Android Recovery模式 (muddogxp 原創(chuàng),轉(zhuǎn)載請注明)
Recovery簡介 Android利用Recovery模式,進行恢復(fù)出廠設(shè)置,OTA升級,patch升級及firmware升級。 升級一般通過運行升級包中的META-INF/com/google/android/update-script腳本來執(zhí)行自定義升級,腳本中是一組recovery系統(tǒng)能識別的UI控制,文件系統(tǒng)操作命令,例如write_raw_image(寫FLASH分區(qū)),copy_dir(復(fù)制目錄)。該包一般被下載至SDCARD和CACHE分區(qū)下。如果對該包內(nèi)容感興趣,可以從下載JF升級包來看看。 升級中還涉及到包的數(shù)字簽名,簽名方式和普通JAR文件簽名差不錯。公鑰會被硬編譯入recovery,編譯時生成在:out/target/product/XX/obj/PACKAGING/ota_keys_inc_intermediates/ G1中的三種啟動模式 MAGIC KEY: -
camera + power:bootloader模式,ADP里則可以使用fastboot模式 -
home + power:recovery模式 -
正常啟動 Bootloader正常啟動,又有三種方式,按照BCB(Bootloader Control Block, 下節(jié)介紹)中的command分類: -
command == 'boot-recovery' → 啟動recovery.img。recovery模式 -
command == 'update-radio/hboot' → 更新firmware(bootloader) -
其他 → 啟動boot.img Recovery涉及到的其他系統(tǒng)及文件 Recovery 工具通過NAND cache分區(qū)上的三個文件和主系統(tǒng)打交道。主系統(tǒng)(包括恢復(fù)出廠設(shè)置和OTA升級)可以寫入recovery所需的命令,讀出recovery過程中的LOG和intent。 -
/cache/recovery/command: recovery命令,由主系統(tǒng)寫入。所有命令如下: -
--send_intent=anystring - write the text out to recovery.intent -
--update_package=root:path - verify install an OTA package file -
--wipe_data - erase user data (and cache), then reboot -
--wipe_cache - wipe cache (but not user data), then reboot -
/cache/recovery/log:recovery過程日志,由主系統(tǒng)讀出 -
/cache/recovery/intent:recovery輸出的intent -
MISC分區(qū)內(nèi)容 Bootloader Control Block (BCB) 存放recovery bootloader message。結(jié)構(gòu)如下: struct bootloader_message { char command[32]; char status[32]; // 未知用途 char recovery[1024]; }; -
command可以有以下兩個值 “boot-recovery”:標(biāo)示recovery正在進行,或指示bootloader應(yīng)該進入recovery mode “update-hboot/radio”:指示bootloader更新firmware -
recovery內(nèi)容 “recovery\n <recovery command>\n <recovery command>” 其中recovery command為CACHE:/recovery/command命令
兩種Recovery Case -
FACTORY RESET(恢復(fù)出廠設(shè)置) -
用戶選擇“恢復(fù)出廠設(shè)置” -
設(shè)置系統(tǒng)將"--wipe_data"命令寫入/cache/recovery/command -
系統(tǒng)重啟,并進入recover模式(/sbin/recovery) -
get_args() 將 "boot-recovery"和"--wipe_data"寫入BCB -
erase_root() 格式化(擦除)DATA分區(qū) -
erase_root() 格式化(擦除)CACHE分區(qū) -
finish_recovery() 擦除BCB -
重啟系統(tǒng) -
升級系統(tǒng)下載 OTA包到/cache/ -
升級系統(tǒng)寫入recovery命令"" -
重啟,并進入recovery模式 -
get_args() 將"boot-recovery" 和 "--update_package=..." 寫入BCB -
install_package() 作升級 -
finish_recovery() 擦除 BCB -
** 如果安裝包失敗 ** prompt_and_wait() 等待用戶操作,選擇ALT+S或ALT+W 升級或恢復(fù)出廠設(shè)置 -
main() 調(diào)用 maybe_install_firmware_update() -
如果包里有hboot/radio的firmware則繼續(xù),否則返回 -
將 "boot-recovery" 和 "--wipe_cache" 寫入BCB -
將 firmware image寫入cache分區(qū) -
將 "update-radio/hboot" 和 "--wipe_cache" 寫入BCB -
重啟系統(tǒng) -
bootloader自身更新firmware -
bootloader 將 "boot-recovery" 寫入BCB -
erase_root() 擦除CACHE分區(qū) -
清除 BCB -
main() 調(diào)用 reboot() 重啟系統(tǒng)
/init → init.rc → /sbin/recovery → main():recovery.c
ui_init():ui.c [UI initialize] -
gr_init():minui/graphics.c [set tty0 to graphic mode, open fb0] -
ev_init():minui/events.c [open /dev/input/event*] -
res_create_surface:minui/resource.c [create surfaces for all bitmaps used later, include icons, bmps] -
create 2 threads: progress/input_thread [create progress show and input event handler thread] -
get_args():recovery.c -
get_bootloader_message():bootloader.c [read mtdblock0(misc partition) 2nd page for commandline] -
check if nand misc partition has boot message. If yes, fill argc/argv. -
If no, get arguments from /cache/recovery/command, and fill argc/argv. -
set_bootloader_message():bootloader.c [set bootloader message back to mtdblock0] -
Parser argv[] filled above -
register_update_commands():commands.c [ register all commands with name and hook function ] -
install_package(): -
translate_root_path():roots.c [ "SYSTEM:lib" and turns it into a string like "/system/lib", translate the path ] -
mzOpenZipArchive():zip.c [ open file (uncompass) ] -
handle_update_package():install.c -
verify_jar_signature():verifier.c [ verify signature with key; verify manifest and zip package archive ] -
verifySignature() [ verify the signature file: CERT.sf/rsa. ] -
digestEntry():verifier.c [ get SHA-1 digest of CERT.sf file ] -
RSA_verify(public, signature:CERT.rsa, CERT.sf's digest):libc/rsa.c [ Verify a 2048 bit RSA PKCS1.5 signature against an expected SHA-1 hash. Use public key to decrypt the CERT.rsa to get original SHA digest, then compare to digest of CERT.sf ] -
verifyManifest() [ Get manifest SHA1-Digest from CERT.sf. Then do digest to MANIFEST.MF. Compare them ] -
verifyArchive() [ verify all the files in with digest listed in MANIFEST.MF ] -
find_update_script():install.c [ find META-INF/com/google/android/update-script updater script ] -
handle_update_script():install.c [ read cmds from script file, and do parser, exec ] -
erase DATA/CACHE partition -
prompt_and_wait():recovery.c [ wait for user input: 1) reboot 2) 3) wipe data ] -
ui_key_xxx get ALT+x keys -
1) do nothing -
2) install_package('') -
3) erase_root() → format_root_device() DATA/CACHE -
may_install_firmware_update():firmware.c [ remember_firmware_update() is called by write_hboot/radio_image command, it stores the bootloader image to CACHE partition, and write update-hboot/radio command to MISC partition for bootloader message to let bootloader update itself after reboot ] -
finish_recovery():recovery.c [ clear the recovery command and prepare to boot a (hopefully working) system, copy our log file to cache as well (for the system to read), and record any intent we were asked to communicate back to the system. ] -
Recovery模式流程圖 以下流程圖繪制了系統(tǒng)從啟動加載bootloader后的行為流程。