我們都知道歐美音樂人創(chuàng)作音樂時總是有點兒口無遮攔。除了討論政治或者露骨地描寫男女情事,他們也喜歡是不是在歌曲中來上幾句英語國罵“FUCK”。這些歌曲雖然由于F word的出現(xiàn)而成為了少兒不宜,但卻并非想當然地變得粗俗無比;有的變得勇敢直率,有的變得幽默搞笑,有的變得酣暢淋漓,其中甚至還誕生了不少敢于挑戰(zhàn)社會禁忌的經(jīng)典。音樂中的FUCK,雖然只是一個簡單的詞匯,但卻鏗鏘有力,能夠瞬間調動起聽者的情緒,讓心情郁悶的人聽后感到非常的痛快。在這個令人憂愁的雨季,不妨讓我挑選一些這樣的歌曲來給你打打雞血。這些歌你不見得都喜歡,但聽聽也無妨嘛。
“Fuck U” – Placebo
老牌英倫搖滾樂隊Placebo一直以來深受國內文藝青年的喜愛,而出自EP”Ashtray Heart”的”Fuck U”其實也有很高的傳唱度。翻唱自另類電聲搖滾組合Archive,相比頹廢陰暗的原唱更多了一股強烈的怨恨。在此也將原唱收錄了進來供大家比較。
Pray to god I can think of a kind thing to say
But I dont think I can so fuck you anyway
Killing in the Name - Rage Against the Machine
在說唱金屬還很流行的年代,Rage Against the Machine可以說是一個標志性的存在。他們抨擊政治、體制,指責社會的壓抑和不公,作品中有具有鮮明的左翼政治傾向?!癒illing in the Name”是樂隊最具代表性的作品之一,充滿了憤怒。
Fuck you
I won't do what you tell me!
Hot Dog – Limp Bizkit
同為說唱金屬大潮弄潮兒的Limp Bizkit曲風更加流行化一些。這首“Hot Dog”中充斥著大量的F Word,非常憤世嫉俗,但是聽起來也很爽。
You wanna fuck me like an animal
You'd like to burn me on the inside
You like to think that i'm a perfect drug
Just know that nothing you do
Will bring you closer to me
Hey Fuck You - Beastie Boys
老牌白人說唱團體Beastie Boys的早期作品,非常Old School。
So put a quarter in your ass 'cause you played yourself
And it you don't like it, then hey, fuck you
Fuck it – Eamon
Eamon,美國流行樂手、唱作人?!癋uck it”是他的成名作之一,一首纏綿悱惻的幽怨情歌。
Fuck what I said it don't mean shit now
Fuck the presents might as well throw em out
Fuck all those kisses they didn't mean jack
Fuck you, you hoe, I don't want you back
F.U.R.B. (Fuck You Right Back) – Frankee
這是女歌手Frankee對于前一首“Fuck it”的回應和反諷,甚至連曲調旋律都是一樣的。有趣的是,這首歌一度將前者擠下了英國榜的冠軍寶座。但是誰都知道這不過是又一場炒作罷了。
Fuck all those nights, I moaned real loud
Fuck it, I faked it, aren't you proud?
Fuck all those nights you thought you broke my back
Well, guess what yo, your sex was wack
Fuck And Run - Liz Phair
流行搖滾女歌手Liz Phair的作品,幾本上就是一個長期單身的直女的大膽愛情宣言。
It's fuck and run, fuck and run
Even when I was 17
Fuck and run, fuck and run
Even when I was 12
TBTF - Kevin Drew
一首有點說不清道不明的歌,雖然充斥著各種混亂的感覺,但卻意外地悅耳(但有點Creepy,講真)。來自加拿大唱作人Kevin Drew。
but you are too beautiful to fuck
you're too beautiful
you are too beautiful to fuck
you're too beautiful
The Man Don't Give a Fuck - Super Furry Animals
威爾士獨立搖滾老團Super Furry Animals的作品,2011年時被NME選入過去十五年間最好的150首音樂作品榜中的第66名。好聽,帶勁,過癮。
You know they don't give a fuck about anybody else
Fucking Around - Peter & Kerry
年輕獨立樂團Peter & Kerry的作品,風格比較清新,更像是年輕人的打趣。
Fucking Around – Looper
Looper是一支來自格拉斯哥的老牌獨立搖滾樂隊。這首“Fucking Around”和前面Peter & Kerry的同名作品一樣,都屬于清新悅耳的類型。畢竟“Fucking Around”這個詞組本來也僅僅是胡鬧瞎搞的意思。
Fucked Up - Joel Compass
年輕的英國R&B歌手Joel Compass帶來了一首描繪年輕人頹廢生活的歌曲。有沒有一個時刻你突然覺得自己這次終于徹底搞砸玩完了?“Fucked Up”就是這樣一首歌。
Said I'm so fucked up
And this girl won't wake up
All these years that we've been through
And I killed it in a night
You Ain't Fuckin' Wit Me - Busta Rhymes
Busta Rhymes是我最喜歡的東海岸老牌說唱歌手之一。雖然說唱歌手說Fuck幾乎跟說Hi一樣頻繁,但Busta那時而幽默風趣時而機關槍辦連珠帶炮的Flow讓這首歌顯得極具個人風格。
Fuck it, it is a must we hold grands
Get with the program and fuck bitches who love to hold hands
Foul shit, way out of order
Fuck shit up, leave bitches hot and sweaty drippin' buckets of water
Who The Fuck? - PJ Harvey
短短的一首歌,出自PJ Harvey的專輯“Uh Huh Her”。
Fuck, fuck, fuck you
I'm free, you'll see
Fuck Somebody Else - The Firm
The Firm是曾經(jīng)的東海岸說唱天團,由大牌說唱歌手Nas、Foxy Brown和AZ組成,Dr. Dre親自擔綱制作。這首“Fuck Somebody Else”由Foxy Brown演繹。
Smoke the put bush, let him eat it
Let's him get high then his face in my thigh, while i'm in his ride
Fuck a nigga todd, screamin' my name
Cum stains on the wood grain, had a good thang
Fuck Face - Egil Olsen
舒緩的旋律,柔和的吉他,細膩的男聲,這是一首非常清新的情感小品。Egil Olsen在歌里自稱Happy Fuckface,也就是快樂的小二逼,直到一個姑娘改變了他的生活。
Fuck 'em All – Mac Miller
比我年紀還小的年輕說唱歌手,資深大麻愛好者,因為天賦過人也被評論界寄予很大的期待?!癋uck 'em All”中充滿了年輕人的大膽和不羈,更體現(xiàn)了他不小的野心。
Life a bitch but she my bitch
Go roll it and it's timeless yea
Get your money
Fuck 'em all
Every day, could be gone tomorrow
What if it's gone tomorrow?
Laugh/Love/Fuck – The Coup
The Coup是一支曲風不那么主流的加州說唱團體。一首有點Funk的歌曲,滿不在乎地地歌頌享樂主義。
I'm here to laugh, love, fuck and drink liquor;
and help the damn revolution come quicker.
Big Dumb Sex - Soundgarden
Ya I know what to do
I'm gonna fuck fuck fuck fuck you
Fuck you I'm gonna
You Fucking Love It - Dirty Pretty Things
Carl Barat和Dirty Pretty Things以及背后那些亂七八糟的故事你們可能比我更清楚。作為一首英倫搖滾歌曲,“You Fucking Love It”躁得我有點頭暈。
Just put your money in
Bruised and battered shins
You fucking love it
You fucking love it
Fuck Forever – Babyshambles
有Dirty Pretty Things怎會沒有Babyshambles呢?畢竟是花開兩朵,各表一枝。是誰說的?生命不息,狂草不止。
So fuck forever
If you don't mind
I'm stuck forever
In your mind, your mind, your mind
Fuck Machine - Mindless Self Indulgence
You can have the sex with me
We can make a baby or three
We can make a fuck machine
A fuck machine
I Fucked Up – Madonna
身為一個紅了幾十年的主流歌手,麥姐的口無遮攔應該是先驅級別的。但這首“I Fucked Up”其實非常溫情,充滿了對于往昔感情的悔恨。
Fuckin With My Head (Mountain Dew Rock) – Beck
When you wanna be with me then we will see
Who's fuckin' with my head
Hey, hey, hey, hey
Fuckin' with my head
You Don’t Know (For Fuck’s Sake) – Ed Sheeran&Yelawolf
黃老板Ed Sheeran的確是個很有才華的人,雖然穿著打扮模樣都是各種屌絲,但和Yelawolf這種渾身戾氣的人合作也絲毫不露怯呢,不愧是全能才子。
For fuck's sake
Get The Fuck Up! – Yelawolf
I'm a gift you can't get rid of
Recline on me homie I'm a make you sit up
Get drunk do it. Stage lights are lit up, scream like
Wraaa Everybody get the fuck up
I Lost My Fucking Mind - Ryan Adams
美國唱作人Ryan Adams一首比較容易上口的流行搖滾作品,其實沒有太多令人驚艷的地方。
Fuck The Pain Away – Peaches
Suckin' on my titties like you wanted me,
Callin me, all the time like blondie
Check out my chrissy behind
It's fine all of the time.
Like sex on the beaches,
What else is in the teaches of peaches?
huh? what?
Fuck the pain away. Fuck the pain away.
Fuck Me Pumps – Amy Winehouse
也算是酒屋女的一首名作,辛辣地諷刺了各種婊子。Amy Winehouse英年早逝,她的才華和魅力令人感到惋惜。
You should have known from the job,
That you always get dumped,
So dust off your fuck me pumps.
Fuck Her Gently - Tenacious D
這首“Fuck Her Gently”來自深受廣大中國兒童喜愛的功夫熊貓阿寶,也就是那個好萊塢最猥瑣的胖子之一的Jack Black。我從未見過世上還有其他能把如此猥瑣的歌詞唱得如此溫柔的人。畢竟他們也是拿過了格萊美的天團!
This is a song for the ladies
But fellas listen closely
You don’t always have to fuck her hard
In fact sometimes that’s not right to do
Sometimes you’ve got to make some love
And fuckin give her some smoochies too
Sometimes you got to squeeze
Sometimes you’ve got to say please
Sometime you’ve got to say hey
I’m gonna Fuck you softly
I’m gonna screw you gently
I’m gonna hump you sweetly
I’m gonna ball you discreetly
And then you say hey I bought you flowers
And then you say wait a minute sally
I think I got somethin in my teeth
Could you get it out for me
That’s fuckin teamwork
Whats your favorite posish?
That’s cool with me
Its not my favorite
But I’ll do it for you
Whats your favorite dish?
Im not gonna cook it
But ill order it from Zanzibar
And then I’m gonna love you completely
And then I’ll fuckin fuck you discreetly
And then I’ll fucking bone you completely
But then I’m gonna fuck you hard
Don't Fuck with My Money - Penguin Prison
一首來自電聲藝Penguin Prison的電子舞曲,講的是金錢糾葛,或者類似的事情,你懂的。不用深究什么,總之這首歌聽起來很爽。
You fuck with my money oh, you'll be sorry, no no no
you got what you wanted oh you got what you wanted no
I did what you told me oh I did what you told me no
You're a Fucking Nerd and No One Likes You – OK GO
我勒個去,OK GO這滿是惡意的歌名還真特么戳到我的痛處了。
You're a fucking nerd
And no one likes you
You're a fucking nerd
Oh, jacob no one likes you (oh no one likes you, no)
'cause you're fucking nerd
Fucking nerd
Everybody Fucks – Pitbull & Akon & David Rush
And let your body decide, exactly what it does
But it's no secret baby, everybody fucks
I know you don't do these type of things on the first night
We both know it's wrong but fuck it cause it feels right
I know you don't do these type of things on the first night
We both know it's wrong but fuck it cause it feels right
Fuck Em Only We Know – Banks
Our life could be a little bumpy, but I'll hold on
Just wanna tell you that I see you, baby, do you see me
Cause this is special, baby
Fuck em only we know
Happy Go Sucky Fucky - Die Antwoord
Die Antwoord兩人組雖然在電影《超能查派》中的表現(xiàn)非常一般,但卻貢獻出了異常驚艷的音樂?!癏appy Go Sucky Fucky”一如他們的其他歌曲一樣刺激,躁動,怪異,瘋狂,給人一種觸電般的感官享受,簡直欲罷不能……
We live the life we love
We love the life we live
Don't need no one fuckin up my shit!
Okay! Bitch! Get the fuck off me!
I'll bring you the fuck out
Cos I choose to be free!
Fuck your rules! Who are you to tell me
What I can and can't do?
Tonight (I'm Fuckin' You) - Enrique Iglesias feat. Ludacris & DJ Frank E
But tonight I'm fucking you
Oh you know
Close Your Eyes - Run the Jewels
Run the Jewels組合由紐約的El-P和亞特蘭大的Killer Mike組隊而成。這是一首非常爺們兒的歌——前提是不要去看MV,因為可能會讓你產(chǎn)生奇怪的聯(lián)想。
A wise man once said, ("We all dead, fuck it")
Just spit it disgusting youngin', and hold your nuts while you're gunnin'
I listened, tatted a sentence on my dick last summer
Now I'll never get that phrase off my brain, it's no wonder
I Don't Fuck With You – Big Sean feat. E-40
Big Sean今年上半年專輯中的作品,之前也有過介紹。他痛罵了趨炎附勢的女人,向她們表示不屑一顧,而E-40的幫腔讓歌曲錦上添花。
Bitch I don't fuck with you
You little stupid ass bitch,
I ain't fuckin' with you
You little you little dumb ass bitch,
I ain't fuckin' with you
I got a million trillion things I'd rather fuckin' do
Than to be fuckin' with you
Little stupid ass
Fuck You – Dr.Dre Feat. Devin a.k.a. The Dude & Snoop Dogg
前些日子Dr.Dre終于在蘋果公司的公關壓力下為自己長期以來在音樂作品中蔑視女性的態(tài)度道歉了。這首“Fuck You”恐怕可以算是他這方面的代表作,完全把女性描寫為玩物一般的存在——可就算如此,這仍然被看作是說唱音樂歷史中非常經(jīng)典的一首歌。
I just wanna fuuuuuck you
No touchin and rubbin gul, you got a husband who
loves.. you..
Don't need you all in mine
I just wanna fuuuuuck you
We can't be kissin and huggin gul, you got a husband who
loves.. you..
You need to give him your quality time
Fuck It All - Childish Gambino
Childish Gambino既是說唱歌手又是演員。一首難得的非常情緒化的說唱歌曲,也包含了一些他對人生的思考。
I ain't gonna be around forever, so fuck it all,
Seein all this pussy, Ima fuck it all
Fly around the world, eatin good, drinkin alcohol,
You ain't nothing like me, nigga, not at all
Fuck It - The Lovely Eggs
英國流行組合The Lovely Eggs一首比較輕松的歌曲。沒有太多波瀾起伏,但是很好聽。
Fucked My Way Up To the Top - Lana Del Rey
Lay me down tonight in my linen and curls
Lay me down tonight, Riviera girls.
I fucked my way up to the top,
This is my show.
I fucked my way up to the top,
Go, baby, go.
Fuck You – Cee Lo Green
身為美國好聲音導師的歡樂胖子Cee Lo Green也唱過這么哀怨不爽的歌呢(雖然是說唱出道)……
I see you driving 'round town
With the girl I love and I'm like,
Fuck you!
I guess the change in my pocket
Wasn't enough I'm like,
Fuck you!
And fuck her too!
Ifhy – Tyler, The Creator & Pharrel
瘋癲又天賦過人的年輕說唱歌手,之前的文章里推薦過他今年的專輯Cherry Bomb。他也是以在歌曲中各種大量使用Fuck而聞名,在早先的歌曲Radicals中 他大罵Fuck和Motherfucker的高達95次。這首“Ifhy”充分地體現(xiàn)了他性格中的各種糾結極端,而他的這種另類給說唱界憑添了不少色彩。
I fucking hate you
But I love you
I'm bad at keeping my emotions bubbled
You're good at being perfect
We're good at being troubled, yeah
Fuck You – Lily Allen
Fuck you
Fuck you very, very much
Cause we hate what you do
And we hate your whole crew
So please don't stay in touch
Black Swan -Thom Yorke
綠洲主唱Thom Yorke的聲音總像是在夢囈?!癇lack Swan”像是一場不安的夢境,是一種漫延的情緒。
I'm your black swan, black swan
But I made it to the top, made it to the top
This is fucked up, fucked up
Fucked Up World - The Pretty Reckless
誰不喜歡咒罵這個世界呢?只不過我們都沒有The Pretty Reckless罵得這么有勁。
Fucked up bitches begging me to behave
Shoving Jesus down our throat, no I don't want to be saved
Put your shame on my brain, I'm nobody's slave
I got one foot in the cradle and one in the grave
Fuck Love - Iggy Azalea
來自澳大利亞的Iggy Azalea腿長屁股翹,但是口無遮攔經(jīng)常誤事。但是有T.I.在身后護航,她的音樂還是很有聽頭?!癋uck Love”講的是拜金主義,并且持積極的態(tài)度。比起愛情,女孩兒更愛鉆石。不過話說回來,Iggy Azalea奇怪的發(fā)音讓我剛開始時百思不得其解,總聽成“Fuck Love Give Me 道明寺”。
You can't break my heart
You can't take my pride
Oh no, that love shit, I won't do it
Fuck love, give me diamonds
Get In The Ring - Guns N' Roses
What you pissed off cuz your dad gets more pussy than you?
Fuck you
Suck my fuckin' dick
Fuck tha Police – NWA
說唱歷史上最經(jīng)典的歌曲之一,匪幫說唱的絕佳代表,誕生于西海岸說唱的黃金時代,更被收錄于滾石雜志史上最佳500首歌曲榜單的第425,是一首向警察的野蠻執(zhí)法和種族歧視抗爭的歌曲。出自專輯“Straight Outta Compton”,傳唱于一整代人,而今年描寫NWA傳奇過往的的同名電影也已經(jīng)上映,大有沖擊奧斯卡的勢頭。
Comin straight from the underground
Young nigga got it bad cuz I'm brown
And not the other color so police think
They have the authority to kill a minority
Fuck that shit, cuz I ain't tha one
For a punk muthafucka with a badge and a gun
To be beatin on, and throwin in jail
We could go toe to toe in the middle of a cell
Fuckin with me cuz I'm a teenager
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