NO.1:Social bookmarking;
推薦程度:☆☆☆☆☆ 說明:現(xiàn)在最基本的外鏈推廣方法;
Social Submitter 2.1 :Submit your whole site to up to 200 social and bookmark sites at once.
NO.2: Article directory submission;
推薦程度:☆☆☆☆☆ 說明:高質量外鏈的方法之一,但是難度相對而言比較大。
主要的Article directory submission工具有:
Cyberfetch Website Submitter (Submit multiple Web sites to classifieds and search engines.)
Quick Article Submitter 3.0 (Submit articles to article directories quickly. )
NO.3:Link exchange with other webmasters;
推薦程度:☆☆☆☆ 說明:最有效并且最容易控制的方法。
NO.4:Forum posting & signature;
推薦程度:☆☆☆☆ 說明:最原始也是比較有效的方法,但就是容易被人當做spam刪除,需要一些技巧;
NO.5: Blogging and commenting on other related do-follow blogs;
推薦程度:☆☆☆☆ 說明:比較有效和流行的方法,缺點同上。還有就是找do-follow blog比較難。
NO.6: Buy high PR links from sites in your niche;
推薦程度:☆☆☆ 需要資金支持。
NO.7: Employ bloggers with high pagerank sites to review your content
NO.8:Press release submission;
推薦程度:☆☆☆☆ 需要新聞源支持,英文的新聞源相當難;
NO.9: Web link directory submission;
推薦程度:☆☆☆ 說明:效果已經(jīng)不是很好,提交到一些質量高的列表或相關的列表就足夠了。
NO.10 : Link exchange websites;
推薦程度:☆☆ 說明:不要讓google以為你在link farm就行。
其他的辦法還有:3 Way Linking; Sponsoring and hosting some contest; Creatinga wordpress or blogger template and give it for free;- Create awordpress plugin;
01. write an introduction and submit it to share sites like Digg, Reddit and Now Public.
02. Create a Yahoo Group in the niche your site sits.
03. Create a MySpace account and use it to publisise your site.
04. Bookmark your site on Del.icio.us and if you’re really keen, add a Del.icio.us button to your homepage.
05. Create a Technorati account and “claim” your blog.
06. Submit your site to free, search engine friendly directories. An excellent list can be found here.
07. Conduct a survey. This is an excellent way to generate offline publicity.
08. Place a free ad for your company on Gumtree.
09.Syndicate your site’s content by using an RSS feeds.
10.Submit your RSS feeds to agregator sites like FeedBurner, Squidoo,Feedboy, Jordomedia, FeedBomb, FeedCat, rssmad, feeddirectory andfeedfury. Stolen from DigitalPoint
11.Write an article related to your site and submit it to article sites.
12.Sign up to StumbleUpon and get your friends to Stumble your site.
13.Create a custom 404 page so that even if someone encounters an error on your site, they are re-directed somewhere nice.
14. Set up a 301 redirect to take traffic from your non-www address to your www address. See here for more info.
15.Add a link to your site in the signature of any forums you post on.
16.Tell your friends about your site. It’s free advertising init.
17.Speel cheek your stie. Nothing appears more amateur than a site with typos or spelling mistakes.
18.Test your site and make sure it appears correctly in all major browsers.
19.Buy enough hosting. No one likes a slow site.
20.Don’t worry about PageRank – worrying about PageRank is as effectiveas trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubblegum.*
21.Offer something for free. Free is good. People tell their friends about free stuff.
22.Tell your neighbours, you never know what contacts they might have.
23 Offer your users as many ways as possible to contact you. MSN, Skype,Yahoo etc all complement email, phone and a real address.
24. Advertise your site on Craigslist. It’s free, relevant and localised.
25.Do NOT use frames.
26 Submit your site to DMOZ.org. It may take time, but it’s worth it.
27 Create an XML sitemap of your site and submit it to Google.
28 Get a custom t-shirt made with your website url on it, and wear it often.
29 comment on flicker photo
30 Sign up with an affiliate programme to sell your product, or if you’re a publish, make some cash!
30 On your Contact Page ask people if they mind receiving your newsletter.
31 Send out a newsletter!
32 Go to a free seminar for Website owners. You might learn something.
33 Find quality and relevant blogs and leave a comment (with a link back to your site of course).
34 Don’t pay people to submit your site to search engines. It’s a waste of money.
35 YouTube and Google Video are excellent portals on which to launch a viral campaign.
36 Giving away an eBook is an excellent way to generate word-of-mouth about your site.
37 Sponsor a Wordpress theme or a phpListDirectory template.
37 If you sell products that are advertised on television by the manufacturer, add “As Seen on TV” to your site!
38 Avoid proprietry technologies like Java and Active X.
39 Put downloadable content on your site, but make sure it’s not manufacturer specific – so mp3 rather than wma.
40 Learn about CSS. It’s the new HTML.
41 Contribute to related subject areas on Wikipedia.
Ask bloggers and other Web site owners to review your site and/or products.
42 Have user friendly page names – most tools comes with some way to avoid
43 If you must have a Flash homepage, make sure you have a “Skip Intro” link.
44 Tell your local rag about your site. These newspapers are desparatefor stories and you may well even get a pic of your ugly picturepublished.
45 Become a leading authority on your chosen subject