What a paradox. The body that makes possible my presence in the earth has experienced many traumas and tragedies — like you — and many fulfillments and delights. And yet the hero within us all is untouched and unchanged by any of these external events.
Some say we are here to grow, and learn, so that at some later time we can return a wiser and more enlightened soul. But I experience that the hero — the truth at the core of my existence — is already wise, and enlightened.
Yes, I am here to grow. But it is so that I may love the hero more and express the hero more — and know more deeply with each passing moment that this is who I truly am.
A long time ago, when I was a young fellow, I was told that if I do this, or don’t do that, I will go to heaven when I die. But life has taught me that the hero is already in heaven. Others insist I am nothing but dust of the ground. From dust I came and to dust I will return.
But I prefer to listen to the hero. And what I hear the hero say – in a moment when I am still, and quiet within – is this: “You are a spiritual being and you are alive forever more.”
我更傾向去聆聽我們心中的英靈。曾經(jīng)有一刻,當我還是平和而安靜的時候,我聽到我靈魂中的英靈對我說:“眾皆虛無,無則永生?!?b style="BACKGROUND: url(http://image39.360doc.com/DownloadImg/2011/10/1414/18476635_1.png) no-repeat left top" class="label bg2" jquery1318572689468="21">