


I'm so sorry the boys are going

'I'mso sorry the boys are going. It will be dreadfully dull without them.Now cheapkids jordan shoes theyhave stopped teasing and are polite, I really enjoy them,' said Nan,who felt unusually gracious tonight as Tom's mishap kept him fromannoying her.

'Sodo I; andairjordan shoes Bess was mourning about it today, though as a general thing shedoesn't like boys unless they are models of elegance. She has beendoing Dan's head, and it is not quite finished. I never saw her sointerested in any work, and it's very well done. He is so strikingand big he always makes me think of the Dying Gladiator or some ofthose kidsjordan xi antiquecreatures. There's Bess now. Dear child, how sweet she lookstonight!' answered Daisy, waving her hand as the Princess went bywith Grandpa on her arm.

'Inever thought he would turn out so well. Don't you remember how weused to call him "the bad boy" and be sure he would becomea pirate or something awfuluggsale because he glared at us and swore sometimes? Now he is the handsomestof all the boys, and very entertaining with his stories and plans. Ilike him very much; he's so big and strong and independent. I'm tiredof mollycoddles and book-worms,' said Nan in her decided way.

'Nothandsomer that Nat!' cried loyal Daisy, contrasting jordansfor kids twofaces below, one unusually gay, the other sentimentally sober even inthe act of munching cake. 'I like Dan, and am glad he is doing well;but he tires me, and I'm still a little afraid of him. Quiet peoplesuit me best.'

'Lifeis a fight, and I like a good soldier. Boys take things too easily,don't cheapkids jordan seehow serious it all is and go to work in earnest. Look at that absurdTom, wasting his time and making an object of himself just because hecan't have what he wants, like a baby crying for the moon. I've nopatience with such nonsense,' scolded Nan, looking down at the jovialThomas, who was playfully putting macaroons in Emil's shoes, andkidsmichael jordan shoes trying to beguile his exile as best he could.

'Mostgirls would be touched by such fidelity. I think it's beautiful,'said Daisy behind her fan; for other girls sat just below.

'Youarejordanshoes a sentimental goose and not a judge. Nat will be twice the man whenhe comes back after his trip. I wish Tom was going with him. My ideais that if we girls have any influence we should use it for the goodof these boys, and not pamper them up, making slaves of ourselves andtyrants of them. Let them prove what they can do and be before boysjordan shoes theyask anything of us, and give us a chance to do the same. Then we knowwhere we are, and shall not make mistakes to mourn over all ourlives.'

'Hear,hear!' cried Alice Heath, who was a girl after Nan's own heart, andhad chosen a career, like a brave and sensible young woman. 'Onlygiveboyjordans shoes us a chance, and have patience till we can do our best. Now we areexpected to be as wise as men who have had generations of all thehelp there is, and we scarcely anything. Let us have equalopportunities, and in a few generations we will see what thejudgement is. I like justice, and we get very little of it.'

'Stillshouting the battle-cry of freedom?' asked airmax shoes Demi,peering through the banisters at this moment. 'Up with your flag!I'll stand by and lend a hand if you want it. With you and Nan tolead the van, I think you won't need much help.'

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