Top 100 Tools for Learning 2010
This was the 4th annual survey of learning tools that we have built based on the contributions of learning professionals worldwide. The 2010 list was finalised on 17 October 201o from the contributions of 545 learning professionals worldwide. (Here is the
2010 Best in Breed Tools list)
See the emerging 2011 list |
Contribute to the 2011 list** tools new on the 2010 year | previous years rankings shown in grey
Twitter - microsharing tool 346.5 votes 2009: 1 | 2008: 11 | 2007: 43=
YouTube - video-sharing tool 229.5 votes 2009: 3 | 2008: 18 | 2007: 22=
Google Docs – collaboration suite 214.5 votes 2009: 5 | 2008: 7 | 2007: 14
Delicious - social bookmarking tool 167 votes 2009: 2 | 2008: 1 | 2007: 2
Slideshare - presentation sharing site 151.5 votes 2009: 7 | 2008: 20 | 2007: 31=
Skype - instant messaging/VoIP tool 138 votes 2009: 11= | 2008: 4 | 2007: 3=
Google Reader - RSS reader 134.5 votes 2009: 4 | 2008: 3 | 2007: 7=
WordPress - blogging tool 128.5 votes 2009: 6 | 2008: 5 | 2007: 6
Facebook - social network 105 votes 2009: 31= | 2008: 24 | 2007: 17=
Moodle - course management system 102.5 votes 2009: 14= | 2008: 9 | 2007: 12=
Google Search - search engine 89.5 votes 2009: 8 | 2008: 6 | 2007: 3
Prezi - presentation software 87.5 votes 2009: 28 | 2008: – | 2007: -
Dropbox - file synching software 85 votes 2009: 71= | 2008: – | 2007: -
Blogger - blogging tool 84.5 votes 2009: 14= | 2008: 10 | 2007: 9
diigo - social annotation tool 81 votes 2009: 22= | 2008: 35= | 2007: 72=
Wikipedia - collaborative encyclopaedia 76 votes 2009: 17 | 2008: 13 | 2007: 26=
Jing - screen capture tool 69 votes 2009: 20 | 2008: 26= | 2007: -
Wikispaces - wiki tool 69 votes 2009: 29 | 2008: 19 | 2007: 15
Voicethread - collab slideshows 65 votes 2009: 19 | 2008: 23 | 2007: -
flickr - photo sharing site 62.5 votes 2009: 18 | 2008: 15 | 2007: 16
PowerPoint - presentation software 58 votes 2009: 13 | 2008: 8 | 2007: 5
Wordle - word cloud generator 55.5 votes 2009: 30 | 2008: – | 2007: -
Evernote - note-taking tool 55 votes 2009: 27 | 2008: – | 2007: -
Audacity - sound editor/recorder 51 votes 2009: 9= | 2008: 12 | 2007: 11
(Edu)Glogster – interactive poster tool 49 votes 2009: 55= | 2008: – | 2007: - **
Wallwisher - online noticeboard 47.5 votes 2009: – | 2008: – | 2007: -
Camtasia- screencasting tool 44.5 votes 2009: 26 | 2008: 26= | 2007: 50=
Animoto - videos from images 44 votes 2009: 31= | 2008: – | 2007: -
Firefox + addons - web browswer 42.5 votes 2009: 9= | 2008: 2 | 2007: 1
LinkedIn - prof social network 38 votes 2009: 38= | 2008: 30= | 2007: 31=
Gmail - web-based email service 37.5 votes 2009: 21 | 2008: 14 | 2007: 7=
Ning - private social networking plat 37.5 votes 2009: 11= | 2008: 16 | 2007: 31=
PBWorks - wiki tool 36 votes 2009: 34 | 2008: 35= | 2007: 43=
Google Apps - branded app suite 34.5 votes 2009: 38= | 2008: 68= | 2007: -
Elluminate - web conferencing 34 votes 2009: 43= | 2008: 50= | 2007: 50=
Posterous - blogging software 32.5 votes 2009: 55= | 2008: – | 2007: -
Tweetdeck - Twitter client 31.5 votes 2009: 43= | 2008: – | 2007: -
Adobe Captivate – demo/scenario tool 30.5 votes 2009: 22= | 2008: 27 | 2007: 17=
Google Sites - wiki/website tool 29.5 votes 2009: 71= | 2008: 59= | 2007: - iPhone/iPod Touch and apps 29.5 votes 2009: 31= | 2008: 50= | 2007: 43=
Google Earth - virtual globe 29 votes 2009: 43= | 2008: 40-=| 2007: 40=
Snagit - screen capture tool 27.5 votes 2009: 25 | 2008: 21 | 2007: 26=
Articulate - e-learning software 26 votes 2009: 24 | 2008: 25 | 2007: 22=
Google Chrome - web browser 24.5 votes 2009: 55= | 2008: – | 2007: -
iGoogle - personalised start page 24.5 votes 2009: 16 | 2008: 17 | 2007: 17=
Edmodo - edu social networking site 23 votes 2009: 88 | 2008: – | 2007: -
Picasa - photo organiser 23 votes 2009: 63 | 2008: – | 2007: 57=
Edublogs - educational blogging tool 22.5 votes 2009: 49 | 2008: 59= | 2007: 72=
SurveyMonkey – survey tool 22.5 votes 2009: 88= | 2008: 54= | 2007: -
Etherpad + clones - real-time text collab 21 votes 2009: 71= | 2008: – | 2007: - **
Amplify - content sharing platform 20 votes
iTunes and iTunesU - music/podcast player/site 20 votes 2009: 41= | 2008: 28 | 2007: 26=
Google Calendar - online calendar 19.5 votes 2009: 50= | 2008: 29 | 2007: 36=
Dimdim - web conferencing tool 18 votes 2009: 43=| 2008: – | 2007: - **
Google Wave – real-time conversation 18 votes
Scribd - document sharing tool 18 votes 2009: 71=| 2008: 83= | 2007: 50=
Zotero - collect/manage research 17 votes 2009: – | 2008: 66= | 2007: 72=
Google Maps - online maps 16 votes 2009: 67 | 2008: 34 | 2007: 36=
Screenr - screencasting tool 16 votes 2009: 55= | 2008: – | 2007: -
Word - word processing software 15.5 votes 2009: 36= | 2008: 22 | 2007: 10
Adobe Connect – web meeting software 15 votes 2009: 41= | 2008: 66= | 2007: 72= **
Livebinders - 3-ring binder for the web 15 votes
Netvibes - personal start page 15 votes 2009: 55= | 2008: 37 | 2007: 26=
OpenOffice - office suite 15 votes 2009: 71= | 2008: 41= | 2007: 31= Blogs/blogging tools 14 votes 2009: 36= | 2008: – | 2007: -
Google Scholar – scholarly search 13.5 votes 2009: – | 2008: 42= | 2007: 36= Wikis/wiki tools 13.5 votes 2009: 43= | 2008: – | 2007: -
Blackboard - course management system 13 votes 2009: – | 2008: – | 2007
Yammer - private microsharing platform 13 votes 2009: 71= | 2008: – | 2007: - **
Vimeo- video sharing site 12.5 votes **
Storybird - collaborative storytelling 12 votes **
xtranormal – moving making software 12 votes
Flip – digital camcorder 11.5 votes 2009: 71= | 2008: – | 2007: -
Mindmeister - mindmapping tool 11.5 votes 2009: 88= | 2008: 59= | 2007: - **
Aviary - media creation tools 11 votes **
bitly - URL shortener 11 votes ** – file sharing 11 votes **
Hootsuite - social media dashboard 11 votes
Sharepoint - intranet platform 11 votes 2009: 50= | 2008: – | 2007: - **
Voki- speaking avatar creator 11 votes
Flash - animation authoring 10.5 votes 2009: 38= | 2008: 38= | 2007: 43= **
Photopeach - free slideshows 10.5 votes
Photostory - bring photos to life 10.5 votes
SecondLife - virtual world 10.5 votes 2009: 71= | 2008: 54= | 2007: - ** Android phones and apps 10 votes
Freemind - mindmapping tool 10 votes 2009: 71= | 2008: 54= | 2007: 50=
OneNote - personal information manager 10 votes 2009: – | 2008: 66= | 2007 -
WebEx - web conferencing tool 10 votes 2009: 67= | 2008: – | 2007: -
Bubblus - mindmapping tool 9.5 votes 2009: 55= | 2008: 83 | 2007: -
Basecamp - project management tool 9 votes 2009: 71= | 2008: 66= | 2007: -
Elgg - social platform 9 votes 2009: 53= | 2008: – | 2007: 40=
Keynote - presentation software 9 votes 2009: 48 | 2008: 65= | 2007: 72=
Picnik - photo editing tool 9 votes 2009: 71= | 2008: – | 2007: -
TeacherTube - edu video sharing site 9 votes 2009: 64= | 2008: 80= | 2007: 57=
iMovie - Video editing software 8 votes 2009: 88= | 2008: 66= | 2007: - **
ipadio - phonecast live 8 votes
Outlook - email client 8 votes 2009: 67= | 2008: 38= | 2007: 17= **
Toondoo - comic strip 8 votes
Typepad- blogging tool 8 votes 2009: 88= | 2008: 44= | 2007: 57=
Udutu - collaborative course authoring tool 8 votes 2009: 64= | 2008: – | 2007: - **
Voxopop - talkgroups 8 votes
Wetpaint - wiki tools 8 votes 2009: 50= | 2008: 44= | 2007: -