The vibration of energy in certain space area become subatomic particles like neutron , protons and electrons.
from alternating current electricity to sex intercourse and the beat of our heart are all kinda of different forms of vibration.
Usually,we see physical vibration as working in one dimension line,but, in fact,a circle movement in a flat surface is also a kind of vibration in two dimensional space.when come to three dimension, vibration start to spin just like the double helix structure of our DNA as well as the truly orbiting of our solar system
The fact is we are under the sea of energy which can't be seen or detected. It seems just like the water pool,when the value of magnetic field change, it disturb the balanced of energy ,the energy rise and fall in space,that push the electrons in conductors like metal to flow. Then the alternative current electricity can be measured. The direction of the two is perpendicular to each other.
There is no transmission exist whether it's light or radio wave actually. Any kind of electromagnetic wave is passed by vibration of energy in space.The energy will decay with distance.
On the contrary, when electrons change its way of flow frequently, the energy around them is not balanced, it will generate a real vacuum bubble without energy, which nearby energy is eager to compensate. With the flood of nearby energy toward the bubble, metal will be 'washed away'. Then we see the effect called magnetic field.
If we can generate the bubble in different position of an vehicle ,then the vehicle can move in different direction, which means we if the bubble above the vehicle is large enough, the energy will lift the vehicle, make it levitate.