To configure an instance of Mongo to be a master database in a master-slave configuration, you'll need to start two instances of the database, one in master mode, and the other in slave mode.
![]() | Data Storage The following examples explicitly specify the location of the data files on the command line. This is unnecessary if you are running the master and slave on separate machines, but in the interest of the readers who are going try this setup on a single node, they are supplied in the interest of safety. |
$ bin/mongod --master [--dbpath /data/masterdb/]
As a result, the master server process will create a local.oplog.$main collection. This is the "transaction log" which queues operations which will be applied at the slave.
To configure an instance of Mongo to be a slave database in a master-slave configuration:
$ bin/mongod --slave --source <masterhostname>[:<port>] [--dbpath /data/slavedb/]
Details of the source server are then stored in the slave's local.sources collection. Instead of specifying the --source parameter, one can add an object to local.sources which specifies information about the master server:
$ bin/mongo <slavehostname>/local> db.sources.find(); // confirms the collection is empty. then:> db.sources.insert( { host: <masterhostname> } );
A slave may become out of sync with a master if it falls far behind the data updates available from that master, or if the slave is terminated and then restarted some time later when relevant updates are no longer available from the master. If a slave becomes out of sync, replication will terminate and operator intervention is required by default if replication is to be restarted. An operator may restart replication using the {resync:1} command. Alternatively, the command line option --autoresync causes a slave to restart replication automatically (after ten second pause) if it becomes out of sync. If the --autoresync option is specified, the slave will not attempt an automatic resync more than once in a ten minute periond.
The --oplogSize command line option may be specified (along with --master) to configure the amount of disk space in megabytes which will be allocated for storing updates to be made available to slave nodes. If the --oplogSize option is not specified, the amount of disk space for storing updates will be 5% of available disk space (with a minimum of 1GB) for 64bit machines, or 50MB for 32bit machines.
--master master mode--oplogSize arg size limit (in MB) for op log
--slave slave mode--source arg arg specifies master as <server:port>--only arg arg specifies a single database to replicate--slavedelay arg arg specifies delay (in seconds) to be usedwhen applying master ops to slave--autoresync automatically resync if slave data is stale
Sometimes its beneficial to have a slave that is purposefully many hours behind to prevent human error. In MongoDB 1.3.3+, you can specify this with the --slavedelay mongod command line option. Specify the delay in seconds to be used when applying master operations to the slave.
Specify this option at the slave. Example command line:
mongod --slave --source --slavedelay 7200
Check master status from the mongo shell with:
// inspects contents of local.oplog.$main on master and reports status:db.printReplicationInfo()
Check slave status from the mongo shell with:
// inspects contents of local.sources on the slave and reports status:db.printSlaveReplicationInfo()
(Note you can evaluate the above functions without the parenthesis above to see their javascript source and a bit on the internals.)
As of 1.3.2, you can do this on the slave
db._adminCommand( { serverStatus : 1 , repl : N } )
N is the level of diagnostic information and can have the following values:
When security is enabled, one must configure a user account for the local database that exists on both servers.
The slave-side of a replication connection first looks for a user repl in local.system.users. If present, that user is used to authenticate against the local database on the source side of the connection. If repl user does not exist, the first user object in local.system.users is tried.
The local database works like the admin database: an account for local has access to the entire server.
Example security configuration when security is enabled:
$ mongo <slavehostname>/admin -u <existingadminusername> -p<adminpassword>> use local> db.addUser('repl', <replpassword>);^c$ mongo <masterhostname>/admin -u <existingadminusername> -p<adminpassword>> use local> db.addUser('repl', <replpassword>);
Master/slave and replica sets are alternative ways to achieve replication with MongoDB.
Replica sets are newer (v1.6+) and more flexible, although a little more work to set up and learn at first.
The following replica set configuration is equivalent to a two node master/slave setup with hosts M (master) and S (slave):
$ # run mongod instances with "--replSet mysetname" parameter$ # then in the shell:$ mongo --host M> cfg = {> _id : 'mysetname',> members : [> { _id : 0, host : 'M', priority : 1 },> { _id : 1, host : 'S', priority : 0, votes : 0 }> ]> };> rs.initiate(cfg);
To permanently fail over from a down master (A) to a slave (B):
Note that is a one time cutover and the "mirror" is broken. A cannot be brought back in sync with B without a full resync.
If you have a master (A) and a slave (B) and you would like to reverse their roles, this is the recommended sequence of steps. Note the following assumes A is healthy, up-to-date and up.
If A is not healthy but the hardware is okay (power outage, server crash, etc.):
If the hardware is not okay, replace A with a new machine and then follow the instructions in the previous paragraph.
--fastsync is a way to start a slave starting with an existing master disk image/backup. This option declares that the adminstrator guarantees the image is correct and completely up to date with that of the master. If you have a full and complete copy of data from a master you can use this option to avoid a full synchronization upon starting the slave.
You can just copy the other slave's data file snapshot without any special options. Note data snapshots should only be taken when a mongod process is down or in fsync-and-lock state.
Slaves asynchronously apply write operations from the master. These operations are stored in the master's oplog. The oplog is finite in length. If a slave is too far behind, a full resync will be necessary. See the Halted Replication page.
Slaves cannot be "chained", they must all connect to the master directly. If a slave is chained to another slave you may see the following in the logs: assertion 13051 tailable cursor requested on non capped collection ns:local.oplog.$main
If you accidentally type the wrong host for the slave's source or wish to change it, you can do so by manually modifying the slave's local.sources collection. For example, say you start the slave with:
$ mongod --slave --source prod.missisippi
Restart the slave without the --slave and --source arguments.
$ mongod
Now start the shell and update the local.sources collection.
> use localswitched to db local> db.sources.update({host : "prod.missisippi"}, {$set : {host : "prod.mississippi"}})
Restart the slave with the correct command line arguments or no --source argument (once local.sources is set, no --source is necessary).
$ ./mongod --slave --source prod.mississippi$ # or$ ./mongod --slave
Now your slave will be pointing at the correct master.