The Proper Way to Become an Instructional Technologist,其中,有一段是
I‘m an instructional technologist......
- I help people learn new things.
- I solve problems in education and training, or find people who can.
- I use lots of different tools in my job; some are ‘things‘ like computers and video, other tools are ideas, like knowing something about how people learn and principles of design.
- I know a lot about these tools, but I know I have to use them competently and creatively for the task at hand before they will work.
- I consider using all of the resources available to me, though sometimes I have to go and find additional resources.
- I am most interested in helping children, but many of my colleagues work with adults.
- I resist doing things only because "we‘ve always done it that way," but I‘m also careful not to fall for fads or gimmicks.
- I always try to take the point of view of the person who is going to be using the stuff I make while I‘m making it; that‘s really hard, so I get people to try out my stuff as soon as I can to see what I am doing wrong.
- I‘m not afraid to say, "Yes, that‘s a better way to do it."