我的車就是發(fā)不動,我不知道為什么,它就是 發(fā)不起來。
4. top-notch =【 top-rangking 】 = tip-top = 【 big-time】
5. All the big-time players at the time.
6.【【【【【【【【【at the time = on the occasion = at that point 】】】】】】】
7. I owe you big-time. = i owe you a big one (跟下面 的不是一個意思 )
8. big one
9. shame on you ! 丟丟丟,羞羞羞~~~~
10. why don't you just 【 cut him a little /some slack 】 放他一馬~~ 別太嚴格
11 Because if they work any harder than that, then the other person is just going to【 slack off 】instead.
12. but that would suggest it doesn't matter if they slack off.
13. 【slack off】 = scrimshank = spare oneself
13 【 slack season = slow season 】 《》 【 busy season = boom season = peak selling period】
14. After a slow season, the business began to pick up .
15.【【【【【【【【【【【【【【【【【【【【【【【【【 The scrimshank redemption : 玩忽職守的 救贖~~~~~ 】】】】】】】】】】】】】】】】】】】】】】】
16. 【beyond redemption】
17. Oh! my dear friends you should 【see the time being 】spare oneself.
18 17. 很總要 的替代 《暫時的》 see the time being !!~~~
19 . not spare oneself :對自己 很嚴格~~~
20. Beauty is just 【skin deep. Jennifer is【 an airhead.
美麗只是【 膚淺的 珍妮佛是個 【沒腦子的女孩
21. Don't bring this up to him again: 不要再 向他 提起這件事了
22. 【 bring up to 】 把...拉到 跟前
23 bring up to date :使現(xiàn)代化 , 更新~~~~ our bank must bring up to date our credit cards :更新 信用卡?。。?!~~~~~
24. give you one pointer: 給你一個 暗示/建議~~~~~
25.【【 look out for sb 】】 = 【 watch out for sb】 = 【 take precaution against】 = 【keep your eyes open 】
= 【 be wary of 】 =【be careful in 】 = 【keep nix (放哨提防)】
25.but usually little Keogh used to 【keep nix】 and 【call out】 when he saw her father coming.
但小基奧通常總是 放哨,看見父親來了就【大聲叫喊】。
26. Father 【said nix 】on our plan.
父親 【不同意 】我們的計劃。
26 ........ Soak nails in lemon juice t 【 nix stains 】 then use a nail buffer to make tips shiny. No polish required!
可在檸檬汁中浸泡指甲, 【 去除斑點臟物】; 然后用指甲磨光輪將指甲磨亮,無需再擦光打磨!
27 When did you 【nix out 】of your office?
你是幾點 【離開】 你的辦公室的?
28. 【【【【【【【【【【【【【 【 don't hang up/off = don't ring off = 不要 掛斷電話??!】】】】】】】】】】】】】
29. 【【【【【 Pls hang on = hang in (there ) = keep at it = 請 等一等 不掛電話】】】】】】】】】】】】】】
The Geneva conventions are taking a battering, and the victims of war are still getting short shrift.
43. The secretary batted out on the typewriter the first draft of the document.
物價直線上升,如果再這樣下去 ,我們鍋里可沒什么東西煮飯。
My book is stacking up well. :書寫的 順利~~
What do you think of these products and do you think they could stack up against ours?
70. on the verge of
71. Our brochure explains the【 ins and outs 】of how to operate the equipment. 我們的手冊解釋了如何操作設(shè)備的各種細節(jié)
他們那一家子都是極其【自高自大的 】 【不折不扣的 傻瓜!
76. His ambition was consummated : 抱負完成達到了(V) consummate
77. propagate【 endangered 】animal species : 繁衍增殖【 瀕危的】動物~~~~~~
78. to propagate and 【carry out】 the policies
宣傳 和 【 落實 】 這些政策
79. to cause the flame to 【 propagate along the dry sticks
使火焰沿著枯枝【 蔓延
80. 【lure more foreign capital 】 The price lured many buyers. 這個價格 吸引了許多買家~~~~
81. There are too much 【distractions 】in the hotle for me to work properly.
82. 【 behave properly 】 :行為正當(dāng)~~ 注意 是 behave(V) 【properly speaking ?。健 trictly speaking 】
83. inner dynamic ?。簝?nèi)在動力~~
84.Their savings have dwindled to nothing ~~ 存款已盡~~ 【 dwindle to nothing】 【dwindle to insignificance】
85. i don'n want to【 go out on a limb】 :不想 冒風(fēng)險~~~
86. I’m gonna 【go out on a limb 】and say :........: 爬上樹枝 (昭告天下)....
87. 【pilot test】 【 pilot a boat /plan = 駕駛(V)】 【pilot someone / ship through ....引導(dǎo) 人/船, 通過 .....】
88. 【pilot = aviator 】 aviate aviation
89. 【pilot = navigate】
89.have been piloted in the fifties. :五十年代 都已經(jīng) 實驗過了 ~~~~ 【pilot = experimentize = experiment with 】
90. practically practical particularly particular
91.to 【snuggle down 】among the blanket / in bed : 舒適的 蜷縮在毯子里, / 躺在床上~~~~
92.She 【snuggled up】 to his chest. 她【[依偎】在他的胸前。
93. .....lotion have mad me a paste : 弄得 一身 漿糊~~~~
94. I have such a problem ~~~ 蠻嚴重的 情況~~~~ 《老友記5 Rhachel said ~~~》
95. I’m putting out fire all over the place : 我 在 到處幫忙~~~~哈哈哈 【 put out】
96. 【dirty laundry】 【laundry detergent 】 【 do the laundry】 = 【do the washing 】 = 【wash the clothes】
97. 【 laundry list 】 【 a laundry list of】 benifits : 一長串的 好處~~~~
98. i'm dying to ......... 哈哈哈哈哈哈 ,太經(jīng)典了 句子
99.This small town is 【a choice place】 for us to live ~~~ 理想的地方~~~~
100.You behaved despicably = dishonorably = 【despicable = despiteous = dishonorable= underhanded =contemptible = vile】
100.The witness behaved himself 【 with great calmness】 : 目擊者 表現(xiàn)的【及其冷靜】~~~~