Latest News: - Shapes completed -Integration with Inksapce - SVG Support - Images direct from GoogleSearch - Printing implemented - Windows Installer available now. ExcelSheets can be edited, Most Office 2007 documents can be viewed andedited now.
J-Office for Java consists of different Java/SWT/Draw2d-Basedcomponents to view and edit OOXML (MS2007-Office) documents. There isno need to have any Office installed. Future releases will also supportthe ODF-Format (Open Office). A webbrowser is integrated for a betterInteroperability with the Office programs.
Though the main purpose is to provide a Java component that can beeasily be integrated into existing Java application it can be also usedin the future as an alternative to MS-Office. J-Office has nodependency to any installed Office suite.
The actual size of the main component is about 1 MByte. The size of thefinal release will be kept far below 10 MByte, so it is also an optionfor small devices.
Since J-Office for Java is based on Apache POI, documents can easilybe manipulated. Integration with existing Eclipse plugins is possible.Examples are included. A free demo can be downloaded via Java Webstart.
The viewer components will be available for productive use by end ofmarch 2010. It is planned to cover 80 % of the OOXML-Ecma standard atthe first release (1.0).
The editors will be released by end of 2010.