牛仔褲品牌喜歡喊口號,常常為年輕人代言的Diesel的2010年的新口號就是“Be Stupid”。想想,人年輕的時候就是要做點蠢事、傻事,不然還真枉了這段歲月。這個系列平面廣告的制造者是廣告公司Anomaly。攝影師為:Kristin Vicari、Melodie McDaniel以及Chris Buck。這些是假雜志精選的作品,更多作品見官方網站。
Jeans brands love a manifesto. Diesel has a new one, which is a call to arms to, um… Be Stupid. The campaign is created by Anomaly, shot by photographers Kristin Vicari, Melodie McDaniel and Chris Buck. These are selected works by JIA ZA ZHI. The full Be Stupid campaign can be viewed online here.