My Permanent Father
Eleven years ago ,my whole family lived in the countryside.It was a rough remote village.There was no convenient traffic and there was also nothing people could buy.Everything must be done by people themselves.To maintain their life ,every person was engaged in so manny things about farming .My father was also not an exception.He worked to and from not only the fields but also the brick factory.To take full advantage of time ,he always got up in the predawn and returned in the late night.In addittion,he had to do much housework.All that he had done were for the sake of my family's life.Much as he suffered,he never grudged.
Unfortunately,five years later,my father was serevely mentally sick.That miserable sickness toughed his body,frustrated his spirit,exhausted his energy and exposed him to a desparate land .He forgot himself. And he fofgot all the peole .His bad temper and the moood of fighting placed him in a dilemma,which also were the threats to all the people around him ,because now and again ,he would hurt others .One time ,however ,my father upheld his hand intending to hit me ,but in the end ,he withdrew it with tears.Probably he was aware that I was his daughter in his heart of hearts, and I was shocked.Later ,he recovered,to sustain my family's life,he immediately found an odd job.As far as I knew,the menance of the financial crisis lied on our way.
Now ,I'm studying in a college,and my father is still doing his low-paid odd job.He is 48 years old now.His hooked back and thin body make him look old and grey.Every time I went home,he would tireleesly told me ,"You have grown up,so there is no time for you to fool around,and there is also no much time for me to surpport you to the end.Life is uneasy.You have to learn to depend o yourself,or you will be excluded from this complicated society for the survival of the fittest.
Well,my father is getting older and older.His health is getting worse and worse.I still remember an old saying:A tree desires to stand still,but the wind does not stop.A son desires to serve his parents,but they are not able to wait for him.Now that I know anything unexpected will happen unexpectedly,I'm supposed to do something significant to requite myfather with my greatest efforts.Let my father know his blood,toil,sweats and tears are not in vain.Let my father know he is indeed my permanent father!