Often stay up all night smoking, like the wolf at the table, the body does not go to the hospital with discomfort, etc., but these seemingly small things that affect
the physical condition of men. Experts believe that men go on if things continue this way any section, is bound to affect their health, resulting in minor illnesses
become more serious.
Eating and drinking freely toss stomach experts in the field of modern medical research discovered a strange phenomenon: before the age of 15 and 50 years of age, the
incidence of gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer is not very different between men and women.
In the 15-50 years old, male and female incidence rate ratio of 6.2:1
Man than a woman's stomach and a strong stomach it? Clearly not. Men like to drink coffee drinking and smoking, no time to eat, like the wolf at the table, always eat
too much, however, is in the suffering of their stomach suffer. Wait for them clutching his stomach, shedding sweating to the hospital after the shock: stomach no
longer light up. Secondly, the spirit of a man working pressure, easily angry angry, it tends to promote gastric lesions.
Do not count on their strong man, be sure to treat his "stomach": Eat regular meals, eat slowly, so that the stomach of work and rest regularly; get rid of bad habits,
so as to avoid smoking, alcohol, spicy food gluttony and other chemical addiction causes gastric mucosal damage, resulting in mucosal erosions, ulcers and cancer; pay
attention to warm the stomach, so as not to catch cold after stomach contraction of gastric smooth muscle spasm, so that the secretion of gastric motility function and
rhythm disorders occur , cause stomach disorders; to maintain a relaxed and happy mood.
8 into a heavy cause "drag" lead
A white-collar men, 3 years ago, some of his liver to a dull pain, but he had never seriously, and sometimes uncomfortable too much, on their own to be your own
doctor, what to eat liver and Qi Wan to quite gone . Until March of this year, I feel very bad, and is continuing, and he is a little bit afraid.
In the lover's urging, only to the hospital for a B-, confirming already suffering from fatty liver.
Jau-known professor of health experts, looks like the strong man, in fact, the world's most vulnerable groups. Men in the resistance to hunger, cold, stress, etc. are
not tolerated and women, men, women, life expectancy shorter than 6 years, 35 men under the age of risk of hypertension than females, there are about 100 million men
each year heart disease, heart disease, 12% occur in men under the age of 44, who, more than half of the 50-year-old men will be prostate trouble.
The reality, as many men as the white-collar workers do not see a sick, sick little drag into the illness.
Relevant statistical data show that the frequency of male doctor 28% lower than women, 20% of men never participate in any form of physical exercise, 80% of critically
ill male patients do not recognize that they are as long-term hospital, and only then develop a minor illness serious illness. Men do not look sick, has become a
threat to their health, a very important factor.
Bad habits to man "sad"
Said a woman vulnerable, in fact, a man's heart is more easily "broken." The report shows that treatment of cardiovascular disease to male patients was significantly
more than female patients. World Health Organization has done to incomplete statistics, the risk of men suffering from heart failure was 1.24 times as women.
As the work day, the body strength of men is much higher than women, and men of different physical structure itself, over many years strong organ metabolism
accelerated aging, cardiovascular system will bear the brunt. If the men usually smoking, excessive drinking, overweight, also will increase the risk of heart failure.
Moreover, these past have gradually younger elderly patients, leading to the direct cause of this phenomenon is that young people in unhealthy habits.
It is understood that heart failure is usually caused by hypertension, coronary heart disease, diabetes and other cardiovascular diseases caused by. Departments have
done special investigations, the results show that the number of people suffering from the rise of heart failure, heart failure incidence rate has reached 1.9%,
mortality rate was 37% for two years, 6 years up to 82% mortality rate. Doctors advise, young middle-aged man should develop good habits, quit smoking, drinking less