The most classical 100 problems
for mental competition in both Chinese and English
(With answers )
喜樂至人 譯
By Xilezhiren
1、何處路最窄?What road is the most narrow one ?
(冤家路窄。Enemy road.One can't avoid one's enemy
on a narrow road.)
2、啥酒不能喝?What wine can't be drunk?
?(碘酒。Tincture of iodine.)
3、啥帽不能戴?What hat can man not wear?
?(綠帽。Green hat.)
4、書店不賣啥書?What books does the bookstore don't sell ?
?(遺書。Dying testament.)
5、誰是萬獸之王?Who is the king of animals?
?(動(dòng)物園園長。The principle of the zoo.)
6、死前放屁叫啥?What is the calling of breaking wind before dying ?(絕響。It is the lost music.)
7、人的左耳像啥?What is the person's left ear like?
(右耳。Right ear.)
8、借啥可以不還?What can be borrowed but needn't return?
9、人的啥水流不完?What water of a person isn't current over ?(淚水。Tears.)
10、啥花盛開不凋謝?What splend flower is not fade?
(塑料花。The plastics flowers.)
11、啥人死后還重現(xiàn)?What person can re-appear after he dead?(電影中的人。The person in the movie.)
12、啥字全世界通用?What words are in common use in the world ?(阿拉伯?dāng)?shù)字。Arabic numerals.)
13、長壽秘訣是什么?What is a recipe for living long ?
?(呼吸/莫斷氣。Breathe/do not break spirit.)
14、太平洋的中間是啥字?What is the middle word in Pacific Ocean ?[是平字。It is a word of 平(ping)]
15、啥東西愈生氣,它便愈大?What thing is the angrier the bigger?(脾氣。Temper.)
16、啥時(shí)人敲門,你難說請(qǐng)進(jìn)?Where are you difficult to say "come in ,please," when someone knocks at the door?
?(在廁所里時(shí)。In the toilet.)
17、世界上最小的島是什么?What is the smallest island in the world?(馬路上的安全島。The traffic island of street.)
18、嫦娥為何喜歡住在月亮上?Why does Charng-er like to live on the moon?
?(嫦蛾愛吃兔肉。She likes eating rabbit meat.)
19、鐵錘錘雞蛋,為何錘不破?Iron hammer strikes egg, why doesn't the hammer break?
?(鐵錘當(dāng)然不會(huì)破。The iron ball certainly can't break.)
20、世界拳擊冠軍很易被啥擊倒?What is very easy to knock down a boxing champion in the world?
21、放大鏡不能放大的東西是什么?What thing is not enlarged by the magnifier ?
22、啥東西五個(gè)頭,無人覺得它奇怪?What thing with five heads does no man feel its strange?
23、把8分成兩半,是多少?How much is 8 divided into two halves ?
24、啥蛋打不爛,煮不熟,更不能吃?What the egg beat not lousy, cook not familiar, notter edible?
(考試得的0蛋”。The "0" you get in examine.)
25、到動(dòng)物園看到的第一個(gè)動(dòng)物是啥?What is the first moving thing that you see at the zoo ?
(售票員。Ticket seller.)
26、兩對(duì)父子去買帽,為何只買三頂帽?Two pairs of fathers and sons buy hats, why do they buy three hats?
(爺爺、爸爸和兒子。They are a grandpa, a father and a son.)
27、雞鴨鵝同放冰山上,為何雞鴨死光鵝能活?The chicken ,duck and goose are put on an iceberg, why can goose lives but the chicken and ducks are dead ?
(鵝是企鵝。The goose is a penguin.)
28、啥東西喜歡看的人最多?說出它的英文縮略字母。What thing is liked to look at by most of people? Tell me its short form in English letters.
29、啥東西喜歡聽的人最多?說出它的英文縮略字母What thing is listened by most of people?Tell me the name of it in English letters
30、一群懼內(nèi)大英雄,聚會(huì)商量振雄風(fēng),突聽老婆找來了,立即四散無影蹤。惟獨(dú)一人沒有跑,請(qǐng)問這是為那宗?One group of gentleman, have a party to make themself be stronger without their wives, hearing their wives coming, they all run out at once . Only one man didn't run, why?
(嚇暈死過去了。He is frightened to pass out.)
31、一個(gè)大人和個(gè)男孩子,大人不是孩子父親,男孩卻是大人兒子,請(qǐng)問他們是啥關(guān)系?An adult and a boy, the adult isn't boy's father, but the boy is the adult's son, please tell me what relationship they are?
?(是母子關(guān)系。It is mother - child relationship.)
32、一人被虎追,突然前有河。他不會(huì)游泳,他卻已過去。這是為什么?One man is run after by a tiger, suddenly there is a river before him.He can't swim, but he has already passed out. Why?(昏過去。Faint and pass out.)
33、有一位女士離婚數(shù)次。打一四字成語?A wuman divorces several times.Tell me a Chinese four-charctered idiom?
[前功(公)盡棄。All the form husbands are given up.]
34、口吃者做啥事最虧?Stutter does what matter most Kui?
?(打長途電話。(Make a long-distance telephone call.)
35、當(dāng)哥倫布一只腳邁上新大陸后,他緊接著做啥?After Columbus stepped a foot on New Continent, what did he do after that?
?(邁上另一只腳。(Stepped another foot.)
36、啥時(shí)候太陽會(huì)從西邊出來?When will the sun come out from the west?(發(fā)誓的時(shí)候。The time when a man swears .)
37、換心手術(shù)失敗,醫(yī)生問快要斷氣的病人有啥遺言要交代,你猜他會(huì)說什么?The heart transplant surgical operation fails, the doctor asked a patient of breaking the spirit to say the dying wish, do you guess what the man will say?
?(其實(shí)你不懂我的心。In fact you don't understand my heart.)
38、林先生動(dòng)大手術(shù),換心成功病痊愈。Mr.Lin performs big surgical operation, heart transplant successfully the disease is completely recovered.女友提出要分手,這到底是為什么?The girl friend puts forward and breaks up, this exactly is why?(沒有真心愛她。(Do not sincerely love her.)
39、男人在一起喝酒,為啥非劃拳不可?The man together drinks, is what don't row a boxing can not?
?(敬酒不吃吃罰酒。Toast not to eat to drink wine as forfeit.)
40、有個(gè)剛生下的嬰兒,有兩個(gè)小孩和他是同年同月同日生的,而且是同一對(duì)父母生的,但他們不是雙胞胎,這可能嗎?A new-laid infant, has two children and he is living with month in the same day at the same year, and is being same is rare to parents, but they aren't twins, this may?
?(可能,他們是三胞胎。Is possible, they may be triplets.)
41、小明的媽媽有三個(gè)兒子,大兒子叫大明,二兒子叫二明,三兒子叫什么?Xiao Ming's mother has three sons, the first son is called Big Ming, the second son named Er Ming , What is the name of the third son ?
(小明。His name is Xiao Ming.)
42、小明從不念書,卻得了模范生,為什么?Was small to never study but get a model student clearly, why(小明是聾啞學(xué)生。Xiao Ming is a deaf and dumb student.)
43、一只餓貓從一只胖老鼠身旁走過,那只饑餓的老貓竟無動(dòng)于衷,連看都沒看只老鼠,繼續(xù)走它的路,這是為什么?A hungry cat once walked beside from a fat rat , the cat didn't pay any attention about it,nor had a look at the rat, walked on its road, why did it do as that?
(瞎貓遇到死耗子。The blind cat meets a dead mouse.)
44、為什么孔雀向東南飛而不向西北飛?Why does the peacock fly toward southeast but not northwest ?(因?yàn)槲鞅笔歉咴?。Because the northwest is a plateau.)
45、早晨醒來必做的第一件事是啥子? What is the first matter you must do in the morning after you wake up ?(睜開眼睛。Open eyes.)
46、一輛卡車和一架摩托車相撞,摩托車騎士受重傷,卡車司機(jī)卻沒事,為什么?A truck and a motorcycle collided with each other,the motorcycle rider sufferd from severely wounded,but the truck driver was all right, why?(卡車司機(jī)當(dāng)時(shí)沒開車。The truck driver didn't drive at that time.)
47、醫(yī)院新開張,設(shè)備也先進(jìn),服務(wù)很周到,令人覺納悶:沒收一病人,這卻是為甚?A hospital is newly opened, its equipments are also advanced, service is very thoughtful, but it make people feel puzzle:There is no patient in it, How can that be?(這是獸醫(yī)院。It is a banian hospital.)
48、大海上有一艘很大的艦艇,它本來的定員是60人,結(jié)果,在上到第59人的時(shí)候,它居然就沉進(jìn)海里了!這是為什么?船內(nèi)沒有孕婦以及體重過重的人存在。There is a very big ship on the ocean, its originally settling a member is 60 people, result, at up arrive 59 people of time, it incredibly has been sunk into nautical mile!This is why?Have no over-weight person of pregnant woman and weight to exist in the ship.(它是潛水艇。it is a submarine.)
49、啥事天不知地知,你不知我知?What matter the sky don't know that the ground knows, don't you know that I know?(鞋底破了。The shoe sole is broken.)
50、有兩個(gè)人,一個(gè)面朝南,一個(gè)面朝北的站立著,不準(zhǔn)回頭,不準(zhǔn)走動(dòng),不準(zhǔn)照鏡子,問他們能否看到對(duì)方的臉?Two people, noodles toward the south, noodles toward standing of north, prohibit to turn head, prohibit to take a stroll, prohibit to see in mirror, ask him can see the face of the other party?(當(dāng)然能,他們是面對(duì)面站著的。(Ability certainly, they face to face stand.)
51、用椰子和西瓜打頭哪一個(gè)比較痛?Use coconut and watermelon dozen head which more painful?
(頭比較痛。The head is more painful.)
52、孔子與孟子有何不同?Does the Confucius and Menzi have a dissimilarity?(孔子的子在左邊。(The son of Confucius is on the left.孟子的子在上邊。Menzi's son is in the last side.)
53、啥東西倒立后會(huì)增加一半?What does the thing handstand future reunion increase a half?(6。)
54、你只要叫它的名字就會(huì)把它破壞,它是什么?You as long as making its name will chase its breakage, what is it ?(沉默。It is silent.)
55、啥東西經(jīng)常會(huì)來,但卻從沒真正來過?What does the thing usually come, but have never truely once come?(明天。Tomorrow.)
56、小王與父母頭一次出國旅行,由于語言不通,他的父母顯得不知所措,小王也絲毫不懂外語,他也不是聾啞人,卻象在自己國家里一樣未曾感到絲毫不便,這是為什么?The kinglet and parentses first travel abroad, because of the linguistic difficulties, his parents seem to be to frighten into inaction, kinglet also the slightest not understand a foreign language, he also not is a deaf dumb person, but the elephant Be similar to have never felt the slightest inconvenient in the oneself's nation, this is why?
(小王是個(gè)嬰兒。The kinglet is an infant.)
57、怎樣才能用藍(lán)筆寫出紅字來?How to write a red word with the blue pen?(寫個(gè)”紅”字。Write one"red" word.)
58、車在右轉(zhuǎn)彎時(shí),哪一個(gè)輪胎不轉(zhuǎn)?Car while turning to the right curved, which tire don't turn?
(備用輪胎。Spare tire.)
59、一塊天然黑大理石,把它扔到錢塘江里,會(huì)有啥現(xiàn)象發(fā)生?There is a piece of and natural and black marble, throwing it to money pond inside in the river will have what phenomenon occurrence?
(沉到江底。Sink river's bottom.)
60、人在啥情況下會(huì)七竅生煙?Person what under the circumstance do meeting seven Qiaos living smoke?
61、狐貍精最擅長迷惑男人,那么什么”精”會(huì)將男女一起迷?The coquette excels to confuse a man most,so what"Jing" the meeting is fond of men and women together?(酒精。Alcohol.)
62、黑雞厲害還是白雞厲害,為什么?Which is severe,the black hen or the white chicken? why?
(黑雞,黑雞會(huì)生白蛋,白雞不會(huì)生黑蛋。(Black hen, the black hen can lay white eggs, while the white chicken can't lay black eggs.)
63、兩只老虎在打架,你死我活才罷休。這是為什么?Two tigers are fighting, you die me to live to just give up.This is why?
(沒有人敢勸架。No one dares to stop their fighting.)
64、你能做,我能做,大家都能做;You can make, I can make, and everyone cans make;一個(gè)人能做,兩個(gè)人不能一起做。A person cans make, two people can not do together.這在做什么?What is this doing?
65、三更半夜回家才發(fā)現(xiàn)忘記帶鑰匙,家里又沒有其他人在,這時(shí)你最大的愿望是什么?The midnight goes home and just discovers to forget to take key and there are again no others in home at, what is your biggest wishes at this time?(門忘鎖了。(The door forgot to lock.)
66、黑頭發(fā)有啥好處?The black hair has what advantage?(不怕曬黑。It isn't afraid to tan.)
67、如果明天就是世界末日,為什么今天就有人想自殺?If tomorrow is judgment day in the world, why try to commit suicide for someone today?(去天堂占位子。(Heaven have seat.)
68、為什么一瓶標(biāo)明劇毒的藥對(duì)人卻無害?A bottle of the medicine that marks clearly deadly poison why to person but harmless?
(只要你不去喝它。(As long as you don't drink it.)
69、9個(gè)橙分給13個(gè)小朋友,怎么分才公平?9 oranges divide to 13 kids, how divide just fair?(榨成汁。(Squeeze into juice.)
70、離婚的主要起因是什么?What is the main cause of divorce ?(再婚結(jié)婚。(Getting married again./remarriage)
71、為了怕身材走樣,對(duì)結(jié)婚后不生孩子的美女該怎么稱呼?For fearing shape out of shape, to get married don't living behind how should the kid's beauty call?(絕代佳人。Matchless beauty.)
72、有人說女人如書,那胖女人象啥書?Someone says the woman is like book, that fat woman's elephant what book?(合訂本。Match to order an origin.)
73、被鱷魚咬和被鯊魚咬后的感覺有什么不同?Be bitten by the crocodile and be had by the shark felling after biting what dissimilarity?(沒有人知道。No one knows.)
74、經(jīng)理不會(huì)做飯,可有一道菜特別拿手,是什么?The manager can't cook a meal, can have a vegetables special specialty, is what?(炒魷魚。Stir-fry squid.)
75、不通過加熱,如何才能把冰立刻變成水?Winter inside, the impassability leads heating, how become ice immediately water?(把冰的兩點(diǎn)去掉。Do away the two dots off the word ice.)
76、家人問病情,醫(yī)生伸五指,家人竟哭泣,這是為啥子?The family asked about the patient's condition, the doctor stretched his five fingers, the family cry out unexpectedly, what's the reason for?(三長兩短。Misfortune.)
77、有一種東西,買的人已知,賣者也明知,唯用者不知,它是啥東西?A kind of thing, the person who buys has already known and sells to also know perfectly well and only uses not to know, it is what thing?(棺材。Coffin.)
78、一牛向北走10米,又向西走10米,再向南走10米,倒退右轉(zhuǎn),問牛尾巴朝哪兒?A cow goes north 10 meters, and then go west 10 meters, go southward 10 meters again, fall back to turn to the right, ask the oxtail Ba Chao where?(朝地。Dynasty ground.)
79、“先天”是指父母的遺傳,那“后天”是什么?"Inborn" means the parents' heredity, what is that "the day after tomorrow"?(明天過后的那天。The day after tomorrow.)
80、放一支鉛筆在地上,要使任何人都無法跨過,怎么做?Put a pencil on the ground, make anyones can not step over and how do?(放在墻邊。(Put by the side of the wall.)
81、為什么自由女神像老站在紐約港?Statue of Liberty why is the old station in harbor in New York?(她不能坐。She can not sit.)
82、青蛙為什么能跳得比樹高?Why can the frog jump higher than treely?(樹不會(huì)跳。The tree can't jump.)
83、什么東西以近2000公里/小時(shí)的速度載著人奔馳,而且不必加油或其它燃料?In the world what things carry a person to speed by the speed of about 2000 kilometers/ per hour, and need not encourage or other fuels?(地球。The Earth.)
84、黑人為什么喜歡吃白色巧克力?Why does the black like to eat white chocolate?(怕吃到自己的手指。It is afraid to eat to own finger.)
85、偷什么東西不犯法?Steal what things don't go against the law?(偷笑。Steal to smile.)
86、啥瓜不能吃?What isn't the melon edible?(傻瓜。Simpleton.)
87、什么人始終不敢洗澡(泥人。What person always don't dare to take a shower(clay doll.)
88、大雁為什么要向南飛?Why does the big wild goose want to fly to the south?(因?yàn)橛媚_走太慢了。(Because of walking on foot is too slowly.)
89、為什么大部份佛教徒都在北半球?Most Buddhists why all at Northern Hemisphere?(南”無”阿彌陀佛。(The south "have no" Amitabha.)
90、你知道現(xiàn)代科學(xué)家一般都出生在哪兒嗎?Do you know where the modern scientist all generally was born?(醫(yī)院里。Inside in the hospital.)
91、冬瓜、黃瓜、西瓜、南瓜都能吃,盆里有6只饅頭,6個(gè)小朋友每人分到1只,但盆里還留著1只,為什么?The wax gourd, cucumber, watermelon and pumpkins all edible, there are 6 plain wheat rolls in the basin, 6 kid's everybodies divide a , but still stay in basin a , why?(最后一個(gè)小朋友把盆子一起拿走了。The last kid takes away basin son together.)
94, old Wang Yi Tian want to shave beard 4510 times, on the face but still have a beard.
Is this the reason why?
(The old king is a barber.
95, what is the car in difficult pass?
96, there are a young men, he once wanted one river to handle affairs;
But, this river have no ship also have no bridge.
Hence he then once swam in morning river, time of an hour he then visited opposite shore, that afternoon, width and current velocities of river water didn't change, more important his swimming speed also didn't change, but he unexpectedly use two and a half hours just visit river opposite shore, you say why?
(Two and a half hours' adding is also an hour.
How many sides do 97, 1 boxes have?
(Two sides.
Inside and outside.
98, which month have 28 days?
(The every month has 28 days.
99, there is a word, the person all reads wrong.
Is this He Zi?
(This is the "wrong" word.
100, beat what things, need not spend energy?