Where were we?
1 我能和你說句話嗎?Can I have a word with you?
2 不要抱僥幸心理。Don‘t take any chances.
3 我忘了。It slipped my mind.
4 那再好不過了。That couldn‘t be better.
5我能請一天假嗎?Can I have a day off?
6 也許下一次吧。Maybe some other time.
7你來訪的目的是什么?What‘s the purpose of your visit?
8 我有同感。I feel the same way.
9 我所要做的就是學(xué)英語。All I have to do is learn to English.
10 別放棄。Don‘t give up.
11 讓我們言歸于好吧。Let‘s make up.
12 我也是這么想。That‘s the way I look at it,too.
13 就是這么回事. That‘s the way it is.
14 我們說到哪了?Where were we?