A list of Chinese dainty snacks Repure 編譯 中式早餐/午餐/晚餐 Chinese -Breakfast/lunch/supper 米飯類 Rice 1、竹筒飯 Bamboo rice 2、雞粥 Chicken gruel 3、粽子 Chinese rice-pudding/Glutinous rice dumpling/ zongzi 4、稀飯 Congee / millet gruel/ Rice porridge 5、蒸飯 Boiled rice/ Steamed rice 6、湯團(tuán) Boiled rice dumpling 7、鹵肉飯 Braised pork rice/ Rice with red-cooked pork 8、炒米飯 Fried rice 9、蛋炒飯 Fried rice with egg 10、及第粥 Giblets Congee 11、糯米飯 Glutinous rice 12、油飯 Glutinous oil rice 13、臘八粥 Laba porridge (rice porridge with nuts and dried fruit eaten on the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month) 14、白飯 Plain cooked rice /Plain white rice 15、紫米八寶飯 Purple rice with eight-treasures rice pudding 16、飯團(tuán) Rice and vegetable roll/ Rice ball 17、紅苕稀飯 Rice porridge with sweet potato 18、田雞片粥 Sliced Frog Congee 19、地瓜粥 Sweet potato congee 20、稀粥 Thin gruel 21、稀飯 Congee / Millet gruel/ Rice porridge 22、蒸飯 Boiled rice/ Steamed rice 23、湯團(tuán) Boiled rice dumpling 24、鹵肉飯 Braised pork rice/ Rice with red-cooked pork 25、蛋炒飯 Fried rice with egg 26、糯米飯 Glutinous rice 27、油飯 Glutinous oil rice 28、白飯 Plain cooked rice /Plain white rice 29、飯團(tuán) Rice and vegetable roll/ Rice ball 30、紅苕稀飯 Rice porridge with sweet potato 31、地瓜粥 Sweet potato congee 32、稀粥 Thin gruel 面類 Noodles 33、牛肉面 Beef noodles 34、豆花面 Bean curd pudding noodles 35、涼粉 Bean jelly 36、水 [蒸]餃 Boiled [steamed] dumplings/wonton 37、涼面 Cold noodles 38、雞絲涼面 Cold noodles with chicken shreds 39、蟹黃燒麥 Crab roe dumplings 40、水晶鮮蝦餃 Crystal fresh shrimp dumplings 41、鴨肉面 Duck with noodles 42、鱔魚面 Eel noodles 43、面片/板條 Flat noodles 44、韭菜餃 Fried leek dumplings 45、油炸面條 Fried noodles 46、炒米粉 Fried rice noodles 47、冬粉 Green bean noodle 48、熱干面 Hot-and-dry noodles 49、羊肉粉 Mutton with bean noodles 50、雜醬面 Noodles with meat sauce 51、牡蠣細(xì)面 Oyster thin noodles 52、煎包 Pan-fried dumplings 53、刀削面 Planed noodles/ Sliced noodles 54、榨菜肉絲面 Pork , pickled mustard green noodles 55、土豆粉條 Potato starch noodles 56、拉面 Pull noodles 57、水晶餃 Pyramid dumplings 58、肉丸 Rice-meat dumplings 59、米粉/米線 Rice noodles/ Rice stick 60、米皮 Rice skin 61、烏龍面 Seafood noodles 62、麻醬面 Sesame paste noodles 63、薄皮鮮蝦餃 Shrimp Dumplings/Steamed filmy dumpling with fresh shrimp 64、擔(dān)擔(dān)面 Sichuan noodles with peppery sauce 65、麻辣面 Spicy hot noodles 66、蟹黃燒麥 Steamed Crab Dumplings 67、蒸餃 Steamed dumplings 68、餛飩面 Wonton & noodles 糕點類 69、牛肉肉末餅 A hamburger patty 70、一角餅 A quarter of a pancake 71、薄荷餅 A peppermint patty 72、綠豆糕 Bean paste cake 73、蛋卷 Chicken egg rolls 74、面窩 Chinese doughnuts 75、雞仔餅 Chicken in a round flat cakes 76、雞絲卷 Chicken silk wraps 77、燒餅 Clay oven rolls/ Sesame seed cake 78、糍粑 Cooked glutinous rice cake pounded into paste 79、皮蛋酥 Crisp preserved egg/Preserved Egg Cakes 80、蛋撻 Custard Tarts 81、酥油餅 Crisp fried cake 82、鍋盔/馕 Crusty pancake 83、點心/ 甜點 Dessert/light refreshments/ mousse/ pastry 84、豆干 Dried tofu 85、油條 Deep-fried dough sticks/ Fried bread stick 86、魚肉卷 Flaked fish 87、麻花 Fried dough twist 88、油條 Fried dough sticks 89、油餅 Fried wheat cake 90、湯包 Fried bale 91、湯圓 Glue pudding/rice ball/sweet dumplings/sweet soup balls 92、魚絲炸春卷 Fried fish &leek roll/ The fish silk deep-fries spring roll 93、油煎餅 Fried pancakes 94、蘿卜糕 Fried white radish patty 95、糯米糕 Glutinous rice cakes 96、芝麻球 Glutinous rice sesame balls 97、狗不理包子 Goubuli steamed dumpling/ Goubuli Stuffed buns 98、火腿末米粉布丁ham risotto 99、冰肉千層酥 Ice meat/Multi-Layer Cakes 100、長壽桃 Longevity Peaches 101、麻婆豆腐 Mapo Tofu/ Stir-Fried Tofu in Hot Sauce 102、肉圓子 Meat balls 103、奶皮子 Milk silk- skin 104、月餅 moon cake 105、奶油凍 Mousse 106、千層餅 Multi-layer steamed bread 107、油豆腐 Oily bean curd 108、牡蠣煎 Oyster omelet 109、煎餅 pancake 110、小籠饅頭 plain wheat roll in small cage 111、蝦片 Prawn cracker 112、酥皮蓮蓉包 Puff pastry lotus wrap 113、紅豆糕/豆沙糕 Red bean cake 114、鮮肉粽子 Rice dumplings with fresh meat 115、米粉糕 Rice cake 116、元宵 Rice glue ball 117、筒仔米糕 Rice tube pudding 118、燒雞干撈面 Roasted Chicken Noodle 119、碗糕 Salty rice pudding 120、芝麻大餅 Sesame pancake 121、蝦球 Shrimp balls 122、臭豆腐 Smelly tofu/ Stinky tofu 123、麻辣豆腐 Spicy hot bean curd 124、春卷 Spring rolls 125、牛羊肉泡饃 Steamed bread/ steamed buns with beef/ mutton 126、饅頭 Steamed buns 127、肉包子 Steamed buns with meat stuffing 128、蟹仁小籠包 Steamed dumplings stuffed with crab meat 129、肉包子 Steamed dumpling with pork/mushrooms and bamboo shoots 130、小籠蒸包 Steamed meat buns 131、割包 Steamed sandwich 132、香甜玉米餅 Sweet corn cake 133、芋頭糕 Taro cake 134、甜果餡餅 Tart 135、三鮮豆皮 Three fresh bean skin 136、腐皮海鮮卷 Tofu skin with seafood wraps/bun 137、糖葫蘆 Tomatoes on sticks 138、愛玉 Vegetarian gelatin 139、蛋奶烘餅 Waffle 140、華夫餅 Waffle 141、白糖焦餅 Whites burnt round flat cake 142、蘿卜糕 White Turnip Cakes 蛋類 Eggs 143、煮蛋 Boiled eggs 144、蛋餅 Egg cakes 145、雞蛋湯 Egg soup 146、煎雞蛋 Fry eggs 147、煮雞蛋 Hard-boiled eggs 148、奶香雞蛋撻 Milk egg tart 149、荷包蛋 Poached eggs 150、皮蛋 Preserved egg/ Pidan 151、咸鴨蛋 Salted duck eggs 152、炒雞蛋 Scrambed eggs 153、蒸蛋 Steamed egg 湯類 Soup 154、豆花 Bean curd pudding/ Tofu pudding 155、牛肉汁 Beef extract 156、牛肉湯 Beef broth/Beef soup 157、血茶 Blood tea 158、雪梨燉銀耳湯 Braised white fungus with pear 159、蛤蜊湯 Clams soup 160、蛋花湯 Egg & vegetable soup 161、魚丸湯 Fish ball soup 162、酸辣湯 hot-sour soup/sour-pepper soup/Sour pungent soup 163、蓮子百合紅豆沙Lotus seed bulb of lily red bean paste/ Sweetened red bean cream with lotus seeds and lily bulbs 164、麻婆豆腐 Mapo beancurd /spicy bean curd 165、貢丸湯 Meat ball soup 166、牡蠣湯 Oyster soup 167、豬腸湯 Pork intestine soup 168、肉羹湯 Pork thick soup 169、海帶湯 Sea tangle soup 170、紫菜湯 Seaweed soup 171、時菜海鮮湯 Seafood soup with seasonal vegetable; 172、雞絲湯 Sliced chicken soup 173、魷魚湯 Squid soup 174、花枝羹 Squid thick soup 175、豬蹄湯 Stewed pig's trotter soup 176、甜糟 Sweet mess 177、甜酸湯 Sweet & sour soup 178、餛飩湯 Wonton soup 果汁類 Ade/ Fruit juice 179、杏仁豆腐粉 Almond flavor agar mix 180、意大利香醋汁 Balsamic vinegar 181、紅茶果凍粉; Black tea pudding powder 182、桂花冰糖燉金瓜 Braised pumpkin with sugar and sweet-scented osmanthus 183、麻辣香醋汁 Chilly sauce 184、涼面汁 Cold noodle juice 185、美味沙拉汁 Delicious salad juiceng 186、法式生菜調(diào)味醬 French dressing 187、青草茶 Herb juice 188、果醬 Jam/ Marmalade/ Squish 189、酸奶 Leben /Sour Milk 190、蠔油生菜 lettuce with oyster sauce 191、奶 Milk 192、奶茶 Milk tea 193、老醋涼拌汁 Old vinegar 194、桔醬 Orange sauce 195、酸梅汁 Plum juice 196、辣椒醬南瓜布丁粉 Pumpkin pudding powder 197、固體冰紅茶 Solid icy black tea 198、豆?jié){ Soy bean juice 199、豆醬油 Soya-bean milk/soy-bean sauce 200、番茄沙司 Spicy balsamic vinegar 201、楊桃汁 Star fruit juice 202、蜜汁叉燒包 Sticky rice ball with coconut milk 203、甘蔗汁 Sugar cane juice 204、甜辣椒醬 Sweet chilly sauce 205、甜蒜汁 Sweet garlic juice 206、千島汁 Thousand-island dressing 207、番茄辣椒醬 Tomato chilly sauce 冰 類 ice 208、八寶冰 Eight treasures ice 209、冰淇淋 Ice cream 210、綿綿冰 Mein mein ice 211、麥角冰 Oatmeal ice 212、紅豆牛奶冰 Red bean with milk ice 213、地瓜冰 Sweet potato ice 肉食類和其他 214、當(dāng)歸鴨 Angelica duck 215、烤肉 Barbecue/ Grill/ Roast meat/ Toast meat 216、北京烤鴨 Beijing Roast Duck 217、紅燒肉 Bouilli 218、白斬狗 Chopped white dog 219、咸牛肉 Corned beef 220、酥肉 Frizzled the bacon 221、火鍋 Hot pot 222、鹵肉 Pot-stewed large cuts of meat 223、燒豬 Roast pigs 224、鹵雞 Smothered chicken 225、涼攔海蜇 Marinated seaweed 226、烤雞肉串 Roasted marinated chicken pieces 227、咸豬肉 Salt pork 228、白斬雞 Sliced cold ckicken 229、糖葫蘆 Sugar coated haws on a stick 230、回鍋肉Twice-Cooked Pork Slices 231、豆瓣鯽魚Crucian Carp with Chili Bean Sauce 232、辣子雞丁chicken cubes with chili peppers 233、白切肉 Boiled pork 234、酸菜白肉 Boiled pork with sauerkraut) 235、鹵牛肉Spiced beef 236、粉蒸肉 Steamed pork with ground glutinous rice 237、醬肉pork cooked in soy sauce/braised pork seasoned with soy sauce 238、肉凍meat jelly 239、當(dāng)歸鴨 Angelica duck 240、牛肉胨 beef peptone 241、北京烤鴨 Beijing Roast Duck 242、紅燒肉 Bouilli 243、辣子雞丁 Chicken cubes with chili peppers 244、雜碎 Chop suey 245、白斬狗 Chopped white dog 246、咸牛肉 Corned beef 247、花江狗肉 Dog meat in Huajiang 248、驢肉火腿 Donkey meat ham 249、酸湯魚 Fish in Sour Soup 250、五香驢肉 Five-spiced donkey meat 251、五香乳鴿 Five-spiced squab 252、五香醬牛肉 Five-sauced beef 253、手把肉 hand to chase meat 254、火鍋 Hot pot 255、鹵肉 pot-stewed large cuts of meat 256、米粉肉 pork steamed with ground glutinous rice 257、燒烤豬 Roast pigs 258、烤牛肉roast beef 259、烤小牛肉roast veal 260、咸牛肉 Salt beef 261、腌肉 salted meat; bacon/cure meat by salting 262、咸豬肉 Salt pork 263、宮保雞丁 Sauted Chicken Cubes with Chili and Peanuts 264、白斬雞 Sliced cold ckicken 265、怪味雞 Spiced chicken 266、干燒鯉魚 Spicy braised crucian carp 267、熏肉 smoked meat 268、紅燒蹄筋 Tendons stewed in soy sauce 269、鍋包肉 The pot wraps a meat 270、夫妻肺片 Sliced Beef and Ox Tongue in Chilli Sauce 271、牛肉丸子 Steamed Beef Balls 272、燉牛肉 stew beef 273、荷葉粉蒸肉 steamed pork slices with rice flour in lotus leaves 274、小雞燉蘑菇 stewed chicken with mushrooms 275、魚香肉絲 fish-flavored pork/pork shreds with fish seasoning
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豬肉燉粉條 Braised Pork with bean noodles/ vermicelli
/shredded meat in chilli sauce / Shredded Pork with Garlic Sauce
/Yuxiang shredded pork