




Melinda Beck explains why for a small number of people getting a full night of sleep is a waste of time and the reasons behind it.

對于少數一些人來說,長夜漫漫皆睡眠就是浪費時間,梅琳達·貝克(Melinda Veck)對此作出了解釋,并披露了背后的原因。

For a small group of people—perhaps just 1% to 3% of the population—sleep is a waste of time.


Natural "short sleepers," as they're officially known, are night owls and early birds simultaneously. They typically turn in well after midnight, then get up just a few hours later and barrel through the day without needing to take naps or load up on caffeine.


They are also energetic, outgoing, optimistic and ambitious, according to the few researchers who have studied them. The pattern sometimes starts in childhood and often runs in families.


While it's unclear if all short sleepers are high achievers, they do have more time in the day to do things, and keep finding more interesting things to do than sleep, often doing several things at once.


Nobody knows how many natural short sleepers are out there. "There aren't nearly as many as there are people who think they're short sleepers," says Daniel J. Buysse, a psychiatrist at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center and a past president of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, a professional group.

沒人知道天生短睡者的數量有多少。“這個數量幾乎跟自認為是短睡者的數量一樣多”,丹尼爾·J·拜瑟(Daniel J.Buysse)說。拜瑟是匹茲堡大學醫(yī)療中心的一名精神病學家,曾任一個專業(yè)團體美國睡眠醫(yī)學會的主席。

Out of every 100 people who believe they only need five or six hours of sleep a night, only about five people really do, Dr. Buysse says. The rest end up chronically sleep deprived, part of the one-third of U.S. adults who get less than the recommended seven hours of sleep per night, according to a report last month by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


To date, only a handful of small studies have looked at short sleepers—in part because they're hard to find. They rarely go to sleep clinics and don't think they have a disorder.


A few studies have suggested that some short sleepers may have hypomania, a mild form of mania with racing thoughts and few inhibitions. "These people talk fast. They never stop. They're always on the up side of life," says Dr. Buysse. He was one of the authors of a 2001 study that had 12 confirmed short sleepers and 12 control subjects keep diaries and complete numerous questionnaires about their work, sleep and living habits.One survey dubbed "Attitude for Life" that was actually a test for hypomania. The natural short sleepers scored twice as high as the controls.


There is currently no way people can teach themselves to be short sleepers. Still, scientists hope that by studying short sleepers, they can better understand how the body regulates sleep and why sleep needs vary so much in humans.


"My long-term goal is to someday learn enough so we can manipulate the sleep pathways without damaging our health," says human geneticist Ying-Hui Fu at the University of California-San Francisco. "Everybody can use more waking hours, even if you just watch movies."

“我的長期目標是,有朝一日能掌握足夠的知識,從而在不損害健康的前提下操縱睡眠的神經通路”,傅穎慧(Ying-Hui Fu)說。傅是舊金山加利福尼亞大學的人類遺傳學家。“人人都可以利用更多的清醒時間,哪怕只是看看電影”。

Dr. Fu was part of a research team that discovered a gene variation, hDEC2, in a pair of short sleepers in 2009. They were studying extreme early birds when they noticed that two of their subjects, a mother and daughter, got up naturally about 4 a.m. but also went to bed past midnight.


Genetic analyses spotted one gene variation common to them both. The scientists were able to replicate the gene variation in a strain of mice and found that the mice needed less sleep than usual, too.


News of their finding spurred other people to write the team, saying they were natural short sleepers and volunteering to be studied. The researchers are recruiting more candidates and hope to find more gene variations they have in common.


Potential candidates for the gene study are sent multiple questionnaires and undergo a long structured phone interview. Those who make the initial screening wear monitors to track their sleep patterns at home. Christopher Jones, a University of Utah neurologist and sleep scientist who oversees the recruiting, says there is one question that is more revealing than anything else: When people do have a chance to sleep longer, on weekends or vacation, do they still sleep only five or six hours a night? People who sleep more when they can are not true short sleepers, he says.

他們向基因研究潛在的候選對象發(fā)放了多份調查問卷,并進行了一段很長的有組織的電話采訪。隨后他們給通過初步甄選的人佩戴上監(jiān)視器以便跟蹤其在家中的睡眠模式。負責招募工作的克里斯托弗·瓊斯(Christopher Jones)是猶他大學的一位神經學家和睡眠科學家,他說有一個問題更能說明問題:那就是,當他們有機會睡得更久的時候,比如說周末或假期時間,他們是否仍每晚只睡5個小時?那些在有可能的時候睡得更多的人并非真正的短睡者。他說。

To date, Dr. Jones says he has identified only about 20 true short sleepers, and he says they share some fascinating characteristics. Not only are their circadian rhythms different from most people, so are their moods (very upbeat) and their metabolism (they're thinner than average, even though sleep deprivation usually raises the risk of obesity). They also seem to have a high tolerance for physical pain and psychological setbacks.


"They encounter obstacles, they just pick themselves up and try again," Dr. Jones says.


Some short sleepers say their sleep patterns go back to childhood and some see the same patterns starting in their own kids, such as giving up naps by age 2. As adults, they gravitate to different fields, but whatever they do, they do full bore, Dr. Jones says.


"Typically, at the end of a long, structured phone interview, they will admit that they've been texting and surfing the Internet and doing the crossword puzzle at the same time, all on less than six hours of sleep," says Dr. Jones. "There is some sort of psychological and physiological energy to them that we don't understand."


Drs. Jones and Fu stress that there is no genetic test for short sleeping. Ultimately, they expect to find that many different genes play a role, which may in turn reveal more about the complex systems that regulate sleep in humans.


Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson and Leonardo da Vinci were too busy to sleep much, according to historical accounts. Winston Churchill and Thomas Edison came close but they were also fond of taking naps, which may disqualify them as true short sleepers.

根據史書記載,本杰明·富蘭克林(Benjamin Franklin)、托馬斯·杰弗遜(Thomas Jeffson)及達芬奇是因為太忙而無法睡太久。溫斯頓·丘吉爾和托馬斯·愛迪生比較接近,但是他們也喜歡午睡,這也許會剝奪其成為真正短睡者的資格。

Nowadays, some short sleepers gravitate to fields like blogging, videogame design and social media, where their sleep habits come in handy. "If I could find a way to do it, I'd never sleep," says Dave Hatter, a software developer in Fort Wright, Ky. He typically sleeps just four to five hours a night, up from two to three hours a few years ago.

現在,一些短睡者被吸引到諸如博客、視頻游戲設計以及社交網絡之類的領域,這正是他們的睡眠習慣發(fā)揮作用的地方。“如果我能找到不睡覺的辦法的話我永遠也不睡”,戴夫·哈特(Dave Hatter)是這樣說的。哈特是肯塔基州萊特堡的一名軟件開發(fā)人員。他每晚一般只睡5個小時,這已經比幾年前的兩到三個小時要高了。

"It's crazy, but it works for me," says Eleanor Hoffman, an overnight administrator at Bellevue Hospital Center in New York who would rather spend afternoons playing mahjong with friends than sleep anymore than four hours. Sometimes she calls her cousin, Linda Cohen, in Pittsburgh about 4 a.m., since she knows she'll be wide awake as well—just like they were as kids.

“這很瘋狂,但對我有效”,埃莉諾·霍夫曼(Eleanor Hoffman)說。埃莉諾是紐約貝爾維尤醫(yī)療中心的一位值夜管理人員,下午的時候,她寧愿跟朋友打麻將也不肯多睡上一會(超過4小時)。有時候她在凌晨4點鐘會給匹茲堡的堂妹琳達·科恩(Linda Cohen)打電話,因為她知道,她也一樣清醒得很——就像她們兒時一樣。

"I come to life about 11 at night," says Mrs. Cohen, who owns a chain of toy stores with her husband and gets up early in the morning with ease. "If I went to bed earlier, I'd feel like half my life was missing."


Are you a short sleeper? For more information on the genetic study, contact Dr. Jones at chris.jones@hsc.utah.edu


Write to Melinda Beck at HealthJournal@wsj.com
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