1. Set all servers in the domain to be synchronized by your PDC.
- nltest /dclist:domain
- for /f "tokens=1, *" %i in (servers.txt) do net time \\%i /setsntp:PDC-NTP-Server /y >> result.txt
The file servers.txt contains a list of your servers.
- net time /domain:domain name /set
2. Modify the registry to set the time server. Go toHKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\lanmanserver\parameters and add akey TimeSource (reg_dword) with a value of 1.
3. This problem may occur when your computer sends synchronizationrequests by using symmetric active mode. By default, Windows Server2003 domain controllers are configured as time servers and use symmetricactive mode to send synchronization requests. Some NTP servers that donot run Windows respond only to requests that use client mode.