=0) { MediaPlayerBase::sendEvent(msg, ext1, ext2); }
//上面的函數都不用看,我們主要看看它有這樣的 幾個私有的靜態(tài)函數
static voiddo_nothing(status_t s, void *cookie, bool cancelled) { } //真的什么都沒有做
static void run_init(status_t s, void *cookie, bool cancelled);
staticvoid run_set_video_surface(status_t s, void *cookie, bool cancelled);
static void run_set_audio_output(status_t s, void *cookie, boolcancelled);
static void run_prepare(status_t s, void *cookie, boolcancelled);
static void check_for_live_streaming(status_t s, void*cookie, bool cancelled);
//注意下面的幾個東東 PlayerDriver* mPlayerDriver;
//這個是一個中間機制很重要,維護著一個消息隊列,后面會講述 char * mDataSourcePath;
//記錄著播放的源 boolmIsDataSourceSet; //這個不是很清楚 下面見到再說 sp mSurface;
int mSharedFd;
status_t mInit;
int mDuration;
static volatile int32_t sNumInstances;
#endif };
voidPVPlayer::run_init(status_t s, void *cookie, bool cancelled)
LOGV("run_init s=%d, cancelled=%d", s, cancelled);
if (s == NO_ERROR&& !cancelled)
PVPlayer *p = (PVPlayer*)cookie;
p->mPlayerDriver->enqueueCommand(newPlayerInit(run_set_video_surface, cookie));
voidPVPlayer::run_set_video_surface(status_t s, void *cookie, boolcancelled)
LOGV("run_set_video_surface s=%d, cancelled=%d", s,cancelled);
if (s == NO_ERROR && !cancelled)
// If we don'thave a video surface, just skip to the next step.
PVPlayer *p =(PVPlayer*)cookie;
if (p->mSurface == NULL)
run_set_audio_output(s, cookie, false);
} else {
p->mPlayerDriver->enqueueCommand(new PlayerSetVideoSurface(p->mSurface,run_set_audio_output, cookie));
void PVPlayer::run_set_audio_output(status_t s, void *cookie, boolcancelled)
LOGV("run_set_audio_output s=%d, cancelled=%d", s,cancelled);
if (s == NO_ERROR && !cancelled)
PVPlayer *p =(PVPlayer*)cookie;
p->mPlayerDriver->enqueueCommand(newPlayerSetAudioSink(p->mAudioSink, run_prepare, cookie));
voidPVPlayer::run_prepare(status_t s, void *cookie, bool cancelled)
LOGV("run_prepare s=%d, cancelled=%d", s, cancelled);
if (s == NO_ERROR&& !cancelled)
PVPlayer *p = (PVPlayer*)cookie;
p->mPlayerDriver->enqueueCommand(newPlayerPrepare(check_for_live_streaming, cookie));
voidPVPlayer::check_for_live_streaming(status_t s, void *cookie, boolcancelled)
LOGV("check_for_live_streaming s=%d, cancelled=%d", s,cancelled);
if (s == NO_ERROR && !cancelled)
PVPlayer *p =(PVPlayer*)cookie;
if ( (p->mPlayerDriver->getFormatType() ==PVMF_MIME_DATA_SOURCE_RTSP_URL) ||(p->mPlayerDriver->getFormatType() ==PVMF_MIME_DATA_SOURCE_MS_HTTP_STREAMING_URL) )
p->mPlayerDriver->enqueueCommand(new PlayerCheckLiveStreaming(do_nothing, NULL));
status_tPVPlayer::prepareAsync() {
status_t ret = OK;
// If data source has NOT been set.
// Set ourdata source as cached in setDataSource() above.
LOGV(" data source =%s", mDataSourcePath);
ret = mPlayerDriver->enqueueCommand(newPlayerSetDataSource(mDataSourcePath,run_init,this));
mIsDataSourceSet =true;
} else {
// If data source has been already set.
// No need torun a sequence of commands.
// The only code needed to run isPLAYER_PREPARE.
ret =mPlayerDriver->enqueueCommand(newPlayerPrepare(check_for_live_streaming, this));
return ret;
初始化音頻設備和視頻設備只能調用一次,后面的prepare 和 live_stream可以多次的調用。
PVPlayer::PVPlayer() {
LOGV("PVPlayer constructor");
mDataSourcePath = NULL;
mSharedFd = -1;
mIsDataSourceSet = false;
mDuration = -1;
mPlayerDriver = NULL;//連這個都是空的 消息隊列線程都不存在
#ifdef MAX_OPENCORE_INSTANCES//如果有最大實例的限制,那么在構造的時候就會有一個判斷,然后將mInit 設置為繁忙
if(android_atomic_inc(&sNumInstances) >= MAX_OPENCORE_INSTANCES) {
LOGW("Exceeds maximum number of OpenCore instances");
mInit = -EBUSY;return;
LOGV("construct PlayerDriver");
mPlayerDriver = new PlayerDriver(this);
PlayerSetup* setup= new PlayerSetup(0,0);
mInit =mPlayerDriver->enqueueCommand(setup);
if (mInit == NO_INIT) { deletesetup; }
//Setup之后調用這個函數 看是否初始化成功 這個函數在opencore中不重要
status_t PVPlayer::initCheck() { return mInit; }
PVPlayer::~PVPlayer() {
if (mPlayerDriver != NULL) {
PlayerQuit quit =PlayerQuit(0,0);
// willwait on mSyncSem, signaled by player thread
if (mSharedFd >= 0) { close(mSharedFd); }
status_tPVPlayer::setDataSource(const char *url) {
LOGV("setDataSource(%s)", url);
if (mSharedFd >= 0) {close(mSharedFd); mSharedFd = -1; }
mDataSourcePath = NULL;
// Don't let somebody trick us in to readingsome random block of memory
if (strncmp("sharedfd://", url, 11) == 0)
return android::UNKNOWN_ERROR;
mDataSourcePath = strdup(url);
status_t PVPlayer::setDataSource(int fd, int64_t offset, int64_tlength) {
// This is all a big hack to allow PV to play from a filedescriptor.
// Eventually we'll fix PV to use a file descriptordirectly instead
// of using mmap().
LOGV("setDataSource(%d, %lld,%lld)", fd, offset, length);
if (mSharedFd >= 0) { close(mSharedFd);mSharedFd = -1; }
mDataSourcePath = NULL;
mSharedFd = dup(fd);
sprintf(buf, "sharedfd://%d:%lld:%lld",mSharedFd, offset, length);
mDataSourcePath = strdup(buf);
return OK;
status_t PVPlayer::setVideoSurface(const sp& surface) {
LOGV("setVideoSurface(%p)", surface.get()); mSurface = surface;
status_tPVPlayer::prepare() {
status_t ret;
// We need to differentiate the twovalid use cases for prepare():
// 1. newPVPlayer/reset()->setDataSource()->prepare()
// 2. newPVPlayer/reset()->setDataSource()->prepare()/prepareAsync()
// If data source hasalready been set previously, no need to run
// a sequence of commandsand only the PLAYER_PREPARE code needs
// to be run.
//首先我們的視頻源有沒有被初始化過,如果沒有這個時候就要初始化,注意這個時候Cmmand的callback參數為空,表示這個調用是阻塞的。因為我們的prepare本身就是阻塞的。 if (!mIsDataSourceSet) {
// set data source
LOGV(" data source = %s", mDataSourcePath);
ret =mPlayerDriver->enqueueCommand(newPlayerSetDataSource(mDataSourcePath,0,0));
//這里等到消息處理之后再返回 阻塞
if (ret !=OK)
return ret;
// init
LOGV(" init");
ret =mPlayerDriver->enqueueCommand(new PlayerInit(0,0));
//同樣 有一個阻塞調用
if(ret != OK)
return ret;
// set video surface, if there is one
if(mSurface != NULL) {
LOGV(" set video surface");
ret =mPlayerDriver->enqueueCommand(newPlayerSetVideoSurface(mSurface,0,0));
if (ret != OK) return ret;
//set audio output
// If we ever need to expose selectable audio outputsetup, this can be broken
// out. In the meantime, however, systemaudio routing APIs should suffice.
LOGV(" set audio sink");
ret = mPlayerDriver->enqueueCommand(newPlayerSetAudioSink(mAudioSink,0,0));
if (ret != OK)
return ret;
// Newdata source has been set successfully.
mIsDataSourceSet = true;
//prepare 最后一個是非阻塞,無論PlayerPrepare有沒有處理,我們這個函數都返回
LOGV(" prepare");
return mPlayerDriver->enqueueCommand(newPlayerPrepare(check_for_live_streaming, this));
然后使一些播放的控制接口startstop pause,這里這些函數不是很難,簡單的省略。
status_t PVPlayer::start() {
return mPlayerDriver->enqueueCommand(newPlayerStart(0,0));
status_t PVPlayer::stop() {
returnmPlayerDriver->enqueueCommand(new PlayerStop(0,0));
status_tPVPlayer::pause() {
returnmPlayerDriver->enqueueCommand(new PlayerPause(0,0));
boolPVPlayer::isPlaying() {
int status = 0;
if(mPlayerDriver->enqueueCommand(new PlayerGetStatus(&status,0,0))== NO_ERROR)
{ return (status == PVP_STATE_STARTED); }
return false;
status_t PVPlayer::getCurrentPosition(int *msec) {
returnmPlayerDriver->enqueueCommand(new PlayerGetPosition(msec,0,0));
status_t PVPlayer::getDuration(int *msec) {
status_t ret =mPlayerDriver->enqueueCommand(new PlayerGetDuration(msec,0,0));
if(ret == NO_ERROR) mDuration = *msec;
return ret;
status_t PVPlayer::seekTo(int msec) {
LOGV("seekTo(%d)", msec);
// can't always seek to end of streams - sowe fudge a little
if ((msec == mDuration) && (mDuration >0)) {
LOGV("Seek adjusted 1 msec from end");
returnmPlayerDriver->enqueueCommand(new PlayerSeek(msec,do_nothing,0));
播放器重置: //阻塞的調用
status_t PVPlayer::reset() {
status_t ret= mPlayerDriver->enqueueCommand(new PlayerCancelAllCommands(0,0));
// Log failure from CancelAllCommands() and call Reset() regardless.
if(ret != NO_ERROR) {
LOGE("failed to cancel all exiting PV player enginecommands with error code (%d)", ret);
ret =mPlayerDriver->enqueueCommand(new PlayerReset(0,0));
// We shouldnever fail in Reset(), but logs the failure just in case.
if (ret !=NO_ERROR) {
LOGE("failed to reset PV player engine with error code(%d)", ret);
} else {
ret = mPlayerDriver->enqueueCommand(newPlayerRemoveDataSource(0,0));
LOGV("unmap file");
if (mSharedFd >= 0) { close(mSharedFd); mSharedFd = -1; }
mIsDataSourceSet = false; return ret;