只有10%大腦被利用 We use only 10 percent of our brains
這個誤解早在1907年就產(chǎn)生了,但(對大腦)掃描成像顯示,大腦中沒有完全不活動的區(qū)域。 This myth arose as early as 1907 but imaging shows no area of the brain is silent or completely inactive.
人死后頭發(fā)和指甲還會生長 Hair and fingernails continue to grow after death
這個認識可能來自恐怖小說。研究者說,人死后皮膚會變干并且收縮,所以顯得頭發(fā)和指甲更長了。 This idea may stem from ghoulish novels. The researchers said the skin dries out and retracts after death, giving the appearance of longer hair or nails.在昏暗的燈光下看書不會傷害眼睛;每天也不必喝八杯水來保持健康;剃掉腿毛也不會讓它長得更快。 Reading in dim light won't damage your eyes, you don't need eight glasses of water a day to stay healthy and shaving your legs won't make the hair grow back faster.
這些老生常談在《英國醫(yī)學雜志》的一篇論文中被列入七項“醫(yī)學誤區(qū)”。 These well-worn theories are among seven "medical myths" exposed in a paper published in the British Medical Journal.
盡管大眾媒體經(jīng)常提到每天要喝八杯水,但對這一說法他們并沒有找到科學依據(jù)。其他六個“誤區(qū)”是: Despite frequent mentions in the popular press of the need to drink eight glasses of water, they found no scientific basis for the claim. The other six "myths" are:
在昏暗的燈光下看書會毀壞視力 Reading in dim light ruins your eyesight
剔除毛發(fā)后反會令毛發(fā)長得更快更粗 Shaving makes hair grow back faster or coarser
其實這對毛發(fā)的濃密度和再生速度都沒有影響,但修剪后的新毛茬末端不像未修剪時那樣逐漸變細,所以給人感覺變粗了。 It has no effect on the thickness or rate of hair regrowth. But stubble lacks the finer taper of unshaven hair, giving the impression of coarseness. 吃火雞會令人昏昏欲睡 Eating turkey makes you drowsy
www.med126.com 火雞肉中的確含有一種氨基酸叫色氨酸,對睡眠和情緒會產(chǎn)生影響。 It does contain an amino acid called tryptophan that is involved in sleep and mood control.
但火雞含的這種酸并不比雞肉或者碎牛肉多。在節(jié)日里暴飲暴食才可能是犯困的真正原因。 But turkey has no more of the acid than chicken or minced beef. Eating lots of food and drink at holidays are probably the real cause of sleepiness.
在醫(yī)院里使用移動電話有風險 Mobile phones are dangerous in hospitals
盡管人們對此都很擔心,但研究發(fā)現(xiàn)手機對醫(yī)療器械的干擾十分微弱。 Despite widespread concerns, studies have found minimal interference with medical equipment.