David Warlick <http://davidwarlick.com/2cents/>的一次經(jīng)歷,2.0時(shí)代學(xué)習(xí)的鮮活故事:
I am in Chapel Hill, working with educators from the Chapel Hill Carrboro
City Schools, and I am telling them my Podcastercon story. In summary, I
presented a session at January‘s Podcastercon about podcasting and
education. As soon as the 90 minute session was over, I checked my
aggregator and there were already three blog entries written about the
session, obviously moblogged. One of the blogs included a photograph that I
took during the session. First thing the next morning I am translating blog
entries about the session that are written in Dutch.
So what‘s happened with information in this story? [contributions from
workshop attendees]
- information was shared globally almost immediately
- the session lasted longer than the scheduled time, through
- Information was not interpreted and shared by one person, but by
many, some of whom, didn‘t even attend the session
- Because the learning is a conversation, it becomes what individuals
need. It‘s active.
- There‘s no stopping place, constantly refreshing itself.
- The bias and perspective of the communicator is not always obvious.
- Learner becomes teacher and teacher becomes learner — conversation.
- New ideas/knowledge is constructed through the conversation.
Comments are from workshop attendees, exploring how the changing shape of
information that was indicated in the story impacts on what and how we teach
— and how we learn.