1. He commissioned me to to bring you this letter
2.a heap of old clothes
3.put a frame (round sth): 裝上鏡框
4.He is in the highest spirits:情緒飽滿
5.helpless with laughter: 捧腹大笑
6.rub one's hand: 搓手
7. private affairs :私事
8.pls think over what i'v said
9. i'd like more time to think things over
10.lay out : 攤開 ,展覽
11.Wasn't i tempting fate ? tempt fate :玩命
12.When the streets are full of melting snow , you cannot help but get your shoes wet
13.you can't help but go: 不能不 去
14.smell out a plot to kill president smell out drugs
15 . flush waste down a sink: 把殘渣 從洗滌槽 沖走
16. This news made us all sit up and take notice: 引起突然的注意
17.It would give me prestige in his eyes: 對我刮目相看!!
18.His statements are suspect : 說法不可信
20.How will things work out? things worked out quite well
21. I had deliberately got myself into this jam : 故意陷入困境
How am i going out of this jam
22. It all goes down in her notebook : 記在 ....
23.go down in history
24.He never speaks calmly, just snaps all the time
25.I was free at last to get to the ticket counter to check my luggage : 我沒事了, 去 托運 行李
26. I started to glance at the morning papers i had bought automatically on arriving at the airport: 開始瀏覽 到機場時候 無意間 買的那些晨報
27.He kept moaning on and on : 不停地 呻吟
28.I can't hold out much longer, i must find toilet
29.put a seal (on) sth: 蓋章
30.hold sth up: 扣押...
31.flush the toilet personal belongings
32.our home had little contact with Gentiles They have exextensive contacts with firms abroad
33.a sickly child : 多病的
34.butter eaten: 食用 黃油
35.The old lady counted out thirty pence and gave it to the shop assistant: -----< count things one by one esp. slowly~~~~~
36.It must have been through a lot
37.She was a real find: (找對了人) Our new gardener was a marvellous find
38.She is blessed with excellent health She is fortunate in having a good health
39.Does it pay to make sacrifices for children :有什么好處??
40.Her behaviour speaks of suffering bravely borne speak of :顯示出
41.There wasn't a soul to be seen: 連個影子都沒有
42.She's lost all her money, poor soul!
43.Now that you are growing up you must to learn to stand on your own( two) feet~~!!
44.He is lying in bed motionless
45.He sphere of interests is very limited : 興趣范圍非常有限...
46.return the property to it's rightful owner : 物歸原主
47.indomitable will
48.sunken eyes harsh winter rough fingers undertake a task
49.from a well-to-do family
50 He .made a living as a master businessman live on
51 . On arriving home, i discovered the burglary on arriving: 一到.
52.I think this makes a man out of a boy sooner than almost anything else: 男孩成長為男人
53.How can you make a college student out of a naughty boy ?
54. I can make a airplane out of a piece of paper: 用張紙 做飛機
55. I felt myself no longer a mere boy
56. took but littlt time 僅僅一點時間
57.We should forgive him because he is still but a child: 僅僅只是
58.earn a living: 謀生 make a living earn one's living
59.you will soon become fully acquainted with the procedures
60.I am not acquainted with the lady: 不認識
61. You need fattening up a bit: 長肥點 fattening up !: (軍隊)修整
62.10 consecutive days
63. keen reader
64.cut off
65.He blurt out the secret : 無意的說出
66.Slide the door open :打開門.. prize the locked box open: 撬開 上鎖的箱子
67. prize up: 撬開??! unclench pry up: 撬開
68. Do not mutter unlatch the door
69 Somehow, i dont feel i can trust him : 不知道什么緣故,莫名其妙地,
70.We must stop him from seeing her somehow! 以某種方法(adv) 阻止他見她
71.He never been anybody at all: 從沒被重視過...... 重要人物
72疑問句 和 否定句 用 anybody , 肯定句 用 somebody??!
73.He wasn't anybody before he got that job
74. i am attempted to take the day off: 打算 休假一天
75.Nothing would tempt me to joiin the army: 誘惑.....
76. The number of burglaries in the area seems to be on the increase
77.Suppose you had a million pounds --how would you spend it
78.pay up
79.She still stands by every word she said: 信守諾言
80. she asked to see him in private
81. There will be a lot of wheeling and sealing before an agreement is reached wheel and seal: t討價還價?。。?/span>
82.grease the palms of you: 對你手掌涂棕油! 賄賂你!! grease your palms bribe you :賄賂 你
83.She hit upn a good idea: 靈機想起..
84. women were softened up with free gifts : 被 軟化..
85. The house has
changed hands several times recently :
86.money not changed hands: 未花掉!
87.The law must be given more teeth if crime is to be properly controlled legal teeth: 法律約束力
88.make sth consistent with = square sth .with sth == cause sth. to agree with sth.
89.Your theory doesn't square with the known facts: 你的說法與已知 事實不符
90.You should square your practice with your principles: 行為 應(yīng)和 原則一致
91. Extensive reading will do u good: 對sb有益
92. come down with : 得了....病
93.Is your day off: 你的假期么?
94.The manager gave the staff a day off : 一天假期
95.I think i'll take the afternoon off: 下午休假
96. Andrew carnegie started out as a bobbin boy in a cotton factory: 開始從事工作, 開始立業(yè)
97.I have to be getting ready: 馬上就要做.....準備
98.This idea appeals to her: 對她有吸引力
99.jump to a conclusion :輕率下結(jié)論
100.If u go on trying to
get out of paying taxes , you'll sooner or later
get into trouble.: