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The Function Stack
IntroductionBasic of x86 ArchitectureAssembly LanguageCompiler, Assembler & LinkerFunction OperationStackStack OperationStack based Buffer OverflowShellcode: The PayloadVulnerability & Exploit ExamplesAnother BOF 'Research'THE PROCESSOR'S STACK FRAME LAYOUT
Stack frame constructed during the function call for memory allocation implicitly. Explicitly, memory allocation can be requested from and released to heap area using malloc(),calloc(),realloc(),new, free() and delete respectively. A typical layout of a stack frame is shown below although it may be organized differently in different operating systems:
Function parameters.
Function’s return address.
Frame pointer.
Exception Handler frame.
Locally declared variables.
Callee save registers.
And the arrangement in the stack can be illustrated as shown below.
Figure 1: Typical illustration of a stack layout during the function call.
From the layout, it is clear that a buffer overflow if occurs, has the opportunity to overwrite other variables allocated at the memory address higher than the buffer that is the locally declared variables, the exception handler frame, the frame pointer, the return address, and the function parameters. We will dig more detail about these later on.
As an example in Windows/Intel, typically, when the function call takes place, data elements are stored on the stack in the following way:
The function parameters are pushed on the stack before the function is called. The parameters are pushed from right to left.
The function return address is placed on the stack by the x86 CALL instruction, which stores the current value of the EIP register.
Then, the frame pointer that is the previous value of the EBP register is placed on the stack.
If a function includes try/catch or any other exception handling construct such as SEH (Structured Exception Handling - Microsoft implementation), the compiler will include exception handling information on the stack.
Next, the locally declared variables.
Then the buffers are allocated for temporary data storage.
Finally, the callee save registers such as ESI, EDI, and EBX are stored if they are used at any point during the functions execution. For Linux/Intel, this step comes after step no. 4.
There are two CPU registers that are important for the functioning of the stack which hold information that is necessary when calling data residing in the memory. Their names are ESP and EBP in 32 bits system. The ESP (Extended Stack Pointer) holds the top stack address. ESP is modifiable either directly or indirectly. Directly: by using direct operations for example (Windows/Intel):
add esp, 0Ch
This instruction causes the stack to shrink by 12 bytes. And
sub esp, 0Ch
That causes the stack to grow by 12 bytes. (Keep in mind that it may seem confusing. In fact, the bigger the ESP value, the smaller the stack size and vice versa because the stack grows downwards in memory as it gets bigger and vice versa).
Indirectly: by adding data elements to the stack with PUSH or removing data elements from the stack with POP stack operation. For example:
push ebp ; Save ebp, put it on the stack
pop ebp ; Restore ebp, remove it from the stack
In addition to the stack pointer, which points to the top of the stack (lower numerical address); it is often convenient to have a stack frame pointer (FP) which holds an address that point to a fixed location within a frame. Looking at the stack frame, local variables could be referenced by giving their offsets from ESP. However, as data are pushed onto the stack and popped off the stack, these offsets change, so the reference of the local variables is not consistent. Consequently, many compilers use another register, generally called Frame Pointer (FP), for referencing both local variables and parameters because their distances from FP do not change with PUSHes and POPs. On Intel CPUs, EBP (Extended Base Pointer) is used for this purpose. On the Motorola CPUs, any address register except A7 (the stack pointer) will do. Because the way stack grows, actual parameters have positive offsets and local variables have negative offsets from FP as shown below. Let examine the following simple C program.
#include <stdio.h>
int MyFunc(int parameter1, char parameter2)
int local1 = 9;
char local2 = ‘Z’;
return 0;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
MyFunc(7, ‘8’);
return 0;
And the memory layout will look something like this:
Figure 2: Function call: The memory layout.
The EBP register is a static register that points to the stack bottom. The bottom of the stack is at a fixed address. More precisely the EBP register contains the address of the stack bottom as an offset relative to the executed function. Depending on the task of the function, the stack size is dynamically adjusted by the kernel at run time. Each time a new function is called, the old value of EBP is the first to be pushed onto the stack and then the new value of ESP is moved to EBP. This new value of ESP held by EBP becomes the reference base to local variables that are needed to retrieve the stack section allocated for the new function call. As mentioned before, a stack grows downward to lower memory address. This is the way the stack grows on many computers including the Intel, Motorola, SPARC and MIPS processors. The stack pointer (ESP) last address on the stack not the next free available address after the top of the stack.
The first thing a function must do when called is to save the previous EBP (so it can be restored by copying into the EIP at function exit later). Then it copies ESP into EBP to create the new stack frame pointer, and advances ESP to reserve space for the local variables. This code is called the procedure prolog. Upon function exit, the stack must be cleaned up again, something called the procedure epilog. You may find that the Intel ENTER and LEAVE instructions and the Motorola LINK andUNLINK instructions, have been provided to do most of the procedure prolog and epilog work efficiently. As said before, two of the most important assembly language instructions used in stack operation are PUSH and POP. PUSH adds an element at the top of the stack. POP, in contrast, removing the last element at the top of the stack.
Figure 3: The effect of the PUSH and POP instructions.
Other instructions used in stack manipulation are listed in the following table.
Decrements the stack pointer and then stores the source operand on the top of the stack.
Loads the value from the top of the stack to the location specified with the destination operand and then increments the stack pointer.
Pushes the contents of the general-purpose registers onto the stack.
Pops doublewords from the stack into the general-purpose registers.
Pushes the contents of the EFLAGS register onto the stack.
Pops doublewords from the stack into the EFLAGS register
Table 1: Related assembly instructions for stack operations.
Using Microsoft Visual C++ compiler, all function’s arguments are widened to 32 bits (4 bytes) when they are passed to function. Return values are also widened to 32 bits (4 bytes) and returned in the EAX register, except for 8-byte structures, which are returned in the EDX:EAX register pair.
Larger structures are returned in the EAX register as pointers to hidden return structures. The compiler generates procedureprolog and epilog code (explained later) to save and restore the ESI, EDI, EBX, and EBP registers.
Let see an example how the stack frame is constructed and destroyed from the function calling convention view. We will use the__cdecl convention and the steps implemented automatically by the Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 compiler although not all of them are used in every function call such as situation when there is no parameters, no local variables etc. Setting of the __cdecl is done through compiler normally by default and this program run in debug mode.
OS: Windows 2000 server
Compiler: Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0
The C program example:
// winprocess.cpp
#include <stdio.h>
int MyFunc(int parameter1, char parameter2)
int local1 = 9;
char local2 = 'Z';
return 0;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
return 0;
The program then been debug and the following is the assembly. The steps using the debugger:
Debug menu → Start (or F5) submenu) as shown below.
Figure 4: Using Visual C++/.Net for debugging
Here we are using the Step Into (F11) so that we can go through the codes step by step of execution.
Figure 5: Using Visual C++/.Net for debugging: Step into.
Then viewing the disassembled code while stepping the execution (by keep pressing the F11).
Figure 6: Using Visual C++/.Net for debugging.
Figure 7: Disassembly of the C code
For Linux please refer to
Module000 and
Module111. The disassembly 'junk' reproduced in the following text and the comments give some explanation to the concerned assembly lines.
--- e:\test\testproga\winprocess.cpp ----------------------------------
11: int main(int argc, char *argv[])
12: {
00401060 push ebp
00401061 mov ebp, esp
00401063 sub esp, 40h
00401066 push ebx
00401067 push esi
00401068 push edi
00401069 lea edi, [ebp-40h]
0040106C mov ecx, 10h
00401071 mov eax, 0CCCCCCCCh
00401076 rep stos dword ptr [edi]
13: MyFunc(7,'8');
------------------jump to MyFunc()---------------------------------------
00401078 push 38h ;character 8 is pushed on the stack at [ebp+12]
0040107A push 7 ;integer 7 is pushed on the stack at [ebp+8]
0040107C call @ILT+5(MyFunc) (0040100a);call MyFunc(), return
;address: 00401081
;is pushed on the stack
;at [ebp+4]
@ILT+5(?MyFunc@@YAHHD@Z): ;function decorated name, Visual C++ .Net
0040100A jmp MyFunc (00401020)
--- e:\test\testproga\testproga.cpp ----------------------------------
1: //testproga.cpp
2: #include <stdio.h>
4: int MyFunc(int parameter1, char parameter2)
5: {
00401020 push ebp ;save the previous frame pointer at [ebp+0]
00401021 mov ebp, esp ;the esp (top of the stack) becomes new
;ebp. The esp and ebp now are pointing to the same address.
00401023 sub esp, 48h ;subtract 72 bytes for local variables & buffer,
;where is the esp? [ebp-72]
00401026 push ebx ;save, push ebx register, [ebp-76]
00401027 push esi ;save, push esi register, [ebp-80]
00401028 push edi ;save, push edi register, [ebp-84]
00401029 lea edi, [ebp-48h] ;using the edi register…
0040102C mov ecx, 12h
00401031 mov eax, 0CCCCCCCCh
00401036 rep stos dword ptr [edi]
6: int local1 = 9;
00401038 mov dword ptr [ebp-4], 9 ;move the local variable, integer 9
;by pointer at [ebp-4]
7: char local2 = 'Z';
0040103F mov byte ptr [ebp-8], 5Ah ;move local variable, character Z
;by pointer at [ebp-8], no buffer usage in this
;program so can start dismantling the stack
8: return 0;
00401043 xor eax, eax ;clear eax register, no return data
9: }
00401045 pop edi ;restore, pop edi register, [ebp-84]
00401046 pop esi ;restore, pop esi register, [ebp-80]
00401047 pop ebx ;restore, pop ebx register, [ebp-76]
00401048 mov esp, ebp ;move ebp into esp, [ebp+0]. At this moment
;the esp and ebp are pointing at the same address
0040104A pop ebp ;then pop the saved ebp, [ebp+0] so the ebp is back
;pointing at the previous stack frame
0040104B ret ;load the saved eip, the return address: 00401081
;into the eip and start executing the instruction,
;the address is [ebp+4]
-----------------------------back to main()--------------------------------------------
00401081 add esp, 8 ;clear the parameters, 8 bytes for integer 7 and
;character 8 at [ebp+8] and [ebp+12]
;after this cleanup by the caller, main(), the
;MyFunc()’s stack is totally dismantled.
14: return 0;
00401084 xor eax, eax ;clear eax register
15: }
00401086 pop edi
00401087 pop esi
00401088 pop ebx
00401089 add esp, 40h
0040108C cmp ebp, esp
0040108E call __chkesp (004010b0) ; checking the esp corruption?
00401093 mov esp, ebp ; dismantling the stack
00401095 pop ebp
00401096 ret
Push parameters onto the stack, from right to left.
Parameters are pushed onto the stack, one at a time from right to left. The calling code must keep track of how many bytes of parameters have been pushed onto the stack so that it can clean it up later.
00401078 push 38h;character 8 is pushed on the stack at [ebp+12]
0040107A push 7 ;integer 7 is pushed on the stack at [ebp+8]
Call the function.
The processor pushes contents of the EIP onto the stack, and it points to the first byte after the CALL instruction, the function’s return address. After this finishes, the caller has lost control, and the callee is in charge. This step does not change the EBP register, the current stack frame pointer.
0040107C call @ILT+5(MyFunc) (0040100a) ;call MyFunc(), return address:00401081, is
;pushed on the stack at [ebp+4]
Save and update the EBP.
Now that we are in the new function, we need a new local stack frame pointed to by EBP, so this is done by saving the current EBP (which belong to the previous function’ frame, may include the main()) and making the top of the stack.
00401020 push ebp ;save the previous frame pointer at [ebp+0]
00401021 mov ebp, esp ;the esp (top of the stack) becomes new ebp.
;The esp and ebp now are pointing to the same address.
Once EBP has been changed, now we can refer directly to the function’s arguments (pushed in step no 1) as [ebp + 8], [ebp +12] etc. Note that [ebp+0] is the old base pointer (frame pointer) and [ebp+4] is the old instruction pointer (EIP), that is the function’s return address.
Allocate space for local variables and buffer.
Simply by decrementing the stack pointer by the amount of space required. This is always done in four-byte chunks (32 bits system).
00401023 sub esp, 48h ;subtract 72 bytes for local variables & buffer,
;where is the esp? [ebp-72]
Save processor registers used for temporaries.
If this function will use any processor registers, it has to save the old values first in order not to destroy the data used by the caller or other programs. Each register to be used is pushed onto the stack one at a time, and the compiler must remember what it did so that it can unwind it later.
00401026 push ebx ;save, push ebx register, [ebp-76]
00401027 push esi ;save, push esi register, [ebp-80]
00401028 push edi ;save, push edi register, [ebp-84]
Push the local variables.
Now, the local variables are located on the stack between the EBP as a base and ESP register as the top of the stack. As said before, by convention the EBP register is used as an offset for the data on the stack frame reference. This means that [ebp-4] refers to the first local variable.
6: int local1 = 9;
00401038 mov dword ptr [ebp-4], 9 ;move the local variable, integer
; 9 by pointer at [ebp-4]
7: char local2 = 'Z';
0040103F mov byte ptr [ebp-8], 5Ah ;move local variable character Z by
; pointer at [ebp-8],no buffer usage in
; this program so can start dismantling the stack
Perform the function’s task.
At this point, the stack frame is set up correctly, and this is illustrated in Figure 8. All parameters and locals reference are offsets from the EBP register. In our program there is no operation for the function. So can start dismantling the function’s stack.
Figure 8: Stack frame setup.
The function is free to use any of the ebx,esi and edi registers that have been saved onto the stack upon entry, but it must not change the stack pointer (EBP).
Restore saved registers.
After the function’s operation is finished, for each register saved onto the stack upon entry, it must be restored from the stack in reverse order. If the save and restore phases don’t match exactly, stack will be corrupted.
00401045 pop edi ;restore, pop edi register, [ebp-84]
00401046 pop esi ;restore, pop esi register, [ebp-80]
00401047 pop ebx ;restore, pop ebx register, [ebp-76]
Restore the old base pointer.
The first thing this function did upon entry was save the caller’s EBP base pointer, and by restoring it now (popping the top item from the stack), we effectively discard the entire local stack frame and put the caller’s frame back as in the previous state.
00401048 mov esp, ebp ;move ebp into esp, [ebp+0]. At this moment
;the esp and ebp are pointing at the same address
0040104A pop ebp ;then pop the saved ebp, [ebp+0] so the ebp is
;back pointing at the previous stack frame
Return from the function.
This is the last step of the called function, and the RET instruction pops the old saved EIP (return address) from the stack and jumps to that location. This gives control back to the caller. Only the stack pointer (EBP) and instruction pointers (EIP) are modified by a subroutine return.
0040104B ret ;load the saved eip, the return address: 00401081
;into the eip and start executing the instruction, the address is [ebp+4]
Clean up pushed parameters.
In the __cdecl convention, the caller must clean up the parameters pushed onto the stack, and this is done either by popping the stack into the don’t care registers for the function’s parameters or by adding the parameter-block size to the stack pointer directly.
00401081 add esp, 8 ;clear the parameters, 8 bytes for integer
; 7 and character 8 at [ebp+8] and [ebp+12]
; after this cleanup by the caller, main(),
; the MyFunc()’s stack is totally dismantled.
You can see that from assembly point of view also, when using the stack, it must be symmetrical in the byte count of what is pushed and what is popped. There must be equilibrium before and after the stack construction for functions as discussed before. Obviously, if the stack is not balanced on exit from a function, program execution begins at the wrong address which will almost exclusively crash the program. In most instances, if you push a given data size onto the stack, make sure you must pop the same data size.
When writing assembler code in 32 bit windows, there is a convention for the use of registers so that programmers can interact with windows and API functions in a predictable way. The registers available with an x86 processor are limited resource that are shared by every process running within the operating system, so a reliable method of using them is important for writing reliable code.
As discussed before, an x86 processor has 8 general purpose integer registers, EAX, EBX, ECX, EDX, ESI, EDI, ESP and EBP. Two of them, ESP and EBP are almost exclusively used to manage the entry and exit to a function so there are effectively 6 general purpose registers available for application level programming.
The convention used for 32 bit Windows splits the remaining 6 registers where 3 can be freely modified while the other 3 must be preserved. The registers must be preserved are EBX, ESI and EDI. The remaining 3 are ECX, EDX and EAX and they can be freely modified within the function that is using them. The typical Windows’s assembly will look like this:
push ebx
push esi
push edi
; here should be codes that uses
; the EBX, ESI and EDI
pop edi
pop esi
pop ebx
When you call a Windows API function, you can assume that the function will also preserve EBX, ESI and EDI but it can also freely modify EAX, ECX and EDX so that if you have any values in these registers that must remain the same after the API call has been made, you must also preserve them as well. In assembly, if your code design requires an API call and you need to use EBX, ESI and EDI, it is efficient coding to use any of EBX, ESI and EDI as counters as you can assume that they are preserved in the API call. This should reduce the stack overhead of repeatedly saving and restoring registers in loop code.
The __stdcall convention is mainly used by the Windows API, and it’s more compact than__cdecl. The main difference is that any given function has a hard-coded set of parameters, and this cannot vary from function call to other function call like variadic functions (in C) such as printf().
Because the size of the parameter block is fixed, the burden of cleaning these parameters off the stack can be shifted to the callee, instead of being done by the caller as in __cdecl. The effects of this may include:
The code is a little bit smaller, because the parameter-cleanup code is found once that is in the callee function itself rather than in every place the function is called. These may only a few bytes per call, but for commonly/frequently used functions it can add up. Smaller code may run faster as well.
Since the number of parameters is known at compile time, calling any function with the wrong number of parameters is a problem. However, this problem has been overcome by compilers such as encoding the parameter byte count in the decorated name itself as explained before and this means that calling the function with wrong number of parameters (size) will lead to a link error.
Arguments passed to a C function are pushed onto the stack, right to left, before the function is called. The first thing the called function does is push the EBP register, and then copy ESP into it. This creates a new data structure normally called the C stack frame. Simplified example of the steps is given in Table 7.
32-bit code/platform
Create standard stack frame, allocate 32 bytes for local variables and buffer, save registers.
push ebpmov ebp, espsub esp, 0x20push edipush esi...
Restore registers, destroy stack frame, and return.
...pop esipop edimov esp, ebppop ebpret
Size of slots in stack frame, that is the stack width.
32 bits
Location of stack frame slots.
[ebp + 12]
[ebp + 8]
[ebp + 4]
[ebp + 0]
[ebp – 4]
Table 2: gcc and C function call.
If an argument passed to a function is wider than the width of the stack slot, it will occupy more than one slot in the stack frame. For example a 64-bit value passed to a function such as long long ordouble will occupy 2 stack slots in 32-bit code or 4 stack slots in 16-bit code. Then, the function arguments are accessed with positive offsets from the EBP registers. Local variables are accessed with negative offsets. The previous value EBP is stored at [ebp + 0]. The return address (EIP) is stored at [ebp + 4].
GCC AND C calling convention – THE return values
A C function usually stores its return value in one or more registers. It is summarized in the following table.
32-bit code/platform
8-bit return value
16-bit return value
32-bit return value
64-bit return value
128-bit return value
hidden pointer
Table 3: C function return value storage.
GCC and C calling convention - saving registers
GCC expects functions to preserve the following callee-save registers:
You need not save the following registers:
EAX, ECX, EDX, FS, GS, EFLAGS, floating point registers
In some operating systems, FS or GS segment registers may be used as a pointer to thread local storage (TLS), and must be saved if you need to modify it.
Further reading and digging:
Visual studio/C++ .Net.
Assembly language tutorial using NASM (Netwide).
The High Level Assembly (HLA) language.
Linux based assembly language resources.
IA-32 and IA-64 Intel? Architecture Software Developer's Manuals/documentation and downloads.
Another Intel microprocessor resources and download.
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