The complete explanation is that 1.0.x and 1.1.x do not have the same naming conventions for the generated libraries. OpenSSL 1.1.x has moved into what they call the “unified build system” and changed themselves the names of the libraries. This was done on purpose, mainly because these libraries are not binary compatible and should not be intermixed into projects or dlls deployed to replace 1.0.x with 1.1.x, and vice versa. So while previously in 1.0.x there were libeay32 and ssleay32, they are in 1.1.x named libssl and libcrypto(在1.0.x之前的版本中,文件為libeay32.dll和ssleay32.dll,在1.1.x之后的版本中,名字是libssl.dll和libcrypto.dll). That’s what happened upstream in OpenSSL. Read here also: and there are tons of other discussions online you can tap to.
Beyond that, I also manipulate the suffixes in my builds. Namely, I append the MD[d] and MT[d] suffixes, so that it can be clearer when someone uses a library. This may not be very important when using DLLs, but with static builds chaos ensues if you mix them. So I made my own patches to produce these suffixes to the libraries.
I think that’s a complete answer now. I have also a suggestion for you:
You can download my build scripts if you still like to change the names of the library files in a different way and look at the patch, and modify it accordingly.
You can also skip the application of the patch and then you will get exactly the filenaming conventions of OpenSSL upstream in different builds.
I hope this helps.
Here's what's broken in the dev branch of Qt when building openssl master as of 6 Feb 2015.