Lots of people are unable to function before their morning cup of coffee. You may have singled out caffeine as the source of its power, but how much do you really know about coffee? Here are five tidbits of trivia to ponder as you percolate.很多人早上不喝一杯咖啡就打不起精神。你可能會把咖啡因當成清晨能量的來源,但你對咖啡到底了解多少呢?煮咖啡的時候不妨思考一下下面講到的五個小知識。
1.To bean, or not to bean?
1. 咖啡豆是不是豆子?
First things first—although widely called “coffee beans,” the part of the plant that is roasted and ground to make your morning (or afternoon, or evening, or snacktime) cup is actually a seed. It is the pit of a red fruit called a coffee cherry. (Technically the word “bean” only refers to the seeds of plants in the family Fabaceae.)首先,雖然大家都稱其為“咖啡豆”,但是這種需要烘焙、研磨,最后在早上(或者下午、晚上或點心時間)被煮成一杯咖啡的東西其實是種子,它是紅色咖啡果的核。(嚴格來講,“豆”這個詞只用來指豆科植物的種子。)
2. Snack that packs a punch
Legend has it that a goatherd first discovered coffee when his goats ate some coffee cherries and went a bit wild with the caffeine high. Whether or not that story has roots in fact, coffee was originally consumed by humans as a food rather than a drink. Early African tribes would mix the coffee fruit and seeds with animal fat to make a sort of energy snack.傳說咖啡最早是被一個牧羊人發(fā)現(xiàn)的,他發(fā)現(xiàn)山羊吃了含有咖啡因的咖啡果之后變得很興奮。不管這個故事是否屬實,人們最早把咖啡當作一種食物而非飲料。早期非洲部落的人會把咖啡果和種子與動物脂肪拌在一起,做成一種補充能量的零食。
3. Simultaneously the most and least desirable
3. 最合心意的,同時也是最惡心的
The world’s most expensive coffee is a type called kopi luwak. Originally from Indonesia, this…unique…type of coffee is harvested after being digested and excreted by the Asian palm civet, a small catlike mammal. Put more bluntly, it’s poop coffee. Apparently the digestion process gives the coffee a complex, rounded taste, and consumers are willing to pay $50 or more per cup.世界上最貴的咖啡是麝香貓咖啡,這種起源于印度尼西亞??Х榷贡灰环N叫椰子貓的小型貓科動物消化后排出體外,從而得到這種“獨一無二”的咖啡豆。說得更直白些,就是貓屎咖啡。很顯然,咖啡豆經(jīng)過貓的消化之后口感更復(fù)雜,也不再那么苦澀,顧客愿意花50美元甚至更多的錢買一杯麝香貓咖啡。
4. The watched pot
4. 攝像頭注視下的咖啡壺
The world’s first webcam was created to keep tabs on a pot of coffee. Namely, the pot of coffee in the “Trojan room” computer lab at the University of Cambridge. People working at the lab could access real-time images of the pot to know whether or not they could get their caffeine on. A few years after its internal debut, the pot achieved international celebrity when its images were made accessible via the internet. The Trojan room coffee webcam was online for ten years, from 1991-2001, and was viewed by millions from all around the world.世界上第一個網(wǎng)絡(luò)攝像頭是用來監(jiān)測一壺咖啡的。更確切地說,是劍橋大學“特洛伊”計算機實驗室的一壺咖啡。實驗室的工作人員能實時獲得這壺咖啡的圖像,以確定咖啡有沒有煮好。幾年之后,工作人員將圖像連接到因特網(wǎng)上,通過網(wǎng)絡(luò)傳輸,使得該咖啡壺名噪世界。從1991年到2001年,這個特洛伊咖啡網(wǎng)絡(luò)攝像頭與網(wǎng)絡(luò)連接長達十年,全世界幾百萬人都能看到(煮咖啡的情況)。
5. Coffee, coffee, everywhere
5. 咖啡,咖啡,隨處可見
A good cup of joe really brings the world together. Coffee is the second most traded commodity on Earth. So what’s the first? Oil. Luckily coffee doesn’t cause as much commotion as its fellow go-juice. If only we could get it to power our cars! (That’s been attempted, with some success. But who would waste all that delicious coffee?)一杯好喝的咖啡真的可以讓世界團結(jié)起來??Х仁鞘澜缟系诙筚Q(mào)易品。那第一是什么呢?油。但幸運的是,咖啡不會像汽油一樣引起這么多騷動。要是我們可以用咖啡給汽車加油就好了?。ㄓ腥藝L試過,還取得了一些成功。但誰會這樣浪費美味的咖啡呢?)