This chapter has two purposes, first to describe the general structure of a macro as it can be seen in an XML macro script, and second to show some of the connections between the Macro Editor and specific XML elements in the macro script.
A macro script is an XML script used to store a Host On-Demand macro. You can view and edit the XML text of a macro script by using the Code Editor (shown in Code Editor). The Macro Editor displays the same information that you see in the Code Editor, but the Macro Editor displays the information in a more user-friendly format, using listboxes, checkboxes, input fields, and the other controls of the graphical user interface (see Macro Editor).
Learning a little about the XML elements of the macro language will greatly increase your understanding of important topics, including the following:
Therefore this book frequently refers not only to the input fields, buttons, and listboxes of the Macro Editor but also to the corresponding XML elements in which the same information is stored.
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