


Old Mrs. Quinn took care of her

OldMrs. Quinn took care of her, waiting till she was strong enough towork for herself; but redmichael jordan shoes Nannyhad been sick, and still sat about, a pale, little shadow of herformer self, with a white film slowly coming over her pretty blueeyes. This was Jack's great trouble, and he couldn't whistle it awayas he did his own worries; for he was a michaeljordan shoecheery lad, and when the baskets were heavy, the way long, theweather bitter cold, his poor clothes in rags, or his stomach empty,he just whistled, and somehow things seemed to get right. But the dayhe carried Nanny the first dandelions, and she felt of them, insteadof looking at them, as she said, with such pathetic patience in herlittlebuymichael jordan shoesface, 'I don't see 'em; but I know they're pretty, and I like 'emlots,' Jack felt as if the blithe spring sunshine was all spoiled;and when he tried to cheer himself up with a good whistle, his lipstrembled so they wouldn't pucker.

'Thepoor dear's eyes could be cured, Imichaeljordans shoes ain't a doubt; but it would take a sight of money, and who's agoingto pay it?' said Mrs. Quinn, scrubbing away at her tub.

'Howmuch money?' asked Jack.

'Ahundred dollars, I dare say. Dr. Wilkinson's cook told airmax shoes meonce that he done something to a lady's eyes, and asked a thousanddollars for it.'

Jacksighed a long, hopeless sigh, and went away to fill the water-pails;but he remembered the doctor's name, and began to wonder how manyyears it would take to earn a hundredairjordans 9 dollars.

Nannywas very patient; but, by and by, Mrs. Quinn began to talk aboutsending her to some almshouse, for she was too poor to be burdenedwith a helpless child. The fear of this nearly broke Jack's heart;and he went about with such an anxious face that it was a mercy Nannydid not see it. Jack was only buyjordan 11 twelve,but he had a hard load to carry just then; for the thought of hislittle friend, doomed to lifelong darkness for want of a littlemoney, tempted him to steal more than once, and gave him the firstfierce, bitter feeling against those better off than he. When hecarried nice dinners to the great houses and saw the plenty thatprevailed there, hebuyair jordan shoescouldn't help feeling that it wasn't fair for some to have so much,and others so little. When he saw pretty children playing in thepark, or driving with their mothers, so gay, so well cared for, sotenderly loved, the poor boy's eyes would fill to think ofairjordan ix poor little Nanny, with no friend in the world but himself, and he sopowerless to help her.

Whenhe one day mustered courage to ring at the great doctor's bell,begging to see him a minute, and the servant answered, gruffly, as heshut the door, 'Go along! he can't be bothered with the like of you!'Jack clenched his hands hard as he uggsale wentdown the steps, and said to himself, with a most unboyish tone, 'I'llget the money somehow, and make him let me in!'

Hedid get it, and in a most unexpected way; but he never forgot thedesperate feeling that came to him that day, and all his life longhesupra shoes wasvery tender to people who were tempted in their times of trouble, andyielded, as he was saved from doing, by what seemed an accident.

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