


在PLOS ONE上投稿的過程 (郵件版)
剛剛在PLOS ONE 上發(fā)了我讀碩期間的第一篇SCI文章,心里挺開心的。一個(gè)蟲友曾問我在這上面發(fā)文章的流程,希望我能出個(gè)技術(shù)貼~慚愧的是小弟我記憶力不是太好,投稿的流程忘了差不多了。其實(shí)我也是第一次投,就按雜志給的頁面一步步來的,沒有遇到什么困難~現(xiàn)在我把我投稿期間雜志給我發(fā)的郵件全都整理出來,希望能對(duì)大家有點(diǎn)幫助!
Editorial Manager New Account Registration
2012年4月22日, 星期日, 下午 5:38
Dear Mr Chen,
Thank you for registering for the Editorial Manager online submission and peer review tracking system for PLoS ONE.
Here is your username and confidential password, which you need to access the Editorial Manager at http://pone.edmgr.com/.
Your username is: ***
Your password is: ***
Please save this information in a safe place.
You can change your password and other personal information by logging into the PLoS ONE website at http://pone.edmgr.com/ and clicking on the Update My Information link on the menu.
Best regards,
PLoS ONE Notification: Your PDF has been built (文章標(biāo)題)

2012年5月28日, 星期日, 下午 10:15
Dear Mr Chen,
This is an automatic email.  
The PDF for your submission, "文章標(biāo)題" has been built.  If you have not already done so, please review your manuscript and approve your PDF to complete your submission at http://pone.edmgr.com/.
Username: ****
Password: ****
Thank you for your time and support.
PLoS ONE Staff
Your submission entitled 文章標(biāo)題
2012年5月29日, 星期二, 下午 4:25
If you are unable to complete any points that are requested in this email, please explain why in the "Enter Comments" tab of the online submission form prior to re-submitting your manuscript.  This will enable us to promptly assess your response and progress your manuscript to an Academic Editor at the earliest opportunity.
Dear Mr Chen,
Thank you for submitting your manuscript entitled "文章標(biāo)題" to PLoS ONE.  Your manuscript files have been checked in house but before we can proceed, we need you to address the following issues:
We have noted that this submission involves field studies of invertebrates, plant species, or non-living materials. To comply with PLoS ONE submissions requirements, could you please provide the following information in the Methods section of the manuscript and in the 'ethics' field on the submission data (via Edit Submission).
a) Please state either "All necessary permits were obtained for the described field studies" or "No specific permits were required for the described field studies."
b) Please provide details of any relevant permissions/permits required and obtained for your observational or field studies. We request information about which person or authority issued the permission for each location (for example, the owner of private land, the authority responsible for a national park or other protected area of land, the relevant regulatory body concerned with protection of wildlife, etc.)
c) For any locations/activities for which specific permission was not required, please
    i. state clearly that no specific permissions were required for these locations/activities, and if possible provide any details on why this is the case
    ii. confirm that the location is not privately-owned or protected in any way
  iii. confirm that the field studies did not involve endangered or protected species
Your manuscript has been returned to your account. Please log on to PLoS Editorial Manager at http://pone.edmgr.com/ to access your manuscript.
Your manuscript can be found in the "Submissions Sent Back to Author" link under the New Submissions menu. After you have made the changes requested above, please be sure to view and approve the revised PDF after rebuilding the PDF to complete the resubmission process.
Please note that these changes have been requested to comply with submission guidelines and your manuscript will *not* be sent to review until you have fully adhered to our requests.  Once your paper has been seen by an Editor we may return it to you for further information or amendments.
Thank you for submitting your work to PLoS ONE.
Kind regards,
Jane Newton
文章上傳后,在被分配給學(xué)術(shù)編輯之前,會(huì)有個(gè)雜志的 In-House check,主要檢查文章的內(nèi)容、格式等是否符合雜志的要求,這個(gè)相當(dāng)于技術(shù)性審稿。這個(gè)郵件說我沒有給Ethics Statement,要我在初稿里補(bǔ)上。PLOS ONE 貌似對(duì)Ethics Statement要求挺嚴(yán)的,我這篇寫soil respiration的都要給。希望其他蟲友在上傳文章之前一定要好好檢查下,一切按雜志要求來。參考文獻(xiàn)比較容易出問題,推薦用endnote,網(wǎng)上有plos one引文的endnote格式。
A manuscript number has been assigned to 文章標(biāo)題
2012年5月31日, 星期四, 上午 9:16
Dear Mr Chen,
On May 29 2012  5:44AM, we received your Research Article entitled "文章標(biāo)題" by 作者們.
Your manuscript has been assigned the manuscript number: PONE-D-12-15119.
We will keep you informed about the progress of your manuscript or you can check the status by logging into your account.
Please be aware that you will NOT be required to complete the 'Open-Access Agreement' field until your manuscript is accepted for publication.  You may also be asked to provide your article and figure files in a different format at this time (please see the 'Electronic Format' section of the Author Guidelines for more information: http://www.plosone.org/static/guidelines.action#preparation)
Please visit everyONE (http://everyone.plos.org), the PLoS ONE community blog for authors who have published with us (as well as our readers), where you will be able to find out what the journal is thinking, changing and doing.
Thank you for submitting to PLoS ONE.
If you have any inquiries or other comments regarding this manuscript, please contact http://pone.edmgr.com/.                  
Thank you for choosing PLoS ONE.               
Best wishes,                  
Damian Pattinson, PhD
Executive Editor, PLoS ONE
按要求加了Ethics Statement后,重新上傳。沒多久雜志就把我的文章送給學(xué)術(shù)編輯了~,學(xué)術(shù)編輯是我推薦的其中一位。PLOS ONE要求作者從它網(wǎng)站上的那些編輯中挑幾個(gè)編輯推薦,我當(dāng)時(shí)是這樣挑的:看PLOS ONE中和我領(lǐng)域相關(guān)的文章,看這些文章用的哪個(gè)編輯?;蛘咧苯痈鶕?jù)網(wǎng)站給的編輯的研究領(lǐng)域來挑。
PLoS ONE Decision: Revise  
2012年6月14日, 星期四, 下午 9:29
Dear Mr Chen,
Thank you for submitting your manuscript for review to PLoS ONE. After careful consideration, we feel that your manuscript will likely be suitable for publication if it is revised to address the points below. Therefore, my decision is "Minor Revision."
We invite you to submit a revised version of the manuscript that addresses the following points:
This is a well written and nicely carried out study. Please review the comments below and make appropriate changes, I will review the resubmission.
We encourage you to submit your revision within sixty days of the date of this decision.
When your files are ready, please submit your revision by logging on to http://pone.edmgr.com/ and following the Submissions Needing Revision link. Do not submit a revised manuscript as a new submission.
If you would like to make changes to your financial disclosure, please include your updated statement in your cover letter.
Please also include a rebuttal letter that responds to each point brought up by the academic editor and reviewer(s). This letter should be uploaded as a Response to Reviewers file.
In addition, please provide a marked-up copy of the changes made from the previous article file as a Manuscript with Tracked Changes file. This can be done using 'track changes' in programs such as MS Word and/or highlighting any changes in the new document.
If you choose not to submit a revision, please notify us.
Yours sincerely,
Jack Anthony Gilbert, Ph.D.
Academic Editor
Reviewers' comments: (個(gè)意見)
PLoS ONE Decision: Accept  
Dear Mr Chen,
I am pleased to inform you that your manuscript has been deemed suitable for publication in PLoS ONE.
Your manuscript will now be passed on to our Production staff, who will check your files for correct formatting and completeness.  After this review, they may return your manuscript to you so that you can make necessary alterations and upload a final version.
Before uploading, you should check the PDF of your manuscript very closely. THERE IS NO AUTHOR PROOFING. You should therefore consider the corrected files you upload now as equivalent to a production proof. The text you supply at this point will be faithfully represented in your published manuscript exactly as you supply it. This is your last opportunity to correct any errors that are present in your manuscript files.
If you or your institution will be preparing press materials for this manuscript, you must inform our press team in advance. Please contact them at ONEpress@plos.org.
If you have any questions, concerns, or problems, please contact us at plosone@plos.org, and thank you for submitting your work to our journal.
With kind regards,
Jack Anthony Gilbert, Ph.D.
Academic Editor
Reviewers' comments:
Reviewer #1: The authors have made appropriate revisions and corrections on the manuscript, I recoomend it for publication. The revised manuscript with minor corrections  was sent by email.
我用了11天修改,然后在6月25日上傳修改稿.過了兩個(gè)星期,文章被告知接收了. 開心哦哈!
Invoice : PAB49337 1
Dear Author,
Thank you for choosing to publish with PLoS - by now you will have received an email confirmation that your article "文章標(biāo)題" PONE-D-12-15119 has been accepted for publication. Therefore, please find appended an invoice PAB49337 for this article.
Thank you for publishing with PLoS and congratulations on your upcoming publication!
Author Billing Team
Public Library of Science
緊接著就發(fā)郵件要我交錢啦. 附件上給了我匯款的方式. 1350刀,好貴啊!
Dear Mr Chen,
Re: "文章標(biāo)題"
Before we can formally accept your manuscript, a few revisions are required to enable us to move it quickly to live publication. Please log in to Editorial Manager to see the requested due date for this task (usually within five days of this request). If you require additional time, there is no penalty for submitting this task late. However, your publication date is dependent on how quickly you submit your revised file(s). If you expect to submit your task more than two weeks after the due date, please contact ONE_Production@plos.org.
- Part of our process includes formatting the authors' affiliations in the manuscript to meet our style. For each affiliation, we show the department, organization, city, state, and country. Please help us prevent potential error by spelling out any acronyms and removing any street addresses and postal codes in your affiliations. Please ensure a city and country is included for EVERY affiliation on the list. Please note that the affiliations that are published are taken from the versions supplied in the manuscript text, not the versions in the online Editorial Manager. As long as they are correct in the text, they will be published faithfully. In particular, please include a department for affiliation 2.
- Please let us know by replying to this message what author contribution should be listed for each author in the online Editorial Manager. The author contributions in your published article will be derived from this information. The current list of contributions in the EM is empty. The possible categories are:
Conceived and designed the experiments:
Performed the experiments:
Analyzed the data:
Contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools:
Wrote the manuscript:
Other (please specify):
- Please provide your standalone display equations in Word Equation or MathType.
1.    Log in to http://www.editorialmanager.com/pone/.
2.    From the Author Main Menu page click on "Current Task Assignments."
3.    In the Action Column, click the "Assignment  Files" option to access your manuscript files. If you don't see a small menu, click on the small + (plus) sign to the left of the word "Action" to open the menu of options.
From the center of the "Submit Task" page, click "Upload File." Clearly label your new files in the Description field. If you need to communicate information about your file revisions, please use the editable email field on the Submit Task page to do so.
DO NOT click "Submit Production Task" until you have uploaded all necessary files. Once you submit this task, you will no longer be able to upload files to Editorial Manager. Note: At this stage our system no longer builds a PDF from your newly uploaded files.
THERE IS NO AUTHOR PROOFING. You should therefore consider the corrected files you upload now as equivalent to a production proof. The text you supply at this point will be faithfully represented in your published manuscript exactly as you supply it. This is your last opportunity to correct any errors that are present in your manuscript files. THE CORRESPONDING AUTHOR IS RESPONSIBLE, ON BEHALF OF ALL CO-AUTHORS, FOR THE ACCURACY OF ALL CONTENT, including spelling of author names and affiliations and completeness of funding information. Please check these carefully.
If you have any questions, please contact ONE_Production@plos.org.
Best wishes,
PLoS ONE Production
PLoS ONE: PONE-D-12-15119R1  1
2012年7月13日, 星期五, 下午 1:24
Dear Mr Chen,
Thank you for submitting your work to PLoS ONE.
Following your recent decision letter, please find the annotated copy of the manuscript referred to by reviewer #1 in their review attached for your attention.
If I can be of any further assistance please do not hesitate to contact me.
Amanda Beard
擦,又來了個(gè)郵件, 把審稿人的修改我文章的修稿發(fā)給我了,里面審稿人給我指出了幾處錯(cuò)誤~還好,文章沒上傳,不然錯(cuò)誤就概不了了.不曉得這份郵件為什么現(xiàn)在才發(fā)給我.
PLoS ONE PONE-D-12-15119R1  - Sent to Production
2012年7月17日, 星期二, 上午 7:34
Dear Mr Chen,
"文章標(biāo)題" has been accepted for production and will require no further action from you. You will receive notification when your publication date has been established.
We encourage you to learn about the general features of PLoS Journals and sign up for a Journals Account. You can find out more here: http://www.plosone.org/static/help.action#account.
We thank you again for your contribution to PLoS ONE.
PLoS ONE Production Team
然后文章就被Sent to Production啦!
PLOS ONE Pre-Publication Information
2012年7月28日, 星期六, 上午 8:01
Dear Dr. Chen,
We are pleased to announce that your article entitled “文章標(biāo)題” is tentatively scheduled to be published in PLOS ONE on 8/6/2012 with the press embargo ending at 2 p.m. Pacific Time (5 p.m. Eastern) on 8/6/2012. On publication, your paper will be available online at http://dx.plos.org/*******. Please note that publication dates may change.  In the event that your date must be changed, you will be notified of the new date as soon as possible. This is not a frequent occurrence, but can happen usually due to unforeseen technical issues.
Please note:
Note that this email is automatically sent to the co-author who acted as corresponding author prior to publication. If a co-author other than yourself is planning to act as corresponding author on this paper following publication, we ask that you pass this information along to him or her.
If your institution is planning a press release for your manuscript, they must contact our press team at onepress@PLOS.org.  For more information on our press polices please see our media policies page: http://blogs.PLOS.org/everyone/media/
Please now read the following items:
1. Create a PLOS ONE account – so you can be ready to respond to user comments
Before your paper is published, please also create an account on the PLOS ONE journal publication site, if you have not yet done so; this is independent of the manuscript submission and peer review system. When your paper is published, you will then be able to annotate or comment on the paper on the PLOS ONE site. When creating your PLOS ONE profile, we advise you to use the same email address you provided when submitting your paper. All co-authors are, of course, also welcome—and encouraged—to create an account and respond to any comments.
Most comments and questions on PLOS ONE papers are addressed directly to the authors. Thus, for the post-publication dialogue to succeed, it is essential for the authors to participate in the discussions and to respond promptly to readers’ commentary. Most comments and notes are posted during the first week or so after a paper’s publication. We therefore encourage you to visit your paper and to respond to comments about once per day during the first week and then occasionally during the subsequent weeks and months, as it is our intention that the discussion will continue long after the paper’s publication.
2. Discover how many people have downloaded your paper
PLOS recently started placing a range of ‘indicators of impact’ on every published paper, all of which can be found under the ‘Metrics’ tab on your article. These metrics include citations to the paper; detailed information on the online usage; comments, notes and ratings on the article; information about which people have ‘socially bookmarked’ your article; and links out to blog posts that have been made about the article. More information about this ‘Article-Level Metrics’ program can be found at: http://article-level-metrics.PLOS.org/. We hope you will agree that this information is extremely valuable for both authors and readers, and once again demonstrates our commitment to providing world-class author tools and services in an Open Access environment. We encourage you to use the information on this tab to demonstrate the reach and impact of your article in the wider world. Note: most of these metrics will accrue over time; however, be aware that usage data (although updated daily) will only be displayed after the article has been published for a couple of days.
3. Stay up-to-date with PLOS via our blog and other social media sites
In response to requests from our committed author and reader community we created everyONE, a blog (http://everyone.PLOS.org) designed to provide additional information about the journal and its content. You can register to receive email delivery of all published blog articles at: http://www.feedblitz.com/f/?Sub=562413. We also post to Twitter (http://twitter.com/PLOSONE) and have an active Facebook page (http://www.facebook.com/PLOS.org).  
5. Order high-quality print copies of your article
As you know, all our content is freely available under a Creative Commons license. This means that anyone, including you, is at liberty to print and distribute as many copies as needed. We recognize, however, that some people desire high quality reprints and so we have partnered with Odyssey Press to offer 'EzReprint' services which provide professionally-printed copies of any article conveniently delivered direct to your door. To learn more about pricing or to order reprints, visit your article on PLOS ONE and click on the ‘EzReprint’ link on the top right portion of the screen.
6. Questions about your publication?
If you have questions about your manuscript *before* it publishes, please contact our Production department at ONE_Production@PLOS.org.
If you wish to issue any corrections to your published paper, please send your request to corrections@PLOS.org.
7. PubMed and PubMed Central
Upon publication, your article files are directly sent to PubMed Central.  Please note: it may take up to two weeks -*after* your paper publishes in PLOS ONE- to be searchable via PubMed. This is due to technical checks PubMed conducts on the article files.
Thank you for your support and for choosing to publish with PLOS ONE.
Best wishes,
Alex Theg
Publications Assistant, PLOS ONE
Public Library of Science
1160 Battery Street, Suite 100
San Francisco, CA 94111
正式出版前還有個(gè)Pre-Publication. 就是文章先掛在網(wǎng)上掛段時(shí)間,讓大家瞅瞅,給你的意見你要回復(fù)之類的~
PLOS ONE Paper Published
2012年8月11日, 星期六, 上午 7:42
Dear Dr. Chen,
Congratulations! Your paper entitled “文章標(biāo)題” was recently published in PLOS ONE and is available online at http://dx.plos.org/********. We encourage you to forward this message to your co-authors and to send the link to any other colleagues who might be interested in the paper.
Now that your paper is online, you can participate in online discussion with readers, discover how much online usage it has had, track its citations, and keep up-to-date about PLOS developments via a variety of online channels—all detailed below. We hope that your publishing experience was a good one and we hope you will submit more research to us in the future.
Please note that this email is automatically sent to the co-author who acted as corresponding author prior to publication. If a co-author other than yourself is planning to act as corresponding author on this paper following publication, we ask that you pass this information along to him or her.
1. Create an account—so you can be ready to respond to user comments
If you haven’t already done so, please create an account on the PLOS ONE publication website, (which is independent of the journal management system into which you submitted your manuscript). Many readers of PLOS ONE papers address their comments and questions to the authors, thus, for post-publication dialogue to succeed, it is essential for the authors to participate in the discussions and to respond promptly to readers’ commentary. Most of the comments and annotations appear on the paper in its early days, i.e. during the first week after the paper’s publication. We therefore encourage you to visit your paper and to respond to comments about once per day during the first week and then occasionally during the subsequent weeks and months, as it is our hope that the discussion will continue long after the paper’s publication.  
2. Discover how many people have downloaded your paper
PLOS recently started placing a range of ‘indicators of impact’ on every published paper, all of which can be found under the ‘Metrics’ tab on your article. These metrics include citations to the paper; detailed information on the online usage; comments, notes and ratings on the article; information about which people have ‘socially bookmarked’ your article; and links out to blog posts that have been made about the article. More information about this ‘Article-Level Metrics’ program can be found at: http://article-level-metrics.PLOS.org/. We hope you will agree that this information is extremely valuable for both authors and readers, and once again demonstrates our commitment to providing world-class author tools and services in an Open Access environment. We encourage you to use the information on this tab to demonstrate the reach and impact of your article in the wider world. Note: most of these metrics will accrue over time; however, be aware that usage data (although updated daily) will only be displayed after the article has been published for a couple of days.
3. Stay up-to-date with PLOS via our blog and other social media sites
In response to requests from our committed author and reader community we created everyONE, a blog (http://everyone.PLOS.org) designed to provide additional information about the journal and its content. You can register to receive email delivery of all published blog articles at: http://www.feedblitz.com/f/?Sub=562413. We also post to Twitter (http://twitter.com/PLOSONE) and have an active Facebook page (http://www.facebook.com/home.php#/pages/PLOSorg/47460995594).  
4. Submit more manuscripts to PLOS ONE—we want to publish more of your work
We welcome returning authors and would like to publish more of your work, so why not  send more research to us today? Remember, your profile information is already stored in our submission system, so submitting a new manuscript should be fast and straightforward.
Please note that if you have received an email from the Production department informing you that your publication date has been rescheduled, you may disregard this email as the date they sent you is more current. We apologize for any inconvenience.
5. Questions about your publication?
If you wish to issue any corrections to your published paper, please send your request to  corrections@PLOS.org.
If you havequestions about your manuscript before it publishes, please contact our Production department at ONE_Production@PLOS.org.
6. PubMed and PubMed Central
Upon publication, your article files are directly sent to PubMed Central.  Please note: it may take up to two weeks after your paper publishes in PLOS ONE- to be searchable via PubMed. This is due to technical checks PubMed conducts on the article files.
Thank you for your support and for choosing to publish with PLOS ONE. We hope you will continue to show your support for PLOS and for Open Access publishing.
Best wishes,
Alex Theg
Publications Assistant, PLOS ONE
Public Library of Science
1160 Battery Street, Suite 100
San Francisco, CA 94111
我的文章從投到出版的時(shí)間大致是這樣的:  投稿—返回意見 (6天);修稿用了11天;修稿上傳-接收(約2個(gè)星期);接收-出版(1個(gè)月零3天).  共用時(shí)2個(gè)月零2個(gè)星期!感覺速度還是挺快的哈.這就是我第一篇sci,也是第一篇學(xué)術(shù)論文的全過程了,希望能給想投PLOS ONE的朋友們點(diǎn)幫助
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