It was the best thing we did.
Not only did it save time packing and unpacking unwanted goods but it also saved us money moving it. If you are moving in the near future I would recommend seriously considering purging before you move, not after.
Here are some things to keep in mind for your next move.
1. New beginnings. The fact that you are moving to a new house signals a new beginning. This is a great opportunity to take stock of what you absolutely love, things that work for you and will work in your new space. If that old beat up dresser isn’t quite doing it for you any more or if that chair is just far too big to fit in your new living room, it’s best to sell or donate them before you start loading the moving van.
2. Easy stuff first. Walk from room to room and gather up the obvious stuff. Stuff you don’t use or haven’t used in a very long time. This includes:
Clothes and shoes you no longer like, that no fits, are worn out or just out dated.
Gifts you’ve been given but don’t like or use. There is no rule that says you must keep every gift ever given to you indefinitely.
Paperwork and papers containing information that is easily accessible elsewhere (i.e. the Internet and the library).
Magazines and newspapers that you are hanging onto just in case.
Craft supplies that you intended to use years ago for Christmas presents but still haven’t got around to it.
Boxed up goods from your previous move that you still haven’t unpacked. If you didn’t get around to unpacking them last time it’s highly unlikely that you’ll get around to it this time.
3. Difficult stuff last. Before you start packing up what’s left it’s time to toughen up. This is easier said than done I realize but it’s important if you are looking to pare down what you have. Sentimental items are the most difficult to part with. Whether they are crafts your kids made for you, a stuffed animal given to you from your first true love, or ticket stubs for the concert you and your husband went to on your first date. Remember that it’s not the physical item that you are attached to, but the feelings and great memories that it evokes. Whether you have the thing or not doesn’t make those moments any less special, significant or memorable. Here are some ways to get to a spot where you can let go of the sentimental clutter:
Take a digital photo of the item. Digital photos don’t take any physical space and you can easily go through the pics when you feel like you want to reminisce.
Don’t get rid of everything that is sentimental to you. Choose 2 or 3 items that are of great importance to you. Now here’s the catch. These items must have a place of honor in your new home. If you are not willing to display the item then is it really that important to you?
We often buy souvenirs in an attempt to bring home a piece of where we’ve been. It’s impossible. I liken it to the phrase “This picture doesn’t do it justice”. This is because you aren’t surrounded by the sounds, the smells and the excitement of the foreign place. You just don’t get that when you stand in your living room back home holding a souvenir.
4. Think ahead. What do you want your new space to be like? Do you want it to be clean, clear of clutter and open? Do you want it to be inspiring, creative and fresh? Whatever it is you want your new space to be, do the things you’re taking with you enhance that or hinder it? Obviously if what you’re taking is going to be a hindrance, pare it down.
In my ideal world we would only have things we needed or absolutely loved. Every week we’re getting closer to that ideal but we’re still a long way off. The hardest thing for most people is just starting. There are no rules on how or where to begin it’s just important that you begin. Pick a drawer, a closet, a room and go for it. Just start. Try to put the rest of the clutter out of your mind for now and just deal with the task at hand. You will get through it all eventually. Toughen up to resist the temptation to keep things and get going.
Have you got any advice for someone who is planning a move and has way too much stuff? What tips do you have for getting rid of stuff?