Add to Any - Create an Add to Any button so your blog / journal / profile readers (and friends) can see your posts and entries with the services they use
Adminimizer Toolbar - The easiest tool for updating your Blog with Internet Explorer 6
Archangel Weblog - a new, full featured weblog application. Written in PHP and using a MySQL database backend, Archangel Weblog is easy to install, easy to configure and customize, and easy to use for most anyone
ashnews - a simple program using PHP/MySQL that allows you to easily add a news/blog system to your site
Autoblogger Pro - uses RSS to syndicate posts from any RSS/XML enabled site (blogs, newssites etc) into your own, allowing you to get content rich sites with a lot of text the se抯 love to spider. The software is so easy to use that literally you will have a content rich, and search engine friendly site, within minutes of starting with Autoblogger Pro
AvantBlog - a very simple interface which will allow you to post to a blog from your Palm or WinCE device via AvantGo
b2 - A news/blog tool
b2evolution - a multi-lingual, multi-user, multi-blog engine. It was developed to provide a free, feature rich, extensible, and easy-to-install solution for efficient Web publishing of information ranging from professional news feeds to personal weblogs. b2evo can easily be installed on almost any LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) host in a matter of minutes
Bleezer - a powerful blogging client. Blog from anywhere. Work with any blogging service. Add tags for any tag service. Create custom markup. Spell check. Advertise. Work online or offline
Blog - An automatic web log program which allows you to update your site easily without the hassles of HTML editing and having to use a separate program to upload your work. Windows client freeware
Blog Alert - will send you daily email notifications when there are new posts to your favorite blog or RSS feed. No account is required, just enter the feed URL and your email address
Blog Navigator - makes it easy to read blogs on the Internet. It integrates into various blog search engines and can automatically determine RSS feeds from within properly coded websites
BlogAmp - a web audio player for bloggers. Blog-Amp can be positioned on a web page or displayed in a mini pop-up window. BlogAmp does not require listeners to use media player applications which means that everyone with a web browser can listen. For bloggers themselves it couldn抰 be any easier when it comes to managing, programming and tracking their Blog-Amp. Simply upload any recorded MP3 files to your secure online media manager
Blogarithm - a web service that let‘s you subscribe to blogs and be notified by email when they have new content. Also has a tool to generate stickers you can add to your own blog to make it easy for readers to subscribe to you. A way to be reminded about blogs you read and to generate more views of your blog
Blog (Web-Tagebuch) - Dies ist die Demonstration eines Webservice, der die Funktionalit鋞 eines blogs bereitstellt
BlogBack - Allows visitors to comment on your weblog posts, without the need to host the service yourself
Blogbox - Blogboxes provide exciting, instantly deployed functionality for your blog or Web site. They are free for non-commercial use
blogBuddy - A small Windows client providing a front-end to the website
BlogChat - a browser-based chat window that you can attach to your weblog or site. When you are online your visitors can engage in a text discussion with you in real time. The chat can be a popup window or you can embed it right in the page. All you have to do is put some links on your page, we provide the service. If you run PHP and mySql, you can host your own single blogchat by running the original free version. It has less features and requires your hands-on maintenance, but comes as source
BlogCollector - Backup your blog. Publish your blog into a book
BlogCounter - Free comprehensive site statistics and web counter system for bloggers which tracks host/IP (both proxyfied & ‘real‘ IP), referrers, Search Engine keywords, user agents, date & time, resolution & color, operating system, online time spent, page impressions, browsed page paths, currently online visitors and more!
blogdex - System built to harness the power of personal news, amalgamating and organizing personal news content into one navigable source
blogdexter - Will help you jump to the page on blogdex that displays the web addresses of people who have linked to your URL - The BlogEverywhere blogbar lets you read and write blogs on any Web site, search the Web using your favorite search engine, block pop-up ads, zoom in/out on any web page and highlight keywords. BlogEverywhere Site Enhancements are collection of scripts which are executed on a web page after page is loaded into the browser. They allow you to customize Web pages. Blogeverywhere blogbar includes many useful scripts that will enhance your online experience
BlogFace - provides a weblog-style interface to a cataloged collection of objects, without requiring that the catalog or entries be modified, or even know about the BlogFace at all. It will work with any catalog and collection of entry objects, so long as the catalog provides an ISO format date attribute for each entry record
BlogFlix - Use this blog and online service to add video effects (pan and zoom) to blog photos. Also delivers Flash video clips in a small frame in your blog.?Just paste a snippet of code to make movies appear. Supports all major blog hosting services
Blogger FAQ blog - The blog formerly known as Blogger archive/template troubles, featuring fixes for problems with Blogger‘s archives, templates, and more
BloggerBot - Blogger AIM client
BlogHoster - written in PHP and uses a single MySQL database. The entire system includes no flatfile data storage, which means that backing up your system is as simple as downloading your MySQL database. To install BlogHoster, your server only needs PHP 4.2.0 or higher as well as an available MySQL database
Bloglet - offers an email subscription service for your blog
blogLinker - a free tool to manage your web links on your blog/website and to dramatically increase traffic to your site. It can be embedded anywhere in your web page and can be easily configured to fit the existing design of your site. blogLinker is the only tool of its kind
BlogMax - An Emacs package that aids in the creation of a weblog
BlogPHP - has typical features of blog scripts including the ability to post blogs, comments, categories, upload files, add static pages, links and unique features such as an amazingly easy-to-use template system, built-in support system plugin system, complete stats program (uniques and views) and lastly converters for wordpress and onecms - This site provides a free, easy to use service to manage your buddy lists on your blog that works with every major blog tool and website.
BlogSnob - The better, faster way to publicize your personal site
blogsnow - ‘reads‘ blogs, depending on what‘s going on between 100 and 240 a minute. Out of this stream of information it extracts links and displays them in different views every 10 minutes
Bloly Blog Script - Powerful blogging system that requires only PHP and MySQL database. Features are: single and multy user blog, easy to change appearance, fully automated. Only registered users may post comments (spam-free blogging). The script is completely free
Blosxom - [pronounced "blossom" or "blogsome"] is a lightweight yet feature-packed Weblog application designed from the ground up with simplicity, usability, and interoperability in mind - Mac OS X - Allows a user to ping the update server via the
bplog - a minimal weblog/news script for use with Apache+PHP+MySQL
Bricks Site Builder - A Dynamic HTML (DHTML) layout tool that runs on Apache + mod_perl + Mason. It enables a web designer to quickly build assemblies bricks (dynamic components, such as images, or weblogs) using a web-based select-and-submit interface
Chronicle Lite - provides a friendly client application for people who use for all of their journalling needs. It also looks to satisfy the needs of the "power users" who want to interact with files on their local computer, and publish them to their online journal. Helpful shortcut keys speed up editing of HTML content, and drag-and-drop support allows tags to be created simply by dropping a file onto the Chronicle Lite window
CityDesk - runs on your Windows desktop, using any web server. Files uploaded via FTP
CocoBlog - a free weblogging software tool based on Apache Cocoon and Apache Xindice
corzblog - a drop-in-and-blog content management system for human beings. stylish, intelligent, easy-to-use blogging with automatic rss/rdf news syndication, secure editing, one-click blog archiving, and expanded bbcode entry. a blogging system with character. worth a look just for the cute archives menu. the bbcode to html to bbcode parser can also function in stand-alone mode, navigate to /inc/cbparser.php for its built-in demo
csBlog - a powerful blog (web log/journal) management tool. Use the script to create ongoing news items or journal entries. csBlog allows you to quickly and easily manage entries into your website with ease. CGI / Perl script. $49.00
DAWG project - The goal: write a cool, easy to use, easy to install, attractive, and VERY flexible weblog generator using PHP 4 and its XML-related functions
diary2002.cgi - is an online journal or diary script. You may call it also a blogger or weblog. fact is you will be able to write, read, search and delete your own articles or stories from your browser. diary2002.cgi is designed for easy setup, use and maintaining. web publishing has never been that easy. your articles will be stored in text file format, so no database like for example "mysql" is needed
dotcomments - Free, distributable PHP-based comment system used on hundreds of individual and group weblogs
Drupal - A full-featured content management/discussion engine suitable to setup a news-driven community or portal site
Easy Blogs - By Allows anyone to write and publish his or her very own web log or "blog". Simple enough for the non-technical, and yet with enough extra features to please the demanding too. Use one of the many included web-site templates or build your own. Templates are designed to be sharable with other Easy Blogs users. Store your Blog on your PC. Automatic publishing to your web site using FTP. Windows? XP, 2000, ME, 98, NT4 Compatible
EasyMoblog - an open-source platform for personal weblogs and moblogs. It allows the creation of customizable and easy-to-use weblogs: you‘ll be able to update your EasyMoblog contents just sending e-mail messages
ecto - a feature-rich desktop blogging client for MacOSX and Windows, supporting a wide range of weblog systems, such as TypePad, MovableType, WordPress, Drupal, Nucleus, Blogger, and more. ecto is the successor of the wildly popular Kung-Log, which has been in use by thousands of Mac users and which earned a 4.5 mice in the MacWorld July 2003 issue. ecto earned high ratings at, and at
Eggblog - a skinable, small, simple, secure and open source blogging package. Anyone with a php and mysql enabled server can make use of our easy to install package to create their own personal blog. Features include Skinable upload or create your own skins to change the colours, graphics AND layout Blogs, instantly post and edit blogs Blog Archive, An archive by month of each blog posted Blog Comments, visitors can post comments to individual blogs Forum, egglbog comes complete with a forum, allowing visitors to start topics and post messages Photo Album, Post your photos online with comments for each one About Me, An about me page allowing you to tell your visitors who you are, where are and what you do Administration Section, A secure admin section from where you can post/edit/delete blogs, comments, forum topics, forum posts and photos RSS Feeds, XML RSS feeds for your blog, the forum and each topic in the forum
Elicit - a desktop blogging client that integrates Web and RSS services from Google (desktop search, news, blog search), Yahoo (news), Microsoft (news), Bloglines (RSS aggregator), Amazon (catalog searching), Flicker (photo sharing), Technorati (blog tagging) , (social book marking), Furl (personal Web), and Chitika (blog context ads) in one desktop application for the purpose of creating content for blogs. Elicit allows the blogger to manage their blogs with a calendar. Many bloggers have more than one blog that are hosted on a variety of hosts
enetation - is a play on words of annotation, the adding of remarks or comments to something. The aim of enetation is to provide a system that allows users that are not able to afford hosting or have the technical knowledge to install scripting to have commenting on their website
Evoca - Easily create, organize, share and search voice recordings
EzWebBlog - Professionally Designed Complete Blogging System
Falou & Disse - commenting system for
Falas閞io - commenting system for - in Portugese
FeedBlitz - a service that monitors blogs, RSS feeds and Web URLs to provide greater reach for feed publishers. FeedBlitz takes all the headache out of converting feed and blog updates into email digests, delivered daily to subscribers‘ inboxes. FeedBlitz manages subscriptions, circulation tracking, testing, and is compatible with all major blogging platforms and services such as Blogger, Typepad and FeedBurner
Firedrop2 - an open source client-side blog tool written in Python. It features categories, auto-ftp, three different markups for entries supported, archives and rss feeds auto-generated, flexible templating and macro system. It also has various plugins - emailer, spell checker, etc.
Frequency - a desktop weblog client. If you have a weblog you manage with Blogger, Radio, Movable Type, or other Blogger API or metaWeblog API system, you can use Frequency to add new posts instead of logging into the web site every time. Comes in three versions: Mac OS X, Windows2000/XP, and Mac OS 9
Geeklog - allows you to create your own virtual community area, complete with user administration, story posting, messaging, comments, polls, calendar, weblinks, and more! It can run on many different operating systems, and uses PHP4 and MySQL
googlebox js - online form for creating a googlebox
GoogleBrowser - this lets you browse Google recursively, finding connections between sites. Enter any URL, and then follow the arrows to see other related sites.
Greymatter - For anyone interested in creating an online weblog or journal, Greymatter offers a new level of power and control handX webLog for Palm OS - Allows you to use your Palm OS device to create webLog (blog) entries for a web site
iBlog - you post messages to your weblog using blogger XML-RPC API
Instant Gratification - a way to get AIM instant messages when someone reads your blog. Only requires adding a small fragment of HTML to the blog that you want alerts from
InTerra - a blog engine, rather simple at first sight, but extremely powerful inside. Moreover it is extremely scalable and extendible thanks to 3tier architecture and high-end design guidelines
Jabber - The first application of Jabber technology is an instant messaging system focused on privacy, security, ease of use, access from anywhere using any device, and interoperability with IM, phone, and web-based services
Jericho - a Java-based weblogging tool which interfaces with the Blogger and Manila XML-RPC interface
jogger - Powered by Jabber, this new weblog service (or blog) allows anyone to update their own personal journal through a normal Jabber client. Jogger is intended to demonstrate how Jabber can be used as a platform for application communication
Journaling Script - Free CGI script for publishing your own journal or weblog
JustBlogIt - a Mozilla / Firefox extension to allow easy right-click posting to a weblog. From any website your new blog post is only a right-click away
Link Feedback - see and show where your visitors come from! - a very simple set of links that you can insert into your pages to automatically track incoming links and echo them back to people who visit your site. Basically it‘s automated link-exchanging, but hopefully with more interesting results - Sean Nolan
LiveJournal Meme Tracker - From this page you can see the most popular URLs referenced recently on LiveJournal
Logahead - New open source downloadable blog software with tagging, drag and drop widgets and more. PHP and mySQL required - Add a free poll to anything that supports HTML: Myspace, Xanga, Live Journal, AOL Instant Messenger, Blogs, and much more
Manila - An Internet server application that allows groups of writers, designers and graphics people to manage full-featured, high performance Web sites through an easy-to-use browser interface
MarsEdit - a weblog editor for Mac OS X that makes weblog writing like writing email梬ith spell-checking, drafts, multiple windows, and even AppleScript support
Master WebLog - Written primarily for maintaining WebLog pages
MobiLog! - a powerful standalone blogging tool that allows you to update a mobile weblog ("moblog") remotely using any email-capable device, such as a cellular phone
monaural jerk - Allows one or more authors to regularly publish content without touching HTML. It has a nifty web-based editing/publishing sytem. It has a built-in search engine. And it is free for personal or corporate use, under the GPL: this is open-source software
Movable Type - Six Apart‘s powerful, customizable publishing system which installs on web servers to enable individuals or organizations to manage and update weblogs, journals, and frequently-updated website content
MozBlog - a tool to enable people to a blog with mozilla while they surfing - a free, web-based tool for all blogs. It lets you embed and remotely manage a list of music, books, films and computer games anywhere in your blog/webpage. Fully customizable design. Beats coding html; just copy and paste a single line of code
MySmartChannels - an Application Framework Server that lets anyone quickly and easily publish, organize, and reuse information in a secure Web environment. Beneath the MySmartChannels interface lies a powerful Web services platform that provides a solid foundation for corporate blogging, knowledge management (KM), enterprise collaboration (EC), and a collection of services for solving a wide variety of content-oriented problems. A FREE MySmartChannels User Account is available
NanoBlogger - a small developement & demo site for a small weblog engine
NewsBruiser - A simple but full-featured weblog management system. It is almost entirely self-contained, requiring nothing but SSI and Python (1.5.6 or greater) to be happy
Nucleus - allows you to easily maintain your own weblog(s) on your own server. It offers a system that is easy to install, but still offers maximum flexibility
Open Journal Project - Free, perl-based open journal script you install on your Web server to maintain a Web log or online diary
Particle Blogger - allows you to set up a blog in minutes just by entering your database settings and running the installer script. You can then begin blogging with automatic archiving of posts my month, an integrated RSS feed and the option to turn on static (search engine friendly) URLs. Requirements: PHP 4.x or above. MySQL 3 (4 recommended)
Personal Weblog - PHP/MySQL include file for adding a weblog to a home page. It is highly configurable and can be changed to fit any web page style
PhoneBlogger - a tool for publishing to a blog via a phone call. It is an automated voice application that first asks you for info about which pre-configured blog you wish to post to. After collecting the necessary information, PhoneBlogger records your audio message. Finally, it posts a blog entry that links to the recorded audio
PHPBloggerAPI - a PHP implementation of the Blogger XML-RPC API. The code is available as a collection of "free-standing" functions, or a fully OO class
PHP-Blogger - a free script for posting and sharing news, pictures and slideshows with your friends and family. It provides tools for posting and editing posts without the need for an FTP client. It provides authentication for a single-user and allows the user to customize certain aspects of the UI. Of course, since the script is open-source it can be completely modified from the ground-up for those who like to dabble in PHP scripting
phpWebLog - A complete news-driven website package with lots of bells and whistles. A few features include interchangeable templates/themes, multilanguage translations, fully configurable web-based administration, rdf import/exporting, internal links / statistics pages, search / archiving capabilities, and more
PikiePikie - A collection of CGI scripts, written in the Python language, with which to燾reate collaborative web sites in the tradition of WikiWiki. Each page can contain its own weblog, and the page layout can be customised extensively. The latest version supports skins, or themes, with which visitors can爏elect their preferred appearance for the site
Ping-O-Matic - will let you send a ping to various weblog tracking services such as,, Technorati, BlogShares, and more, to let them know that you have updated your content
Pivot - a web-based tool to help you maintain dynamic sites, like weblogs or online journals. Pivot is released under the GPL so it is completely free to use. It is written in PHP, and does not require additional libraries or databases to function - Free Image Hosting - Provides free image hosting to customers. Take advantage of free hosting offers today without having to signup for a webhosting account. Good for ebay and yahoo advertisements, weblog users‘ images. No signup required
Planarchy - an application that lets you easily publish news, reports, statistics and so on to your website with ease. You do not need any knowledge of HTML (although it is an advantage) or require the use of an external FTP client. This is because Planarchy takes care of it for you; hit New Entry, type in your new entry, then click on Publish and your brand-new entry will be uploaded to your site. Windows
pLog - a PHP and MySQL based blogging platform and its main goals are flexibility and extendibility. It uses a powerful template system based on the Smarty template engine to render the templates, whick makes the platform highly customizable and safer to let other people customize the templates, since the presentation code is isolated from the PHP code
pMachine - is blogging/news software with a LOT of extra features, like member registration, mailing list manager, random content displayer, search engine, birthday calendar, hit counter.... and, well... MORE! pMachine runs on your own server and installation is a breeze
Polywogg - was designed to allow users to view journals on the web. Polywogg Publisher and Polywogg Reader provide links to the web. In addition, anyone can go to to view journals, read and leave comments, view user profiles and to send feedback to Polywogg management. for Mac OS X 10.2 (Jaguar) or Higher
Popdex - the website popularity index
The Posting Station - Excellent blog/website creation tool that allows users to create photo galleries, categorized posts, and much more. The site features an email notification system that allows your site‘s visitors to subscribe to topics and the Posting Station will email your subscribers automaticly when you create posts. No more fuss about having to notify people to take a look at your site when it is updated, the posting station will do this for you
PostNuke - an Open Source content management system
Psychoblogger - PB or Psychoblogger is a PHP/MySQL based Blogging tool. Requirements: PHP 4.1.0+, MySQL 3.23+, Web Server
PWAIN - a windows client that uses WYSIWYG editing and ftp upload. It has full image support
pyLJclient - a Live Journal client written in python and wxpython
Quick Topic bookmarklet - makes adding a Quick Topic "Discuss" link to your weblog (or any web page) super-easy
Quickblog - an automated web publishing tool currently in beta test. Quickblog offers many of the same features as other popular blogging tools such as Blogger or LiveJournal
Radio UserLand - An easy-to-use Weblog tool that runs on your desktop. Automatically builds your site, organizes and archives your posts, and publishes your content -- without any knowledge of HTML, FTP, or graphic design
Reblogger - Allows readers of Web Logs managed by Blogger to post comments on a post. Reblogger features a post counter, which indicates how many comments have been made on a certain post
Roller - server-based weblogging software - a web application that is designed to support multiple simultaneous weblog users and visitors. If you want to see Roller in action, take a look at the
Blogging Roller weblog
scoop - A "collaborative media application". It falls somewhere between a content management system, a web bulletin board system, and a weblog
ScratchLog - a Weblog/Journal script based on PHP and MySQL
Serendipity - a weblog/blog system, implemented with PHP. It is standards compliant, feature rich and open source. Needs a PHP installation together with a MySQL or PostgreSQL server
Simplog - provides an easy way for users to add blogging capabilities to their existing websites. Simplog is written in PHP and compatible with multiple databases. Simplog also features an RSS/Atom aggregator/reader. Powerful, yet simple.......
SIPS - Simple Internet Publishing System - web based system for publishing news stories, and it will in later versions have options for letting users discuss these stories. It also has an integrated search/link indexing system
SnorComments2 - a script programmed in perl that can be run on most web servers with cgi capabilities. It can be used for adding a commenting feature to blogs
Soapbox - an easy to use, open, cross-platform, web application for creating, managing, and publishing weblogs
Squishdot - Host your own weblogs with software similar to Built as a plug-in module for the Zope Application Server
Stickam - allows you to easily place streaming video, slide show, music, and live video chat on your blog and/or web site. You can also play them on your Stickam profile page. With Stickam, you can instantly play your videos online using just your web browser, a web cam and microphone (optional). There is no software to download, you just copy and paste the Stickam Code into your web site or blog where you want it. You can also upload pre-recorded video, enjoy talking to your family, friends, and visitors to your web site. Your video can be viewed by virtually anyone with no software to install and will play on any operating system including Linux, Windows and Mac
Tangelo - termed "web publishing with a twist," is a departure from most traditional weblog publishing tools. Instead of installing or using weblog software on an Internet web server, Tangelo is installed on the user‘s computer as a standalone application, providing much easier installation, greater weblog control, and ease of use. Tangelo streamlines organization of weblog text and images, and publishes the weblog to both an Internet web server and to the user‘s own computer for better control and backup. In addition, Tangelo features integration with NetNewsWire 2.0 for posting RSS news items.
telnet7 - Bloggy - simple and yet powerful web blogger for websites that use free webhosting services like Tripod, Angelfire, etc. telnet7 Bloggy is still in its alpha stages but can already be used - "This is a simple concept. We tell people about cool websites. Sites are ranked by how many times our users add them. To make useful, you should join the fun. The more the merrier"
TextRouter - paste text to or Manila weblogs
thatware - Based on Apache/PHP3/MySQL
Thingamablog - a cross-platform, standalone blogging application that makes authoring and publishing your weblogs almost effortless. Unlike most blogging solutions, Thingamablog does NOT require a third-party blogging host, a cgi/php enabled web host, or a MySQL database. In fact, all you need to setup, and manage, a blog with Thingamablog is FTP, SFTP, or network access to a web server
thumblogger - with this tool you can blog picture galleries
Tinderbox - A personal content management assistant for making, analyzing and sharing notes. A tool for making Web logs and news sites. It‘s superb for collecting and understanding complex information. Tinderbox for Macintosh will ship in February 2002. Tinderbox for Windows will follow
tkblog - - free blogging application. standalone, cross-platform. does NOT require, etc. or xml, or php/mysql, or running your own server
Tojo - an online collaborative journal/diary system written in PHP, allowing multiple users to add entries to a page, with a new page every day. It is designed for small groups in mind, and thus works differently from a BBS/forum or blog
TowerBlog - Fast & powerful weblogging program that runs on any server supporting PHP 4.1 or greater. Features a customizeable layout via CSS & templates, a fullly searchable archive & category system, as well as quick and efficiant backup and restores
Traction Software - The leading Enterprise Weblog software. Easy to use, secure blogging software designed for business and group use
Trellix - Create your own weblog using client-side windows based software. No HTML experience required
TypePad - a personal publishing service designed to provide a simple yet full-featured environment for you to put your thoughts, ideas, and experiences on the web, whether it be a weblog, journal, photo album, diary, or an entirely new creation. With TypePad, there‘s no installation or configuration required. Your website and all the tools are managed by the service, and upgrades and updates to the TypePad application are included in your service subscription fee
Userplane AV Blogger - an easy-to-use system allowing the creation of audio and video recorded messages for use in blogs, websites and email
Vanilla - simple and extensible hypertext system which subscribes to the Wiki philosophy and is written in Rebol
w.bloggar - Blogger API client
Web Engine - a highly flexible, feature-rich web publishing system that empowers individuals, organizations, and companies around the world to create dynamic, content-driven websites
Weblog Translator - Bookmarklet for Google‘s Translate feature
Weblogs.Com - Read the hot list of weblogs most recently updated. Have your site included with the
Weblogs ping bookmarklet constructor - Simple as can be: enter the name of your blog and its URL and click submit to get a page with a bookmarklet which will ping in a popup window whenever you select it from your links toolbar
webpad - a web-based text editor which gives the user access to files from: the users‘ computer, the server it‘s installed on, any remote FTP server, posting to accounts and even the source code of webpages
WheatBlog - a web journaling application, similar to blogger in some respects, but designed for personal use on your own server
WordPress - born out of a desire for an elegant, well-architectured personal publishing system built on PHP and MySQL and licensed under the GPL. It is the official successor of b2/cafelog. WordPress is fresh software, but its roots and development go back to 2001
Wordsmith - a versatile blogging tool designed to help writers get their words out in no time. It‘s based on PHP/MySQL platform and supports most of the standard blog functionality, and much more
Write2Left - Post a site and have it forwarded via FTP to your host. By Tim Dorr
Xoops - an open source portal script written extensively in object-oriented PHP. Backed with a number of databases (currently only mySQL), XOOPS is an ideal tool for developing small to large community websites
YACCS - a service that allows you to place a comments section in your blogger entries. It‘s very easy to set up and use; you don‘t need a server that supports php, you don‘t need to upload any files to your server, and you don‘t need to know any programming languages. Created by Hossein Sharifi
YesI! - a PHP application that allows you to build a tree-structured website via a browser. It lets you store text, images, grab webpages from other sites, share your data with others in a multi-user mode, create on-the-fly weblogs, store your contacts in the addressbook and store your appointments in the personal calendar
Zempt - a desktop tool for the Movable Type content management system