老兄別擺臭臉 用英語說說難看的臉色淡定從容、不露聲色,你想擁有一張以不變應(yīng)萬變的poker face嗎?英文里“難看”的臉色都有哪些?快來看看吧!1. Why've you got such a long face?你干嗎拉著個臉?2. I never know whether my boss likes my work or not -- he is a real poker face!我從來也不知道老板到底喜不喜歡我的工作。他臉上可真是一點表情都沒有。3. Tell him how much it'll cost and that should wipe the smile off his face.告訴他要多少錢,他準(zhǔn)會收起笑臉。4. He always keeps a straight face.他總是板著臉。5. I talked to him until I was blue in the face, but he wouldn't listen to me.我和他談話談得面紅耳赤,可是他還是不聽我的。6. She tried to put on a brave face.她試圖故作冷靜。7. Don't screw up your face.別愁眉苦臉的。8. We really gave him a red face when we caught him eavesdropping.他偷聽被我們抓到,十分難為情。