2007 年,美國發(fā)起了「整合人類微生物組計劃」(iHMP),旨在針對懷孕與早產嬰兒相關的腸道微生物組與炎癥性腸病、免疫性疾病、早期慢性疾病等關系進行研究。數以億計的菌群聚集在人體內的社群,其中超過 90% 的微生物生活在腸道里,被稱為「腸道菌群」,早期生命的腸道菌群與眾多疾病的發(fā)生和發(fā)展息息相關。
2016 年,來自美國、荷蘭、芬蘭、俄羅斯等多個國家科學家開展關于腸道微生物 LPS 免疫原性的變化和自身免疫疾病相關的大型隊列研究。研究發(fā)現,早期腸道紊亂的嬰兒長大后患有 1 型糖尿病的風險顯著升高[8],該研究結果發(fā)表在頂級期刊 Cell 雜志。
1. B?ckhed F, Roswall J, Peng Y, et al. Dynamics and Stabilization of the Human Gut Microbiome during the First Year of Life.[J]. Cell Host & Microbe, 2015, 17(5):690-703.
2. Milani C, Duranti S, Bottacini F, et al. The First Microbial Colonizers of the Human Gut: Composition, Activities, and Health Implications of the Infant Gut Microbiota[J]. Microbiology & Molecular Biology Reviews Mmbr, 2017, 81(4):e00036-17.
3. Jsy L, Soh S E, Lee Y K, et al. Ratio of Klebsiella/Bifidobacterium in early life correlates with later development of paediatric allergy[J]. Beneficial Microbes, 2017, 8(5):681-695.
4. Olivares M, Walker A W, Capilla A, et al. Gut microbiota trajectory in early life may predict development of celiac disease[J]. Microbiome, 2018, 6(1):36.
5. Stokholm J, Blaser M J, Thorsen J, et al. Maturation of the gut microbiome and risk of asthma in childhood:[J]. Nature Communications, 2018, 9(1):141.
6. Liu R, Hong J, Xu X, et al. Gut microbiome and serum metabolome alterations in obesity and after weight-loss intervention.[J]. Nature Medicine, 2017, 23(7):859-868.
7. Lee M J, Kang M J, Lee S Y, et al. Perturbations of the gut microbiome genes in infants with atopic dermatitis according to feeding type[J]. Journal of Allergy & Clinical Immunology, 2018, 141(4).
8. Vatanen T, Kostic A D, D' Hennezel E, et al. Variation in Microbiome LPS Immunogenicity Contributes to Autoimmunity in Humans[J]. Cell, 2016, 165(4):842.