Offisync (Microsoft Office + Google Docs)
Posted: 20 Mar 2010 12:06 PM PDT
With Offisync you can share,collaborate Microsoft Office files securely from any computer any time.
You can open,save files to Google Docs. Previously this feature for opening and saving file to Microsoft Office Live was brought by the Office Live Addon
The Developer page has listed these features on their site
After installing the 7Mb addon, you will have a similar toolbar in MS Office.
The File Open Dialogue
Before you install Offisync, please read the following Instructions:
System Requirement
If you do not have one then create it
Create Google Docs account here
Create Google Apps account with your own domain here
The program is available as free download and premium download you can access both
Note: There is a file embedded within this post, please visit this post to download the file.