作者:Larry Nung 來源:Level Up 更新時間:2009-11-17
用 is Nothing 判斷。e.x. If str Is Nothing
用 = Nothing 判斷(類別中只有字串可以用 = Nothing 來判斷)。e.x. If str = Nothing
用 = "" 判斷。e.x. If str = ""
用 = String.Empty 判斷。e.x. If str = String.Empty
用 Is String.Empty 判斷。e.x. If str Is String.Empty
用 String.IsNullOrEmpty(str) 判斷。e.x. If String.IsNullOrEmpty(str)
用 String.Length = 0 判斷。e.x. If str.Length = 0
Sub Main() Dim testStrings() As String = New String() {Nothing, "", String.Empty} For Each str As String In testStrings TestString(str) Console.WriteLine("=======================") Next End Sub Private Sub TestString(ByVal str As String) If str Is Nothing Then Console.WriteLine("str Is Nothing") If str = Nothing Then Console.WriteLine("str = Nothing") If str = "" Then Console.WriteLine("str = """"") If str = String.Empty Then Console.WriteLine("str = String.Empty") If str Is String.Empty Then Console.WriteLine("str Is String.Empty") If String.IsNullOrEmpty(str) Then Console.WriteLine("String.IsNullOrEmpty(str)") Try '更多.net源碼和教程,來自[樂博網
www.lob.cn] If str.Length = 0 Then Console.WriteLine("str.Length = 0") Catch ex As Exception End Try End Sub
由上圖可知, "" 與 String.Empty 結果是一樣的。比較有趣的是,當字串值是""與String.Empty時, str is Nothing 是不會成立的,但是 str = Nothing 卻會成立。而當字串參考是 Nothing 時,str is string.Empty 不成立、 str = string.Empty 成立。這是因為當使用=運算子判斷時,Nothing 、 "" 與 String.Empty 是被視為一樣的,才會造成此有趣的現(xiàn)象。
Sub Main() Dim testStrings() As String = New String() {Nothing, "", String.Empty} For Each str As String In testStrings TestStringSpeed(str, 10000000) Console.WriteLine("=======================") Next End Sub Private Sub TestStringSpeed(ByVal str As String, ByVal count As Integer) Dim n As Integer = count Dim sw As New Stopwatch Console.WriteLine("str Is Nothing") sw.Start() For i As Integer = 1 To n If str Is Nothing Then End If Next Console.WriteLine("花費時間: " & sw.ElapsedMilliseconds) Console.WriteLine("str = Nothing") sw.Reset() '更多.net源碼和教程,來自[樂博網
www.lob.cn] sw.Start() For i As Integer = 1 To n If str = Nothing Then End If Next Console.WriteLine("花費時間: " & sw.ElapsedMilliseconds) Console.WriteLine("str = """"") sw.Reset() sw.Start() For i As Integer = 1 To n If str = "" Then End If Next Console.WriteLine("花費時間: " & sw.ElapsedMilliseconds) Console.WriteLine("str = String.Empty") sw.Reset() sw.Start() For i As Integer = 1 To n If str = String.Empty Then End If Next Console.WriteLine("花費時間: " & sw.ElapsedMilliseconds) Console.WriteLine("str Is String.Empty") sw.Reset() sw.Start() For i As Integer = 1 To n If str Is String.Empty Then End If Next Console.WriteLine("花費時間: " & sw.ElapsedMilliseconds) Console.WriteLine("String.IsNullOrEmpty(str)") sw.Reset() sw.Start() For i As Integer = 1 To n If String.IsNullOrEmpty(str) Then End If Next Console.WriteLine("花費時間: " & sw.ElapsedMilliseconds) Try Console.WriteLine("str.Length = 0") sw.Reset() sw.Start() For i As Integer = 1 To n If str.Length = 0 Then End If Next Console.WriteLine("花費時間: " & sw.ElapsedMilliseconds) Catch ex As Exception End Try End Sub
用String.IsNullOrEmpty同時判斷Nothing與空字串會比只判斷是否為 Nothing 或為空還慢
當字串不為 Nothing 時要判斷字串是否為空的話,用Is String.Empty去判斷最快(文件上通常是說String.Length = 0最快)
Sub Main() Dim testStrings() As String = New String() {Nothing, "", String.Empty} For Each str As String In testStrings 'TestString(str) TestStringSpeed(str, 10000000) Console.WriteLine("=======================") Next End Sub Private Sub TestStringSpeed(ByVal str As String, ByVal count As Integer) Dim n As Integer = count Dim sw As New Stopwatch Console.WriteLine("str Is Nothing & Is String.Empty") sw.Start() For i As Integer = 1 To n If str Is Nothing Then Else If str Is String.Empty Then End If End If Next Console.WriteLine("花費時間: " & sw.ElapsedMilliseconds) Console.WriteLine("str Is Nothing & Is String.Empty") sw.Reset() sw.Start() For i As Integer = 1 To n If str Is Nothing Then Else If str.Length = 0 Then End If End If Next Console.WriteLine("花費時間: " & sw.ElapsedMilliseconds) If str = Nothing Then Console.WriteLine("str = Nothing") sw.Reset() sw.Start() For i As Integer = 1 To n If str = Nothing Then End If Next Console.WriteLine("花費時間: " & sw.ElapsedMilliseconds) Console.WriteLine("str = """"") sw.Reset() sw.Start() For i As Integer = 1 To n If str = "" Then End If Next Console.WriteLine("花費時間: " & sw.ElapsedMilliseconds) Console.WriteLine("str = String.Empty") sw.Reset() sw.Start() For i As Integer = 1 To n If str = String.Empty Then End If Next Console.WriteLine("花費時間: " & sw.ElapsedMilliseconds) Console.WriteLine("String.IsNullOrEmpty(str)") sw.Reset() sw.Start() '更多.net源碼和教程,來自[樂博網
www.lob.cn] For i As Integer = 1 To n If String.IsNullOrEmpty(str) Then End If Next Console.WriteLine("花費時間: " & sw.ElapsedMilliseconds) End Sub
可以看出 String.IsNullOrEmpty 函式的效能與自行混用 str Is Nothing 與 Is String.Empty 判斷方法來達到相同目的的效能差不多。