Dotnet面試題(歡迎大家加入新的面試題) 2005-08-11 11:15 pgmfan 1. compare the performance of the following two statements and explain . statement1:Select * From Table1 Where field1= CONVERT ( DATETIME,’01/01/2003’) statement2:Select * From Table1 Where CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),field1,103)=’01/01/2003’ 2. Enhance the following statement to support the insertion of Unicode data. Insert INTO Table1 VALUES(‘data’) 3. what is UDF stand far? Name two limitations on using UDF? 4. which one of the followings has a better performance and why? 5. write a SQL statement in joining Table A and Table B to product the result set as listed. Table A Code Area 1 A1 2 A2 3 A3 5 A5 7 Table B Code Region 1 R1 3 R3 6 R6 8 Result Set Code Area Code Region 1 A1 1 B1 3 A3 3 B3 NULL NULL 6 B6 NULL NULL 8 NULL 6. write a statement using Table A and Table B in question 5 to product the following result set. Code Area 1 A1 1 B1 2 A2 3 A3 3 B3 5 A5 6 B6 7 NULL 8 NULL 7. write a statement using Table A and Table B in question 5 to product the following result set. Code Area 2 A2 5 A5 7 NULL 8. what is IDENTITY Column? How to enable the insertion of value to the Coumn? 9. what is Cluster index? 10. The following result Set is listed on executing the statement. Select * From temp_cost Staff_no Pay_code Total-allowance 1001 P1 70 1002 P2 60 1001 P1 100 1002 P1 80 1002 P2 90 What is the result in executing the statement . Select staff_no,Pay_code,MAX(total_allowance) FROM temp_cost 1. How to display Chinese in the field for crystal Report and what are the constaint(s)? 2. How do you change all existing report to connect to the database if the database has been moved to a new location or if the database has been renamed? 3. How do you update your report to reflect the changes in your database? 4. Can the section Format event handler change the outcome of a formatted report section at runtime? If Yes, what are the constrains ? if No,how are can handle the change of format relating to the runtime data? 5. what if a Sub-report? 1. Describe the approach in enabling a component with long name reference to be share by different applications. 2. what is the validation class ? what is the usage ? 3. Compare the Performance of the following two sets of codes and explain Coding Set 1 Dim s as string For I = 1 to 5000 S=s + “some text” Next Coding Set 2 Dim sb as New StringBuider For I = 1 to 5000 s.Append(“some text”) Next 4. what is cache dependeney ? List types of Cache dependentay 5. what are serviced components ? what are the disadvantages? 6. Briefly describe how to re-activate the environment if you find the ASPX. Deelopment environment is hanged up (something related to the IIS service) 7. Describe 2 ways to deal. With an Unexpencted or unhandled exceptions that is not captured by a try/catch/Finall Block. 8. Briefly describe what are ideatity ,Roles, Principal in managed security context. 9. what is SmartNavigation? What are the main advantages of using SmartNavigation? 10. what is code-Behind? Please describe the benefit of having this feature in the .NET enviroument.