Don’t think: “If I had only joined that business on the ‘ground level,’ then I would be rich,” or “If had only purchased a thousand shares of Microsoft, then I would be living the life of my dreams right now.”
The reality is, you didn’t purchase that stock for a reason, and it’s because at that time in your life you hadn’t grown up into the person who makes those types of purchases. So you need not regret that decision.
No Low Hanging Fruit
There’s no “secret diet” that will give you the body of your dreams. You already know what you’re supposed to be eating.
There’s no spouse that will allow you to have an amazing marriage filled with bliss… In order to have a great marriage, “you” will have to become the “type of person” who has a great marriage. You have to mature and ripen enough to handle that level of relationship.
There are no secrets, easy solutions, or quick fixes. It’s all you! You have to change, if your life is ever going to change.
In other words, you have to change your thinking!
You may say … “You always say I have to change my thinking, this is redundant.” Well the question is, “Have you changed your thinking yet?”
You don’t get to go to the 4th grade until you passed the 3rd grade. The truth is everything begins and ends with your thinking. Your life is formed, shaped and created from your thoughts.
When your thoughts change, you will change. You only grow to the degree that your thoughts change. When your thoughts become the thoughts of a “Level 10 Person,” a “Level 7 Problem” will seem like child’s play to you. You’ll wonder how you struggled for as long as you did. You’ll think, “I can’t believe I use to eat that way, or I can’t believe I couldn’t come up with a creative way to make more money.”
When your thinking matures, your life will mature!
We can’t talk about change without talking about your decisions. The saying is true, “your decisions decide your life,” but a more important truth is that you decide your decisions. And you’re making those decisions, which are deciding your life, based on the person that you are “on the inside,” and if the person on the inside doesn’t change, then your life can never change!
You think you’re upset now because you missed some great opportunities in life, but if you don’t change your thinking, you’re going to miss the next opportunity, and the next one, and guess what, yes, the next one. Success only occurs when you grow up and make it occur. It’s not about waiting for the right opportunity.
You have to grow up and say “Enough is enough, I’m tired of being sick, I’m tired of being broke, I’m tired of being overweight, I’m tired of things not changing, I’m tired of going around this same mountain every year.” You have to say, “I am going to change! I can’t blame my mother anymore, I can’t blame my neighborhood anymore, and I can’t blame my spouse anymore. I’m responsible for my life; I alone am the creator of my results.”
And the only way to change my results is to change me. And the only way to change me is to change my thinking. You have to commit that nothing is more important than seeing and saying what you will become, to the exclusion of everything else. You have to begin to say who you want to be, and you have to declare how you’re going to get there. You have to speak and see your life the way you want it. You have to change your thinking, by first changing your words.
You have to talk to yourself. Tell yourself what you should be thinking. There’s nothing wrong with that!
You don’t mind letting the television talk to you; you let the media talk to you, and the news; why don’t you talk to yourself!
你不介意讓電視跟你談,你讓媒介、新聞跟你談,為什么不自己跟自己談?wù)劊?strong class="label bg2" jquery1315314636125="89">
Why don’t you say who you are, why don’t you say where you’re going. Why don’t you prophecy your own future. Don’t let statistics and the results of your friends and family dictate where you go. Go where you want to go, do what you want to do, become who you want to become.
And you do this by deciding to change the way you speak and the way you think.
In Closing
Be the person who commits to changing their thoughts; don’t miss this opportunity right now to decide to change your thinking.
If you miss this opportunity, the next great opportunity won’t matter, because you won’t see it.
Don’t think, “I’ve heard this before.” To hear and not do doesn’t profit you anything. Only those who execute what they know get results. You can have the best plan in the world, but if it’s not executed, then it doesn’t matter.
Don’t learn all of this stuff and not do it. Don’t be so close to the truth and yet unable to arrive because you’re too lazy to put the truth into action.
This day, decide to change your thinking, because it’s the only way to change your life. Decide that your life will never be the same. Decide to speak your life into existence, if you do, your life will never, ever, ever be the same.