修改Firefox的緩存位置 Firefox cache
修改Disk cache device:
2、在地址欄輸入 about:config
3、查找 browser.cache.disk.parent_directory
4、如果沒有找到 browser.cache.disk.parent_directory , 則通過右鍵新建這個“字符串”
同樣,修改Offline cache device:
about:config 里新建字符串 browser.cache.offline.parent_directory ,值為你想要改到的目錄,例如d:\firefoxtemp。
6、重新啟動 Firefox 程序
7、在地址欄輸入 about:cache ,可以發(fā)現(xiàn)Cache位 置已經(jīng)成功修改
Disk cache device
Number of entries: 0
Maximum storage size: 150000 KiB
Storage in use: 0 KiB
Cache Directory: d:\firefoxtemp\Cache
List Cache Entries
Offline cache device
Number of entries: 0
Maximum storage size: 512000 KiB
Storage in use: 0 KiB
Cache Directory: d:\firefoxtemp\OfflineCache
List Cache Entries
如果以上2個字 符串的值改為空(用“重置”也可以),則又改回到默認的目錄:
Disk cache device
Number of entries: 0
Maximum storage size: 150000 KiB
Storage in use: 0 KiB
Cache Directory: C:\Documents and Settings\用戶名\Local Settings\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\678gdjvc.default\Cache
List Cache Entries
Offline cache device
Number of entries: 0
Maximum storage size: 512000 KiB
Storage in use: 0 KiB
Cache Directory: C:\Documents and Settings\用戶名\Local Settings\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\678gdjvc.default\OfflineCache
List Cache Entries
另外:關于 Memory cache device 的默認值(如果要重新設定也應該使用下面的值):
Firefox Version 2 or 3
Physical RAM --- Memory Cache (in KB)
32 MB ------- 2048
64 MB ------- 4096
128 MB ------ 6144
256 MB ------ 10240
512 MB ------ 14336
1 GB -------- 18432
2 GB -------- 24576
4 GB -------- 30720
8 GB and up --- 32768
Older Versions of Firefox ( In Firefox 1.5 and SeaMonkey 1.0 and earlier versions)
RAM --- Memory Cache (in KB)
32 MB ---- 2048
64 MB ---- 4096
128 MB --- 8192
256 MB --- 14336
512 MB --- 22528
1 GB ----- 32768
2 GB ----- 45056
4 GB ----- 59392
8 GB ----- 75776