感謝思維導圖作者Angela,經(jīng)濟學人資淺粉絲,資深教師,不搞科研,專心干飯,早日玩轉(zhuǎn)鐵三 上周參考譯文:He concluded that distorted surface thoughts, rather than Freud’s long-buried childhood traumas and Oedipal desires, explained almost all emotional disorders. 貝克認為,扭曲的表層思想乃是幾乎所有情緒障礙的根源。而在弗洛伊德看來,罪魁禍首是深埋內(nèi)心的童年創(chuàng)傷和戀母情結(俄狄浦斯情結)。
聽力|精讀|翻譯|詞組Don’t mock the metaverse別嘲笑元宇宙英文部分選自經(jīng)濟學人20211120期Leaders版塊
The future of the internet互聯(lián)網(wǎng)的未來 Don’t mock the metaverse別嘲笑元宇宙 Virtual worlds are already here眾多虛擬世界已就位“A revolutionary approach on how to connect our world without being super-weird…In the Icelandverse, there’s…skies you can see with your eyeballs, volcanic rocks you can caress, and really big geysers you can observe from a safe distance.” So runs a viral advert designed to lure tourists to Iceland. The target of the parody is Mark Zuckerberg in particular, and Silicon Valley in general, for whom the idea of the “metaverse”—a sort of 3d sequel to today’s two-dimensional internet, in which users work, play, buy and sell inside immersive virtual worlds—has become the latest Next Big Thing.“有一種革命性的方法,既能讓我們的世界聯(lián)系起來,又不會顯得超級怪異……在冰島宇宙……您可以用自己的眼睛看到天空,親手觸摸火山巖石,還可以在安全距離內(nèi)觀賞大型的間歇泉。”這些廣告詞出自一支很火的廣告,旨在吸引游客前往冰島旅游。這一模仿顯然是在諷刺馬克·扎克伯格,乃至于整個硅谷。對硅谷精英而言,“元宇宙”的想法是當今二維互聯(lián)網(wǎng)的3D后續(xù)產(chǎn)物,用戶在其中的沉浸式虛擬世界里工作、娛樂和交易——這成為了時下最新的“下一件大事”。注釋:1.Caress v. especially literary] to touch someone gently in a way that shows you love them愛撫,撫摸2.Geyser n.a natural spring that sends hot water and steam suddenly into the air from a hole in the ground 間歇泉3.Parody, n.a piece of writing, music etc or an action that copies someone or something in an amusing way〔文章、音樂等的〕滑稽的模仿作品4.Sequel, n. a book, film, play etc that continues the story of an earlier one, usually written or made by the same person〔書、電影、戲劇等的〕續(xù)集,續(xù)篇5. the next big thing, n, a future trendIceland’s tourist board is not the only sceptic. When, on October 28th, Mr Zuckerberg rebranded Facebook as Meta Platforms, to signal his commitment to the new idea, many assumed it was a pr stunt to divert attention from the social-media giant’s scandals. When Satya Nadella and Jensen Huang, the bosses of Microsoft and Nvidia, made their own pitches a couple of weeks later, people muttered about bandwagon-jumping.不只冰島旅游局對元宇宙持懷疑態(tài)度。今年10月28日,扎克伯格將臉書(Facebook)改名為MetaPlatforms并借此表示對元宇宙的關注,許多人認為這不過是公關噱頭,意在轉(zhuǎn)移人們對臉書這個社交媒體巨頭丑聞的注意力。幾周后,微軟董事長薩蒂亞·納德拉和英偉達創(chuàng)始人黃仁勛宣傳他們各自的元宇宙計劃時,人們覺得他們不過是在跟風。注釋:1.board. n. a group of people in a company or other organization who make the rules and important decisions理事會,委員會,董事會;〔官方的〕局,部2. make a / sb's pitch (for sth) ( = try to persuade people to do something )推銷宣傳(某事物)3.Mutter, v. to complain about something or express doubts about it, but without saying clearly and openly what you think私下抱怨; 小聲質(zhì)疑4. jump (或 climb) on the bandwagon, join others in doing or supporting something fashionable or likely to be successful 趕時髦,趕浪頭Mr Zuckerberg may well prefer to think about exciting new products than deal with the downsides of his existing ones. And hype is the water in which techies swim. But to stop the analysis there would be too dismissive. There are good reasons to take the metaverse seriously. 相比去改進現(xiàn)有產(chǎn)品的缺陷,扎克伯格可能更愿意設想令人興奮的新產(chǎn)品。此外,硅谷向來喜歡炒作新概念。但如果停止分析元宇宙,未免就太小看它了。我們有充分的理由認真對待元宇宙。注釋:Dismiss, v. deliberately cease to think about. 不再考慮One is historical: as computers have become more capable, the experiences that they generate have become richer. The internet began its life displaying nothing more exciting than white text on a black background. Flat images were added in the 1990s. Video came to dominate in the 2010s. On that reading, a move into three dimensions is a logical consequence of the steady growth in computing power. 其中一個緣由和互聯(lián)網(wǎng)發(fā)展歷史有關:電腦能勝任的工作越來越多,隨之帶來的體驗也愈發(fā)豐富多彩。網(wǎng)絡誕生之初,除了在黑色背景下顯示白色文本,毫無令人興奮之處。到了1990年代,平面圖像加入其中。2010年代,視頻開始占據(jù)主導地位。如此看來,走進三維世界是計算機運算能力穩(wěn)步發(fā)展的合理結果。注釋:Reading, n, your way of understanding what a particular statement, situation, event etc means〔對某一句話、情形、事件等的〕理解,解讀That progression is more than merely theoretical. Google Maps already offers a virtual space that contains the real world’s stations, shops and streets. The video-game industry—the only type of entertainment fully exposed to the compounding power of Moore’s law—has been selling virtual worlds for years. “EverQuest”, an online game launched in 1999, had half a million subscribers at its peak. (Players quickly co-opted it for socialising, and even weddings, as well as dragon-slaying.) “World of Warcraft”, which arrived five years later, hit 12m. These days 200m people a month hang out on “Roblox”, a video-game-cum-construction-set. Many spend their real money on virtual goods. It is hard to argue that an idea will never catch on when, for millions of people, it already has.這種進展遠非僅停留在理論之上。谷歌地圖已經(jīng)提供了一個包含真實世界的車站、商店和街道的虛擬空間。電子游戲行業(yè)——唯一一個享受摩爾定律紅利的娛樂行業(yè)——多年來一直在銷售虛擬世界?!盁o盡的任務”是一款于1999年推出的在線游戲,在其巔峰時期擁有50萬玩家。很快,玩家們在做屠龍任務之余,也在游戲中進行社交,甚至舉辦婚禮。5年之后“魔獸世界”推出,玩家數(shù)量達1200萬。如今,每月有2億人在玩“羅布樂思”,這是一個集視頻游戲和自建內(nèi)容于一體的平臺。許多人將自己的真金白銀花在虛擬商品上。如果一個想法對于數(shù)百萬人來說確已實現(xiàn),那再想讓人覺得這一想法永遠不會流行起來未免有些困難。注釋:1. Moore’s law, Moore's Law refers to Gordon Moore's perception that the number of transistors on a microchip doubles every two years, though the cost of computers is halved. 摩爾定律是英特爾創(chuàng)始人之一戈登·摩爾的經(jīng)驗之談,其核心內(nèi)容為:集成電路上可以容納的晶體管數(shù)目在大約每經(jīng)過18個月便會增加一倍。摩爾定律是內(nèi)行人摩爾的經(jīng)驗之談,漢譯名為“定律”,但并非自然科學定律,它一定程度揭示了信息技術進步的速度。2.Co-opt, v. divert to or use in a role different from the usual or original one. 轉(zhuǎn)移;轉(zhuǎn)向Finally, mockery is an unreliable guide to the future. When YouTube was launched in 2005, commentators wondered why anyone would want to watch spotty teenagers filming themselves in their bedrooms when the delights of cable tv were a button-push away. In two decades, online dating has gone from being furtive and embarrassing to take its place as a perfectly normal way to meet people. Smartphones are some of the bestselling devices ever built. In the 1990s their brick-sized predecessors were mocked as crass status symbols for insecure investment bankers.最后,可不能寄希望于冷嘲熱諷來對將來的發(fā)展產(chǎn)生任何正向引導作用。油管2005年剛上線時,輿論界都不敢相信,明明按下遙控器就能無限暢享有線電視的精彩節(jié)目,那人們何必想去看滿臉青春痘的青少年在自己臥室拍的小短片呢?誰知短短20年間,線上交友已從原先偷偷摸摸、難以啟齒的行為,變成了再正常不過的交友方式。智能手機也變成了有史以來最暢銷的設備之一。20世紀90年代,磚頭大小的智能手機前身大哥大也曾被嘲笑是那些不自信的投資銀行家的愚蠢身份象征。注釋:1.Furtive, adj. attempting to avoid notice or attention, typically because of guilt or a belief that discovery would lead to trouble; secretive 偷偷摸摸的,鬼鬼祟祟的2.Crass, adj. showing a grossly insensitive lack of intelligence 愚鈍的;粗魯?shù)?/span>This does not mean every Silicon Valley brainwave will automatically succeed. Nor does it mean a fully fledged metaverse will arrive overnight, any more than the world wide web or the mobile internet did. But it does suggest that something metaverse-shaped lying in the relatively near future is an idea worth taking seriously.但這些例子并不意味著硅谷的每一個創(chuàng)意都會走向成功。元宇宙也不會在一夜之間發(fā)展成熟,要知道當年萬維網(wǎng)和移動互聯(lián)網(wǎng)都經(jīng)歷很長的發(fā)展時期。但是我們確實應該注意的是,在不久的將來,某些初具雛形的元宇宙就將與大家見面。注釋:1. Brainware, n. (informal)a sudden clever idea. (非正式)(突發(fā)的)奇思;突然想到的妙計2. any more than, 'Any more than' can be read as meaning 'just like' or 'just as,' but with some added emphasis. 翻譯組:Alison,女,翻譯路上的小蝸牛Zeng,男,新聞小編,外刊愛好者Rex,男,口譯碩士,集書狂魔,經(jīng)學鋼粉 Trista,女,暴富不是夢想,是未來的現(xiàn)實Lora,女,一筆二口,廣外MTI,學習使我快樂 CC,女,翻碩在讀,筆譯的踐行者,口譯的躁動者 Mai,男,經(jīng)濟學博士,世界那么大,我想活得久一點 校對組:Cristina, 身在井隅, 心向璀璨 Francis, 一筆一口, 談笑有鴻儒, 往來無白丁 Dossver, 男, 搞翻譯, 打游戲, 看小說, 練游泳, 做個現(xiàn)充