


GenericMVCPortlet xref
1   /*2    * Copyright 2000-2004 The Apache Software Foundation.3    * 4    * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");5    * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.6    * You may obtain a copy of the License at7    * 8    *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.09    * 10   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software11   * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,12   * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.13   * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and14   * limitations under the License.15   */16  package org.apache.jetspeed.portal.portlets;1718  import java.io.IOException;19  import java.io.PrintWriter;20  import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;21  import java.net.URLEncoder;2223  import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;2425  import org.apache.ecs.ConcreteElement;26  import org.apache.jetspeed.om.profile.Profile;27  import org.apache.jetspeed.portal.PortletException;28  import org.apache.jetspeed.portal.portlets.viewprocessor.ViewProcessor;29  import org.apache.jetspeed.portal.portlets.viewprocessor.ViewProcessorFactory;30  import org.apache.jetspeed.services.logging.JetspeedLogFactoryService;31  import org.apache.jetspeed.services.logging.JetspeedLogger;32  import org.apache.jetspeed.services.rundata.JetspeedRunData;33  import org.apache.jetspeed.util.PortletSessionState;34  import org.apache.jetspeed.util.template.JetspeedLink;35  import org.apache.jetspeed.util.template.JetspeedTemplateLink;36  import org.apache.jetspeed.util.template.JspTemplate;37  import org.apache.turbine.modules.ActionLoader;38  import org.apache.turbine.services.pull.TurbinePull;39  import org.apache.turbine.util.RunData;4041  /***42   * Provides the basic MVC Portlet functionality independant of any43   * specific view technology (ie jsp, velocity, xslt, etc).  It handles44   * the views via a ViewProcessor, which is a pluggable, factory45   * created, run time module for which ever view technology your portlet46   * uses.47   * 48   * There is no need to extend this portlet class, just define your porlet49   * entry in the registy as a child of this class and provide your template50   * and action class (extened from GenericMVCAction of course) and you51   * are good to go.52   * 53   * Example .xreg entry:54   * 55   *  <portlet-entry name="GenericMVCPortlet" hidden="false"56   *       type="abstract" application="false">57   *       <security-ref parent="default"/>58   *       <classname>com.cisco.it.psf.portal.portlets.GenericMVCPortlet</classname>59   *      <media-type ref="html"/>60   *      <url cachedOnURL="true"/>61   *  </portlet-entry>62   *  <portlet-entry name="VelocityMVCExample" hidden="false" type="ref"63   *      parent="GenericMVCPortlet" application="false">64   *      <meta-info>65   *          <title>Velocity MVC Portlet</title>66   *          <description>Velocity Generic MVC Portlet</description>67   *      </meta-info>68   *      <classname>com.cisco.it.psf.portal.portlets.GenericMVCPortlet</classname>69   *      <parameter name="template" value="mvc-example" hidden="true"70   *          cachedOnName="true" cachedOnValue="true"/>71   *      <parameter name="viewtype" value="Velocity" hidden="true"72   *          cachedOnName="true" cachedOnValue="true"/>73   *      <parameter name="action"74   *          value="portlets.ExampleGenericMVCAction" hidden="true"75   *          cachedOnName="true" cachedOnValue="true"/>76   *      <url cachedOnURL="true"/>77   *  </portlet-entry>78   * 79   * See the Velocity and JSP MVC Portlet examples for template and action class clues.80   * 81   * To add new view processor types, simply implement the ViewProcessor82   * interface and add your type into the <b>viewprocessor.properties</b> file as83   * shown in the example below:84   * 85   * mvc.viewprocessor.Velocity = org.apache.jetspeedportlets.viewprocessors.VelocityViewProcessor86   * mvc.viewprocessor.JSP = org.apache.jetspeedportlets.viewprocessors.JSPViewProcessor87   * mvc.viewprocessor.XSL = org.apache.jetspeedportlets.viewprocessors.XSLViewProcessor88   * 89   * @stereotype role90   * @author tkuebler91   * @author <a href="mailto:weaver@apache.org">Scott T. Weaver</a>92   * @version $Id: GenericMVCPortlet.java,v 1.11 2003/02/11 23:09:18 tkuebler Exp $93   */94  public class GenericMVCPortlet extends AbstractInstancePortlet95  {9697      /***98       * Static initialization of the logger for this class99       */100     private static final JetspeedLogger logger = JetspeedLogFactoryService.getLogger(GenericMVCPortlet.class.getName());101102     // STW: Context keys103     public static final String PORTLET = "portlet";104     public static final String TEMPLATE = "template";105     public static final String RUNDATA = "data";106     public static final String PORTLET_CONFIG = "conf";107     public static final String SKIN = "skin";108     public static final String VIEW_TYPE = "viewType";109     public static final String IS_CACHEABLE = "_IsCacheable";110111     // need cache timer, etc112     private String viewType = "ERROR: not set in config";113     private String actionName = "ERROR: not set in config";114     private String template = "ERROR: not set in config";115     private String configureTemplate;116     private String maximizedTemplate;117     private ViewProcessor processor = null;118     private boolean providesCustomization;119120     public static final String RENDERING_DELAYED = "renderingDelayed";121     public static final String SIMULATE_DELAY = "simulateDelay";122     public static final String PORTLET_ID = "__portletId";123     public static final String DOC_URL = "__docUrl";124125     public void init() throws PortletException126     {127128         //STW: check custimization attribute129         String provConf = getPortletConfig().getInitParameter("provides.customization", "false");130         providesCustomization = new Boolean(provConf).booleanValue();131132         // pull the important info out of the portlet config133         actionName = getPortletConfig().getInitParameter("action");134         // STW: Allow subclasses to set viewtype for backward compatibillity135         if (getPortletConfig().getInitParameter("viewtype") != null)136         {137             viewType = getPortletConfig().getInitParameter("viewtype");138         }139140         template = getPortletConfig().getInitParameter("template");141142         // get viewprocessor from factory143         logger.info(144             "GenericMVCPortlet - creating view processor for viewtype = "145                 + viewType146                 + ", template = "147                 + template);148         processor = ViewProcessorFactory.getViewProcessor(viewType);149150         // initialize view processor with portlet info151         processor.init(this);152153         // should make this config file driven154         // STW removed this so subclasses can decide this for155         // themselves.156         // setCacheable(false);157     }158159     /***160      * By default MVCPortlets are cacheable. This can be overriden by specifying161      * "_IsCacheable" parameter.162      * 163      * @return 164      */165     public boolean isCacheable()166     {167         return getPortletConfig().getInitParameter(IS_CACHEABLE, "true").equalsIgnoreCase("true");168     }169170 /***171  * Whether or not this portlet provides it‘s own customizer.172  * This can be set at the registry level by adding a 173  * boolean paramter "provides.customization"174  * Defaults to "false"175  */176     public boolean providesCustomization()177     {178         return providesCustomization;179     }180181     public ConcreteElement getContent(RunData rundata)182     {183         if (useDelayedRendering(rundata))184         {185             Profile profile = ((JetspeedRunData) rundata).getProfile();186             String path = profile.getPath();187             String portletId = getID();188189             // FIXME: please use JetspeedLink to create Portal URLs           190             String docUrl = "portal/" + path + "/js_peid/" + portletId + "?action=controls.Print";191             docUrl = URLEncoder.encode(docUrl); //, "UTF-8");192             // END FIXME:193194             HttpServletRequest request = rundata.getRequest();195             request.setAttribute(PORTLET_ID, portletId);196             request.setAttribute(DOC_URL, docUrl);197198             // render content that pulls199             return renderJspTemplate(rundata, "delayedContent.jsp");200         }201202         simulateDelay();203204         //if caching is turned off or no expiration time set, generate and return the content205         if (!isCacheable() || null == getExpirationMillis())206         {207             return buildContent(rundata);208         }209210         //is the cached content still valid, if not, generate and return the content211         if (getExpirationMillis().longValue() <= System.currentTimeMillis())212         {213             return buildContent(rundata);214         }215216         //else, the cached content is fine to be returned217         return getContent(rundata, null, true);218219     }220221     protected ConcreteElement buildContent(RunData rundata)222     {223         // create a new context224         // populate it with data225         GenericMVCContext context = new GenericMVCContext(TurbinePull.getGlobalContext());226         context.put(RUNDATA, rundata);227         context.put(PORTLET, this);228         context.put(PORTLET_CONFIG, this.getPortletConfig());229         context.put(SKIN, this.getPortletConfig().getPortletSkin());230         context.put(TEMPLATE, getCurrentTemplate(rundata));231         context.put(VIEW_TYPE, viewType);232         populateRequest(rundata);233234         // put references to the pull tools in the context235         TurbinePull.populateContext(context, rundata);236         // Initialize jlink and jslink tools with ourselves237         // to enable links between portlets238         Object jlink = context.get("jlink");239240         if (jlink instanceof JetspeedTemplateLink)241         {242             ((JetspeedTemplateLink) jlink).setPortlet(this);243         }244245         Object jslink = context.get("jslink");246247         if (jslink instanceof JetspeedLink)248         {249             ((JetspeedLink) jslink).setPortlet(this);250         }251252         // Handle Action253         if (actionName != null)254         {255256             try257             {258259                 // store the context so that the action can retrieve it260                 //Log.debug("VelocityPortlet found action "+actionName+" context "+context);261                 // note: the name it is stored under is legacy, leaving it this way262                 // because some of the routines fall back to old default behavior263                 // of the velocity portlet and might depend on the name264                 rundata.getTemplateInfo().setTemplateContext("VelocityPortletContext", context);265266                 if (logger.isDebugEnabled())267                 {268                     logger.debug(269                         "GenericMVCPortlet: Executing action ["270                             + actionName271                             + "] for portlet ["272                             + this.getName()273                             + "]");274                 }275276                 ActionLoader.getInstance().exec(rundata, actionName);277             }278             catch (Exception e)279             {280                 logger.error("GenericMVCPortlet - error executing action",  e);281             }282         }283284         // Process View285         // call processView method286         logger.info("GenericMVCPortlet - calling processView on processor");287288         ConcreteElement result = (ConcreteElement) processor.processView(context);289         logger.info("GenericMVCPortlet - setting this portlet‘s content");290         clearContent();291         setContent(result); // only needed when caching is true I believe292293         // return result294         return result;295     }296     /***297      * @see setViewType()298      * @return String299      */300     protected String getViewType()301     {302         return viewType;303     }304305     /***306     * STW: Added for backward compatibility when using this307      * class to subclass the existing Jsp and Velocity portlets308      * so they can set their view prior to super.init();309      * @param viewType The viewType to set310      */311     protected void setViewType(String viewType)312     {313         this.viewType = viewType;314     }315316     /***317      * This is called before any action execution happens.318      * This provides backward compatibility to JspPortletActions319      * who retreive  information, like Portlet, from the request320      * BEFORE the ViewProcessor.processView() is called321      * which normally populates the request with Context objects.322      * @author <a href="mailto:sweaver@rippe.com">Scott Weaver</a>323      */324     protected void populateRequest(RunData rundata)325     {326         HttpServletRequest request = rundata.getRequest();327         request.setAttribute("data", rundata);328         request.setAttribute("portlet", this);329         request.setAttribute("conf", this.getPortletConfig());330         request.setAttribute("skin", this.getPortletConfig().getPortletSkin());331         request.setAttribute("template", getCurrentTemplate(rundata));332         request.setAttribute("viewType", viewType);333     }334335     /***336      * 337      */338     protected String getCurrentTemplate( RunData data)339     {340         String useTemplate = (String) PortletSessionState.getAttribute(this, data, TEMPLATE);341         if(useTemplate == null)342         {343             useTemplate = this.template;344         }345346         return useTemplate;347     }348349     protected boolean useDelayedRendering(RunData rundata)350     {351         String renderingDelayedString = getPortletConfig().getInitParameter(RENDERING_DELAYED);352         boolean renderingDelayed = false;353         if (renderingDelayedString != null)354         {355             renderingDelayed = (Boolean.valueOf(renderingDelayedString) == Boolean.TRUE);356         }357358         HttpServletRequest request = rundata.getRequest();359         String action = rundata.getAction();360361         return renderingDelayed && (action == null || action.length() == 0 || "controls.Restore".equals(action));362     }363364     protected ConcreteElement renderJspTemplate(RunData rundata, String templateName)365     {366         JspTemplate t = new JspTemplate(rundata, "/portlets/html/" + templateName);367         PrintWriter out = null;368         try369         {370             out = rundata.getOut();371             out.println(t.getContent());372         }373         catch (IOException ioe)374         {375             logger.error(ioe);376         }377378         return null;379     }380381     private void simulateDelay()382     {383         String simulateDelayString = getPortletConfig().getInitParameter(SIMULATE_DELAY);384         int simulateDelay = 0;  // seconds385         if (simulateDelayString != null)386         {387             simulateDelay = Integer.parseInt(simulateDelayString);388         }389390         if (simulateDelay > 0)391         {392             long delayInMilliseconds = simulateDelay * 1000;393             try394             {395                 Thread.sleep(delayInMilliseconds);396             }397             catch (InterruptedException e)398             {399             }400         }401402     }403 }

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