





Request Free Hosting


Let me be the first to request free hosting account.  


your name: Jelly Joans

about your site:
Well, what can I say. I am a programmer and I am trying to learn php/mySQL. I am trying to build my site while in php so there are still many things to work on atm. Right now I am at the building of the functions.
I would like to try your service since I find the 1GB bandwidth to be enough for my programming needs. And the 250MB also are excellent since I will use it to install all kinds of php scripts to see how they work and so be able to better build my website. (phpnuke, postnuke, phpbb, ipb, etc.)

When my website will be done, it will most likely have scripts that I have developed along with tutorials explaining my work. It will also host projects, that me, my friends, and webusers may have and want to share with the world.

Time to launch of the website is totally unknown (by the end of the summer). Although, I will have a temporary phpnuke/postnuke portal on which I will post the temporary info.

Username: cbp

Free domain: (if allowed) nycn.net.ru

Pasword: (Please send through PM)
Email: (Please use the PM, I don‘t want to post my email for spam reasons) (Say if I do have to post it)

Thank you,
Jelly Joans


Request Free Hosting

your name: terry smith
about your site:I will host a site about organization worked in Internet,freewebhosting,technical data,free mail , learning materials,flash and comic.
I‘m going to use PHP and MySQL,and I need 1 mysql databases.
I hope my site info is:
username = elove
subdomain name = elove
my email:elove520@msn.com
Request Free Hosting

your name: yakoo

about your site:Thank a head for offering the free space at first, I am a new hand of a webpage making, just began to study PHP technology, wanted to make a PHP personal forum, but paid the space and cost an arm and a leg, unable to bear, hope that the head can approve my application for requiring , thanks .

Real Name: Norman Smith
url/subdomain: seed
username: seed
about my site: Mainly about php scripting, some php code(written by
myself) for download, such as weblog, site traffic analizer. some php
technical articles to show to users who interested in php programing.
and other useful resource or link...
hope for a good free webspace

hope title :hot day and hot life
user name:hotboy1982
hope subdomain:hotboy
plan : In fact I am a chinese .I apply for the webspace mostly to study webspace I think foriegn webspace is reliable!!And the webmaster is very
responsible for users!!
I don‘t know whether you support Chinese display.Of coure I hope you support it! If not I am ready to make a internet class to teach Americans who love chinese culture to study chinese !By the way .are love chinese culture?hehe ,I think it is a good idea! why not support the plan !Support me?
I think this will make me study more about web design!And make program! So I need your help!Thanks !
Free Hosting Request

your name: xujiao
about your site: I‘m making a website which will hopefully become a student resource website, providing post-doctoral information and surveys for those considering a job in the field of psychology.

Most of the web-design is done, I‘ll be finishing it up throughout the Summer, and hopefully this will be an enjoyable experience for myself
Free Hosting Request

Name: amon
subdomain: apple (or amon)
E-mail: xxx@msn.com

about your site: about php programming, php source code(written by myself) for downloading. php programming articles(collected), and oter useful link or resources about it.


Free Hosting Request

Real Name: youwen qiu
Email address: xxx@hotmail.com
Username: youwen
sub domain: youwen
pass word: please PM.
about your site: I need a php,mysql,ftp free host to site my pages.I will use php program,and show some flash ,my articles and so on. I‘ll abide the terms and apply for free hosting.
Request Free Hosting

your name: ming luo

I am a university student. I am currently studying The application of computer and have a great deal of interest in computers. I am currently learning php on my own in order to make websites that are more functional.
I‘m going to use PHP and MySQL,and I need 1 mysql databases.

I hope my site info is:

username: juan
subdomain name: juan

my email:cwjllm@hotmail.com

Apply for free hosting

Real Name: Gavin Jim

Email: xxx@hotmail.com

Country: Canada

Language: English

Desired subdomain: hzlan.org.ru

Detailed site description: I use a php-nuke in my site about organization worked in Internet,technical ,free script and learning materials. . I am probably gonna make a forum. and mite have some gaming and computer stuff in it
Im not very expirienced but I made 1 site and it is not so bad.I want to learn more about web design.
thank for your helping there ! i‘m glad and proud to using your free offering here !

Have you read, and agree to our terms? Yes


Request Free Hosting

Name: Jay
Age: 19

What is your site about : I want to share my knowledge in web design by posting articles and tips/tricks on HTML and PHP.
Estimated space and bandwidth required : 75MB/2GB.

Thank you for providing this free service. Keep the good works.
hosting request

Name :- Goth Kid
Requested Domain/Subdomain stargatesg1.uni.cc
Username (Max 8 Characters) :- gothkid
Email :-crzyone9584@yahoo.com
Hosting Plan :- vpower 1
Age :- 16
Country :-usa
Do you agree to the terms? :- yes
Exisiting Site (Optional) :-its gonna be using phpnuke (newest one) if i can install it
Why do you need Hosting? (50+ words) :-
im going to make a stargate sg1 fan site. im gonna use phpnuke 7.0 or the newest one to make the site. im gonna have character bios. and more. im having my freind make backround for every character to give out to stargate sg1 fans to. also i will have a part for stargate atlantis to
Free Hosting Application

an accepted description:

I‘m a high school student without much spare cash, so I spent some of my free time looking for a good host with a cheap plan, and yours was the best I found. That being said, I hope to create a site based around the online RPG Vagabond‘s Quest. This game doesn‘t currently feature an official rankings system, and many new players are currently pestering the ‘veterans‘ for information on how to make their way through the one-player dungeon without dying countless times. For those reasons, I plan to have a somewhat frequently updated rankings section, and an extensive walkthrough for the dungeon. This will allow players to see what their standing is, and let the new players work their way through the dungeon in an attempt to catch up with the ranked players. I will probably also have some pages dedicated to things that I feel like adding about myself, and maybe some pages so the players of VQ can have a ‘biography‘ of sorts, but that shouldn‘t take up much space, and since VQ is a somewhat small game, this site won‘t have an overwhelming amount of visitors. This space will also give me a chance to play around with some coding and hopefully teach myself more advanced HTML, if not some of the basics in other scripts. Thanks for offering such a great plan and for considering letting me make use of it.

Apply a Web Hosting

Name: Terence Wong
Email: xxx@yahoo.com
Contact by: PM / Email is OK.
Domain name: app.sea-host.net
Username: app
Reason for Hosting:
I have already found many web hosting. Both of them need hosting fee. I am a student. I don‘t have much money to pay the fee. So, I think sea-host.net will be my good choose.
I will make a website about my class information. All my classmates will go to this website to get information, include notes and update school news. I also setup a forum on the website to let all of the classmates discuss on there.

P.S.: I think all of the things you provided is enough, but I would like sea-host can support PHP script for my hosting. Thank You.

Thank You for your attenton.
Require free web hositing

Name: Ruby LI
Email: xxx@yahoo.com
Contact by: Email
Domain name: ruby.sea-host.net
Username: Ruby
How you found Sea-Host: internet free surport
Reason for Hosting: I need a php+MySQL free web hosting for my lil homepage. and my homepage is about my works, interets such as writing, cooking traveling and stuff like that...
plz reply me asap. thnx a lot and have a nice day.



Require free web hositing

well sir, i am a student , and i am looking for a quick host for people around the world.but some host is so slow for my school mate now work in asia.
your site is the best choice for me.
i need open a forum . to connect with my friend.
and also, i will upload some pictures (country view and so on)
thank you
my mail:
and i accpect all TOS.

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