1.我能約你出去嗎?Can I ask you out?
2.出去吃個(gè)飯好嗎?Would you like to go to dinner?
3.你愿意今晚跳舞去嗎?Would you like to go dancing tonight?
4.今天上午你有安排嗎?Do you have plans for this morning?
5.周六晚上你有空嗎?Are you free Saturday evening?
6.這個(gè)周末你有什么事嗎?What are you up to this weekend?
7.二十四號(hào)你忙嗎?Are you busy on the 24th?
8.你什么時(shí)候有空?When do you have time?
9.七點(diǎn)怎么樣?Is 7 o'clock OK?
10.告訴我你想去哪兒。Tell me where you'd like to go。
11.你來(lái)嗎?Would you like to come?
12.我非常高興你終于約我了。I'm very happy you're dating me at last。
13.和你約會(huì)一定很棒。It'll be fantastic to date you。
14.我有時(shí)間。I have time。
15.到時(shí)我會(huì)去的。I'll be there then。
16.我一整天都會(huì)很忙。I will be busy all day long。
17.我很樂意去,但是我去不了。I'd love to, but I can't。
18.推遲到七點(diǎn)半方便嗎?Is it convenient to postpone it to 7:30?
19.咱們換個(gè)時(shí)間吧。Let's make it another time。
20.咱們能多見幾次面嗎?Can we date more often?
21.我們能不再偷偷地約會(huì)了嗎?Can't we stop dating underground?
22.如果你下次還不按時(shí)赴約就休想再見到我!You'll never see me again if you can't date me punctually!
23.我對(duì)這種相親感到有些緊張。I'm a little nervous about this kind of blind date。