Liferay - Liferay is designed to deploy portlets that adhere to the Portlet API (JSR 168). Many useful portlets are bundled with the portal (Mail, Document Library, Calendar, Message Boards, to name a few) and can be used as examples for adding your own custom portlets.
Exo - The eXo platform is a powerful Open Source - JSR 168 compliant - enterprise portal built from several modules. Based on the most innovative tools, API and frameworks such as Java Server Faces, Pico Container, JbossMX and AspectJ.
Pluto - Pluto is the Reference Implementation of the Java Portlet Specfication. The current version of this specification is JSR 168.
JA-SIG uPortal - uPortal is a free, sharable portal under development by institutions of higher-education. Community tools, such as chat, forums, survey, and so on, build relationships among campus constituencies. uPortal is an open-standard effort using Java, XML, JSP and J2EE.
Redhat Portal Server - Red Hat Portal Server is a open source Portal solution. Supports multiple languages in its user interface and pervasive devices such as WAP, XHTML, and VoiceXML in its rendering pipeline. Portals can be built and targeted for the individual, for work groups or teams, for people with a common set of interests, and for large corporations and organizations.
Jakarta Jetspeed 2 Enterprise Portal - Jetspeed is an Open Source implementation of an Enterprise Information Portal, using Java and XML. etspeed-2 is the next-generation enterprise portal at Apache. Jetspeed-2 offers several architectural enhancements and improvements over Jetspeed 1.0. First, Jetspeed-2 is conformant to the Java Portlet Standard and will provide a standard mechanism for the deployment of portlets.
Jahia - An integrated web content management and corporate portal server; 100% Java based; Available under a collaborative source license (contribue or pay paradigm); Installed in minutes; Easy to use and to administer; Full Multilanguage and I18N support; Staging environement; Content Workflow; Content Versioning; Document Management (WebDAV Support); Built-in Portlet-based interface; Built-in support for standardized java web applications and web services (default servlets supported as portlets); Full web-based administration; Integrated with the Apache Lucene Search Engine; LDAP compliant; JSP and JSTL support for easy templates development; Integrated HTML cache engine; dynamic XML export module and much more...
Gluecode Portal Foundation Server - Gluecode PFS is built in collaboration with the largest open source communities, including JBoss and Apache. It adheres to J2EE specifications, as well as implementations of portal industry standards.
jPortlet - jPortlet is not JSR 168 compliant, but the jPortlet API is very similar to the IBM WebSpere Portal Server.
GridSphere - 100% JSR 168 Portlet API compliant. Portlet API implementation nearly fully compatible with IBM‘s WebSphere 4.2. Higher-level model for building complex portlets using visual beans and the GridSphere User Interface (UI) tag library. Built-in support for Role Based Access Control (RBAC) separating users into guests, users, admins and super users. Persistence of data provided using Hibernate for RDBMS database support Integrated Junit/Cactus unit tests. Localization support including English, French, German, Czech, Polish, Hungarian and Italian.
Cocoon Portal Framework - Apache Cocoon is a web development framework built around the concepts of separation of concerns and component-based web development. Cocoon implements these concepts around the notion of ‘component pipelines‘, each component on the pipeline specializing on a particular operation. The Portal Framework is based on Cocoon and is rumored to eventually support JSR-168.
jPorta - jPorta is a fully functional portal engine built on top of the Jeenius Framework ( It works with any 2.3 compilant servlet engine and comes with a number of useful gadgets.
MyPersonalizer - MyPersonalizer is a J2EE-based framework. The controller layer is built upon Jakarta Struts. MyPersonalizer also provides a number of command line administration tools for initialization tasks and a web administration tool to administrate any portal built with the framework.
oPortal - The OWASP Portal project, oPortal, is a portal written in java that aims to become the standard for secure web applications. The OWASP portal is based on the Jakarta Struts framework and designed with security as a REQUIREMENT, not an option. A reference implementation of a secure portal, that will rival the likes of any commercially available portal. JSR-168 compliance scheduled for version 1.1 release.
CHEF - CompreHensive collaborativeE Framework. CHEF is a Java J2EE (Servlet) based application server. The portal engine is a version of Apache‘s Jetspeed. CHEF is a set of tools and services. Tools control an application‘s user interface. Services provide information modeling, persistence, and important application logic. The tools are a set of groupware applications (such as chat, schedule and resources). The services specifically support the tools (such as content hosting and messaging) and generally support the application environment (such as authentication, event tracking, security).
Siemens Intranet Portal Framework - The Siemens Intranet Portal Framework (SIPF) offers a personalized, structured access to information and seamless integration of applications. A web-based work environment is realized within a browser by hierarchically structured virtual desktops.
Lutece - Lutece is a web portal engine that lets you quickly create internet or intranet dynamic sites based on HTML, XML or database contents. This tool, developed by the Data Processing Department of the City of Paris for the districts web sites projects, is now used by more than 18 web sites of the city.
Sakai Project - Builds on JSR 168 and OKI open service interface definitions. A re-factored set of educational software tools that blends the best of features from the University of Michigan, Indiana University, MIT, Stanford, and the uPortal consortium. The Sakai Project will include an Enterprise Services-based Portal, a complete Course Management System with sophisticated assessment tools, a Research Support Collaboration System, a Workflow Engine, and a Technology Portability Profile as a clear standard for writing future tools that can extend this core set of educational applications. The Sakai Project Core universities are committing over $2 million per year to launch and support this two year project.
JBoss Portal - JBoss Portal 2.0 framework and architecture includes the portal container and supports a wide range of features including standard portlets, single sign-on, clustering and internationalization. Portal themes and layouts are configurable. Fine-grained security administration down to portlet permissions rounds out the security model. JBoss Portal 2.0 includes a rich content management system and message board support.
Stringbeans - Stringbeans is a platform for building enterprise information portals. The platform is composed of three components: a portal container/server, a Web Services framework, and a process automation engine. Compatible with JSR 168 standard, mobile client support (WML 1.1 and XHTML MP 1.0), JAAS-based user authentication, portlets capable of displaying RSS headlines, multi-page tabular data from database tables, reports, charts, XML documents via XSL tranformations. Stringbeans is deployed as a J2EE Web application in a container that supports Servlets 2.3 and Java Server Pages (JSP) 1.2 specification. EJB support is not required.
InfoGlue 2.0 - InfoGlue is a GPL-based content management and JSR 168 Portal system. Key features includes full multi-language support, excellent information reuse between sites and extensive integration capabilities. A dynamic visual page builder. This release supports advanced workflows as well as very detailed access control both internally and externally.
NodeVision Portal - NVPortal is the Java Enterprise JSR 168 compliant Portal solution based on a BSD-License. Features include a Business Process Engine and Search Engine based on SOAP, WSRP compliance, Multilingual, Single Sign On and a Graphical administration interface.
Pentaho - The Pentaho BI Project provides enterprise-class reporting, analysis, dashboard, data mining and workflow capabilities that help organizations operate more efficiently and effectively. The software offers flexible deployment options that enable use as embeddable components, customized BI application solutions, and as a complete out-of-the-box, integrated BI platform.
IPoint Open Edition - iPoint Open Edition has passed the JSR168 TCK. It is designed so that the portal can be developed within a browser. iPoint portal contains many prebuilt portlets and features complete browser based management and site construction.
Portals in Cocoon - The portal framework is a portal server that runs inside Cocoon - or to be more precise inside the Cocoon servlet. It contains a portlet container that is called coplet container. Coplet stands for Cocoon Portlet and is the Cocoon equivalent to portlet. The new portal engine is a replacement implementation of a portal engine which focuses on more flexibility and ease-of-use. In addition it supports the JSR-168.