Struts 2.0.9 bundle shipped with a sample named show-case, if you want to use it in your Eclipse Europa, you need to add a Maven plugin for Eclipse Europa. Please visit this page:
NOTE: The new version of this plugin needs Eclipse Europa and JavaSE 5.0+
After installed this plugin, you can read a project which shipped with pom.xml, but not normally build.xml. Please follow the steps:
- Menu<File> ⇒ <Import…> ⇒ General[Maven 2 Project] ⇒ [Select the pom.xml File]
It will really cost you some time, maybe you can drink 2 cups+coffee before you get your maven project work in your Eclipse. Have Fun.
Besides, because I installed some serveradapters before I install Maven 2 Plugin, I had to reinstall Europabefore I can use Maven plugin. So, I got a basic rule for eclipse user: Only install the plugin when you need it!
And moreover, the project you imported from Maven to Europa, youneed to tweak a lot of configurations, and I suggest you just configureit manual than use Maven plugin.
The most simplest way to use Ant build file. ^_^