


Demi was off on a run with Tom

Demiwas off on a run with Tom, so Rob was man of the house, withjordani shoe old Silas as general overseer. The sea air seemed to have gone toTed's head, for he was unusually freakish, and led his gentle auntand poor Rob a life of it with his pranks. Octoo was worn out withthe wild rides he took, and Don openly rebelled when ordered to leapand show off his accomplishments; while the girls at college wereboth amusedrarejordan 1and worried by the ghosts who haunted the grounds at night, theunearthly melodies that disturbed their studious hours, and thehairbreadth escapes of this restless boy by flood and field and fire.Something happened at length which effectually sobered Ted and made alasting impression on both the boys; for sudden danger and a jordan11 authentic hauntingfear turned the Lion into a lamb and the Lamb into a lion, as far ascourage went.

Onthe first of September--the boys never forgot the date--after apleasant tramp and good luck with their fishing, the brothers uggsale werelounging in the barn; for Daisy had company, and the lads kept out ofthe way.

'Itell you what it is, Bobby, that dog is sick. He won't play, nor eat,nor drink, and acts queerly. Dan will kill us if anything happens tohim,' said Ted, looking at Don, who lay near his kennel resting amoment after one of the restless wanderings whichjordanii shoes kept him vibrating between the door of Dan's room and the shadycorner of the yard, where his master had settled him with an old capto guard till he came back.

'It'sthe hot weather, perhaps. But I sometimes think he's pining for Dan.Dogs do, you know, and the poor fellow has been low in his mind eversincejordani shoes the boys went. Maybe something has happened to Dan. Don howled lastnight and can't rest. I've heard of such things,' answered Robthoughtfully.

'Pooh!he can't know. He's cross. I'll stir him up and take him for a run.Always makes me feel better. Hi, boy! wake up and be jolly'; and Tedsnapped his fingersjordanauthentic at the dog, who only looked at him with grim indifference.

'Betterlet him alone. If he isn't right tomorrow, we'll take him to DrWatkins and see what he says.' And Rob went on watching the swallowsas he lay in the hay polishing up some Latin verses he had made.

Thespirit of perversity entered into Ted, and merely because jordan1 authentic hewas told not to tease Don he went on doing it, pretending that it wasfor the dog's good. Don took no heed of his pats, commands,reproaches, or insults, till Ted's patience gave out; and seeing aconvenient switch near by he could not resist the temptation toconquer the great hound by force, since gentleness failed to winobedience. He realjordan shoeshad the wisdom to chain Don up first; for a blow from any hand buthis master's made him savage, and Ted had more than once tried theexperiment, as the dog remembered. This indignity roused Don and hesat up with a growl. Rob heard it, and seeing Ted raise the switch,ran to interfere, exclaiming: 'Don't touch him! Dan forbade it! Leavethe jordanmichael shoespoor thing in peace; I won't allow it.'

Robseldom commanded, but when he did Master Ted had to give in. Histemper was up, and Rob's masterful tone made itjordanshoes sale impossible to resist one cut at the rebellious dog before hesubmitted. Only a single blow, but it was a costly one; for as itfell, the dog sprang at Ted with a snarl, and Rob, rushing betweenthe two, felt the sharp teeth pierce his leg.

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