Windows Mobile Version 5.0 SDK |
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The following table shows the new topics in the July documentation release for the Windows Mobile Version 5.0 Software Development Kit (SDK). Please provide feedback by using the Send Feedback link included in the topics.
Topic | Description |
Best Practices for Developing Windows Mobile Applications |
Bluetooth (New content) |
Code Samples | Enhanced documentation for code samples included with the SDK in the following ways:
Configuration Service Providers |
Creating Windows Mobile Applications | Added the following new topics:
Deploying Windows Mobile Applications | Added the following new topics:
Fonts Application Development for Windows Mobile-based Devices | New topics about using Fonts functionality in application development. |
Functions for Pocket PC Phone Edition | List of functions that are specific to the Windows Mobile-based Pocket PC Phone Edition and not in the Pocket PC Standard or Pocket PC Premium |
Functions for Pocket PC Premium and Pocket PC Phone Edition | List of functions that are specific to the Windows Mobile-based Pocket PC Premium and Phone Editions and not in Pocket PC Standard Edition |
High DPI Display | Added new topics in the following areas:
International Application Development for Windows Mobile-based Devices | New topics about designing an International Application.
Messaging Application Development for Windows Mobile-based Devices | Added a host of new messaging conceptual topics.
Microsoft Standards for Provisioning Windows Mobile-Based Devices | Added the APPLICATION Characteristic Features topics that list the Wireless Application Protocol provisioning standards that were used as guidelines for Windows Mobile Version 5.0 provisioning. The following new subtopics were added:
Migrating and Porting Applications | The following topics have been completely revised:
QVGA Home Screen (SP Only) | Provides details about the supported QVGA screen sizes. |
Security for Windows Mobile-based Devices | Added the following new topics:
Shell and User Interface |
SKU Matrix for Windows Mobile Version 5.0 | Matrix for list of supported features for the different SKUs. |
Speaker-Dependent Speech Support | New topics on speaker-dependent speech support for Smartphones and Pocket PCs |
Window and Control Styles | Documents the supported window, message box, and control styles. |