“大家好!(Hello!) 我叫(姓名),是今天會議的主持。(My name’s (first name, surname), and I’ll be chairing this meeting today.) 首先,感謝大家百忙之中抽出時間參加此次會議,而且如此準時到達。(First of all, I’d like to thank you all very much for finding the time to attend this meeting and for arriving so punctually.)”
“我想大家已經(jīng)相互認識了,不過也可能有不認識的,所以請每個人簡單介紹一下自己。(I think you all know each other but in case you don’t, I’d like to ask everyone briefly to introduce themselves.)”
“好了,讓我們開始吧!(Right, let’s get started!)”
“非常感謝來參加此次會議。(Thanks very much for coming to this meeting.) 希望會議不會太長。(I hope it won’t take too long.)”
“今天我們需要(討論/總結/解決最后幾個問題)。(What we need to do today is (discuss/finalise/sort out the last couple of problems).)”
“今天,我們將討論(列出議程中最重要的主題)。(Today, we’ll be discussing (list the most important topics on the agenda).) 我們先來處理(指出一個主題)吧?(Could we perhaps tackle (point number one) first?)”
“(姓名),我相信您對于如何(加速生產以滿足緊迫的時間要求)有相關建議。((Name), I believe you had a suggestion as to how we could (speed up production to meet a tight deadline).) 您可以告訴我們相關的事情嗎/給我們提供情況嗎?(Could you tell us about it/fill us in, please?)”
“(姓名),您認為/覺得最后一點如何?(What do you think/what’s your feeling about that last point, (name)?)”
“(姓名),關于這一點,您有什么想法嗎?(Do you have any thoughts on that, (name)?)”
“在我們繼續(xù)下一點前,我先請(姓名)告訴我們有關... (Before we move on to the next point, let me just ask (name) to tell us about …)”
“謝謝,現(xiàn)在讓我們繼續(xù)議程中的下一點。(Well thanks, now let’s move on to the next point on the agenda.)”
“對不起打斷您,我們只剩十分鐘了,我們進行下一主題好嗎?(Sorry to interrupt you, but we only have ten minutes left, so can we move on?)”
“謝謝,但我們現(xiàn)在必須要繼續(xù)下一主題。(Thanks, but we have to move on now.) 也許我們可以以后回頭討論這一點。(Perhaps we can come back to that point later.)”
“好的,非常感謝(姓名)。(OK, thanks very much, (name).) 在我們繼續(xù)進行之前,有人想評論(姓名)剛才所說的嗎?(Would anyone else like to comment on what (name) has just said, before we move on?)”
“謝謝(姓名)。(Thanks, (name).) 因為時間緊張,我建議我們繼續(xù)議程中的下一點。(Could I suggest that we move on to the next point on the agenda, as we’re a bit pressed for time.)”
“各位,在這一點上讓我們暫時求同存異,在(會議結束時/下次會議時)再回頭討論它。(Well look, let’s agree to disagree on that point for now, and come back to it (at the end of the meeting/the next time we meet).)”
“對不起,看起來我們不能達成一致。(Well I’m sorry we can’t seem to agree on that.) 我們繼續(xù)進行吧,就目前情況而言,我覺得再接著討論下去也不會有結果。(Let’s move on, as I don’t think talking about it further is going to get us anywhere, as things stand at the moment.)”
“我明白了,您的意思是... (I see, so what you mean is …)”
“您的意思是... (So what you’re saying is …)”
“您是指...嗎?(Do you mean that …?)”
“請您再重復最后一點好嗎,以便我們可以確保理解正確?(Could you please just go over that last point again so we can be sure we’ve got it straight?)”
“對不起,我沒有完全理解。(Sorry, I don’t completely understand that.) 請再解釋一遍好嗎?(Could you please explain it again?)”
“您是說/您的建議是...,對嗎?(So what you’re saying/suggesting is …, right?)”
“如(姓名)前面所說... (As (name) said before …)”
“如果我沒理解錯的話... (If I’ve understood you correctly …)”
“好的,我們已決定的是... (OK, so what we’ve decided is …)”
“我想我們已討論了所有事情,在我們結束今天的會議之前,有人想要最后提幾點嗎?(Well, I think we’ve covered everything - or are there any last points anyone would like to raise before we finish for today?)”
“我們可以用電子郵件把最終細節(jié)整理出來。(We can sort the final details out by e-mail.)”
“這確實很有用。(Well, that was really useful.) 非常感謝各位前來參加會議!(Thanks very much to you all for coming!)”