oday 壓縮文件解壓工具------python版
python 2007-04-04 14:03:39 閱讀76 評論 字號:大中小 訂閱
原來使用batch來調(diào)用WinRAR,解壓oday 壓縮文件,總是有些問題。后來學(xué)習(xí)python,就將程序改了一下,修正一些bug。
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
# demo of the usage of python
"""Test code
Suggested usage: import MyUnrar
__decription__ = "Batch Unrar Kit"
__version__ = "0.1"
__date__ = " Mar.28th.2007"
__author__ = "hu <huys03@gmail.com> "
__license__ = "Licensed under the GPLv2, see the file LICENSE in this tarball."
__copyright__= "Copyright (C) 2007 by hu <huys03@gmail.com>."
from time import sleep
import string
import os
from os.path import join, getsize, abspath, exists, splitext
__WinRAR__="C:\\Program Files\\WinRAR\\WinRAR.exe"
exec_rar= '\"'+__WinRAR__ + '\"'
urar_chm =""" IF EXIST *.rar """ + exec_rar +""" e -o- -y *.rar *.chm """
urar_pdf = """IF EXIST *.rar """ + exec_rar + """ e -o- -y *.rar *.pdf"""
class MyUnrar:
def __init__ (self, path=os.getcwd()):
self.path = path
self.count = 0
def checkRAR(self):
if exists(__WinRAR__):
print "WinRAR is OK!"
print "WinRAR is not there!"
def unrar(self):
print self.count
for f in os.listdir( self.path ) :
(filename, ext) = splitext(f)
if ext.lower() == ".zip":
command =exec_rar + ' e -o- -y ' + f + ' *.r*'
os.system( command )
if ext.lower() == ".rar":
os.system( urar_chm )
os.system( urar_pdf )
self.count = self.count + 1
def unrar(self, path):
print self.count
for f in os.listdir( path ) :
(filename, ext) = splitext(f)
if ext.lower() == ".zip":
command =exec_rar +' e -o- -y ' + path + '\\' + f + ' *.r*'
# print command
os.system( command )
if ext.lower() == ".rar":
os.system( urar_chm )
os.system( urar_pdf )
self.count = self.count + 1
def deleteRAR(self):
for f in os.listdir( self.path ) :
(filename, ext) = splitext(f)
if ext.lower().find(".r") != -1:
def run(self):
print "==============================="
print __decription__
print 'version:', __version__
print __license__
print __copyright__
print "==============================="
for root, dirs, files in os.walk( self.path ):
for name in dirs:
fullpath = join(root, name)
print fullpath
os.system( urar_chm )
os.system( urar_pdf )
if __name__=="__main__":
ur = MyUnrar()